It's because it's a new virus. We didn't know that the vaccine stopped the actual spread until it was in action. We are still learning things. We knew that masks helped initially. I got into a snarky email battle on the issue in early February of 2020. My point was that if we followed the instructions we would run out of PPE in 7 work days. Once PPE became available things changed.
So that made it ok to lie?
I personally think we should be telling people who are fully vaccinated that they don't need to wear a mask. That's me. I'm not a scientist.
Neither are the people saying to double mask when you're jogging.
The problem is that we've allowed bullshat "facts" to be argued by one side. The same people touting their president's vaccine success won't get the same dang vaccine.
By one side?? Lol. That's pretty comical, especially coming from someone who just rationalized bullshat facts from his own side.
So New York City still shuts stuff down and has mask mandates because the 6 Trump supporters who live there won't get a vaccine? It's remarkable how the millions of Trump supporters in Texas and Florida don't seem to make such a big impact.