Remember "shelter in place" was sold to us in order to flatten the curve, not end the outbreak. The important thing to do was to keep the hospitals from being overrun, to give them time to prepare beds, ventilators, tests, potential therapies, etc.
The people of America have done their part. The FDA and CDC haven't. They have continued to restrict the production and distribution of needed medical resources. Trump suspended some of the FDA restrictions, but only some and only temporarily. If Trump will continue to strip away the artificial bottlenecks, we can still open up society without putting hospitals at risk for over crowding.
On May 4th, it will be time for mass protests in Austin and all over America. We will need to go into the streets en mass, with masks for those who prefer, with those who have a cough voluntarily staying at home, congregating in commercials districts and in building where possible to demand the government to get out of the way and let workers work and doctors take care of the sick.