

Run a little check on who is doing the te$ting in DFW, San Antonio, and Houston. After this passes, it will all be $wept under the political rug. Of course, how many tests will be mixed up, lost, or wrong diagnosis?

Run a little check on who is doing the te$ting in DFW, San Antonio, and Houston. After this passes, it will all be $wept under the political rug. Of course, how many tests will be mixed up, lost, or wrong diagnosis?
Presumably because they are hiring incompetent folks to collect and sort the tests?
A public school teacher in Rhode Island posted this.
A Rhode Island public school teacher with a history of harassing school choice supporters has posted an offer on social media to pay for someone with COVID-19 to cough on President Donald Trump.
Amy Bednarz is a 6th grade teacher at Villa Nova Middle School in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.

A public school teacher in Rhode Island posted this.
A Rhode Island public school teacher with a history of harassing school choice supporters has posted an offer on social media to pay for someone with COVID-19 to cough on President Donald Trump.
Amy Bednarz is a 6th grade teacher at Villa Nova Middle School in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.


She just mad cause she has to look at that every time she looks in the mirror.
You'd think car and flu deaths are way down with this quarantine.
A poster on a geeky *** aviation message board I'm on, and what does that say about me, said a silver lining to all this is that traffic fatalities and workplace accidents are down. He was serious. I don't think he knows the meaning of the word sarcasm. Of course, according to another poster around here, I don't either.
This is gonna cause a reaction: overall deaths are down. Also note very bad 2018 flu season:

That’s a fascinating graph. 2020 overall deaths dropping off dramatically in the midst of an ongoing pandemic. Fewer auto accidents has to be a big part of that, I wonder what else.
That’s a fascinating graph. 2020 overall deaths dropping off dramatically in the midst of an ongoing pandemic. Fewer auto accidents has to be a big part of that, I wonder what else.
A poster on a geeky *** aviation message board I'm on, and what does that say about me, said a silver lining to all this is that traffic fatalities and workplace accidents are down. He was serious. I don't think he knows the meaning of the word sarcasm. Of course, according to another poster around here, I don't either.
If you save lives of kids and families in car wrecks but increase deaths of older people? Not going to make a call - nature is nature.
What a great idea HIC. People don’t cause car wrecks. Cars do. Outlaw the driving of cars. There fixed it. Problem Solved!

I could be speaker of the house.

Same logic as Gun Control!

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