I think it kind of makes sense that it could have been released from a lab - either accidentally or on purpose. The logic jump here is that if it were on purpose it wouldn't have been China releasing it in its own territory. A bad actor might release it in Wuhan. If China were trying to release something like that they'd either do it in the Uygur area or some other population center like India.
If a decade from now it came out that some Russians released it in a planned effort to distract the world ahead of the solar winds hack I wouldn't be gobsmacked.
If I had to guess, I don't think they did it on purpose. However, it's not because they wouldn't release it on their own territory. Of course they would. Why? So that naive dumbasses in the West would assume they didn't do it on purpose just like you did. I don't know why some Westerners think China is more moral or righteous than other evil regimes like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany. They aren't, and they definitely aren't above inflicting a biological attack through their own citizens if it served the regime's interests.
The reason I don't think they did it on purpose is that crippling the Western economies trashes their biggest export market and a huge cash source. Why do that?
My biggest concern isn't that the virus got out. We're all human, and anyone can make a mistake. My concern is that they bullshat and lied about it for a year when they could have been helping fix the problem and that our media and "expert class" dutifully spread their ******** for no reason other than partisan contempt and stupidity.