But on an individual level, we aren't acting like it's a miracle drug - at least not at the federal level and not in blue states. If you told people that they'd get their lives back if they got the vaccine (meaning they could take their masks off, could do normal activities, and could freely travel), they'd have a much greater sense of urgency. Even if they don't want to put it at an individual level, I think it would help if they offered an objective measure of when they'd get their lives back.
I know what you're thinking, because it's what the public health establishment is saying. "If everybody got the vaccine, things would return to normal faster." People don't believe them. Why not? For starters, they were all over the place and politically hypocritical about masks. They claimed the lockdowns were a short term measure to "flatten the curve" on hospitalization. We now know that was a lie. Many of the lockdown advocates broke their own quarantine rules for a myriad of reasons - to eat out at a fancy restaurant, to go on vacations, to get haircuts, and here in the UK, to go nail somebody else's wife. Well, if you blow your credibility on big stuff like that, people aren't going to take you seriously when you say, "OK, we bullshat you all year, but we're being honest now."