
Completely agree on being healthy as being good prevention

24 yrs ago I decided to go the home gym route instead of driving to the gym. Long commute was my reason at the time, but I don't miss the gym... esp now. Squat rack, bench, weights, spin bike and an old reliable x country Nordic trac ski machine. Takes up an entire bedroom in the house. Had to bargain with my wife on that one. The dog had to sleep in my weight room for me to claim it :smile1:

Academy was having a sale on squat racks last month. Pretty good deals, about the same price I bought mine from BusyBodies back in '96. Good investment in times like this

ETA, good outdoors workout routine (in lieu of weights) is push ups , pull ups, sit ups. This, per the old Herschel Walker and Robert Conrad interviews :)
sometimes simple is best
I might return to home equipment too. When my kid was young, I bought a gym quality elliptical machine and free weights. Was very handy. I travel now so I use either the hotel or Planet Fitness. My membership is $22 per month and I can use any gym in the country.
I am pretty sure Mara Gay made this pie chart
I am like 178% certain it is her work

Can someone please explain that pie chart? Am I missing something?

For some reason I bet his name is Chuck Norris.

Models are predicting 40-80k deaths in the US through Aug. Likely highly inflated, but that is what would happen if there was little social distancing. By the way, I don’t believe in the outcome of these models. I could believe 20k.

I predicted less than 50K several days ago and some liberals thought I was crazy.

The point was they bashed Trump for it so why aren't they bashing Cuomo ?

Remember about 15 years ago computer companies like Dell and HP came out with laptop with touch screens and no one noticed. Then Apple came out with theirs and the media acted like Apple had just cured cancer.

Yea, it's like that.
Latest data on flu rates. This covers last week. Dropping like a rock with social distancing. Note it is still cold in many places in US. Flu season looks to be over starting on Easter.

Now you old farts get well so we can argue about two 75ish old white men who are gonna “manntlebaum” over who’s gonna be president!
Here’s Why Florida Got All the Emergency Medical Supplies It Requested While Other States Did Not — ProPublica

When the dust settles and all of this is investigated I bet we see that reddish swing states like Florida with Republican governors will get a larger portions of their requests. Blue states and deep red states will suffer.

Also, seems like as trump was downplaying stuff a federal official was sending emails warning of protective gear shortages. Red dawn breaking bad.
Coronavirus Emails: Federal Official Warned of Mask & Glove Shortages a Month Ago
Here’s Why Florida Got All the Emergency Medical Supplies It Requested While Other States Did Not — ProPublica

When the dust settles and all of this is investigated I bet we see that reddish swing states like Florida with Republican governors will get a larger portions of their requests. Blue states and deep red states will suffer.

Also, seems like as trump was downplaying stuff a federal official was sending emails warning of protective gear shortages. Red dawn breaking bad.
Coronavirus Emails: Federal Official Warned of Mask & Glove Shortages a Month Ago
The states get hundreds of millions of dollars from the feds for medical related costs each year. Maybe they should have bought their own supplies.
Here’s Why Florida Got All the Emergency Medical Supplies It Requested While Other States Did Not — ProPublica

When the dust settles and all of this is investigated I bet we see that reddish swing states like Florida with Republican governors will get a larger portions of their requests. Blue states and deep red states will suffer.

Also, seems like as trump was downplaying stuff a federal official was sending emails warning of protective gear shortages. Red dawn breaking bad.
Coronavirus Emails: Federal Official Warned of Mask & Glove Shortages a Month Ago

Right after the house passed the relief bill, Major union in NY found millions of N-95 masks and gave them to NY and CA, so what is your point?

You have to make those "investigators" independent, AND when you're through with them in Florida, send them to Harris County for a couple of days (that's all it will take there).

While there is mismanagement in every bureaucratic group, seems to be far more in certain groups than others.

I'm searching now for a place to get tested if I get symptoms.
brought 5 passengers to DFW from MSY (New Orleans) last night.

One of 'em remained in Texas, the other 4 connected out of Texas ...

I've never before been met by Texas State Troopers ... enforcing Gov Abbott's Order ...


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It may be out there but have any of the doom and gloom folks put out a time table and strategy for return to normalcy?

Fauci and other experts believe it will be impossible to eliminate COVID19 so it will become another seasonal health risk we have to manage. A vaccine is at least a year away. So unless we continue this semi-quarantined state until a vaccine is available, we are just pushing the curve out. I can understand "flattening the curve" to stay within the medical system's limit specifically for ventilators. But it is not imaginable that we can continue these extreme containment measures for more than a couple months.
Any return to normal is likely to be a new normal. I won't be shaking hands at church until there is a vaccine... maybe never. When my allergies flare up (as they do frequently) i'll stay by myself. (Not so much for self-protection so much as I don't want to cause perceived danger to others.) Likely I'll be using a minimum of an alcohol wipe and hand sanitizer when I use a gas pump -- but more likely single use latex gloves unless I run out. I'll think long and hard and weigh cost/benefits over air travel, concerts and other indoor activities where I'll be rebreathing air from other folks. Won't be quite so worried outdoor concerts, football games and the like.

I can't imagine eating at a pizza or Chinese buffet anymore.

I like working from home... maybe I can do this the rest of my career.

I have familiarity now with technology that's kinda cool and useful that I didn't use before. Also, I can use ZOOM for family gatherings, game nights with friends and family. Maybe I can actually increase social interaction with people I care about using technology.

I won't be using cash much. A debit card is easier to sanitize.
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I can't imagine eating at a pizza or Chinese buffet anymore..

If any business seems destined for Chapter 7, it is these.
Cruise Lines will probably go Chapter 11 and pop back, but i dont think stand-alone buffet-style restaurants can make the price low enough to bring customers back
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I find buffet places to be nasty on principle
I don't want the general public in close proximity of my food
Restaurant staff at least has some skin in the game
Hilarious that some of you think people will keep this in the front of their minds once a vaccine is created. Maybe some of you will never do some of the things you say you will never do. We'll see.

People have short memories.
I find buffet places to be nasty on principle
I don't want the general public in close proximity of my food
Restaurant staff at least has some skin in the game

They used to not even have mandatory sneeze bars.
I remember libertarians objecting to that rule too
Hilarious that some of you think people will keep this in the front of their minds once a vaccine is created. Maybe some of you will never do some of the things you say you will never do. We'll see.

People have short memories.
Habits form with a dozen or so repetitions. If we were back to "normal" by Easter, maybe things would not change much. But I've read it will be at least a year before a vaccine is widely available.
In a year's time habits will form. If it were normal by Easter, maybe not so much.

Habits form with a dozen or so repetitions. If we were back to "normal" by Easter, maybe things would not change much. But I've read it will be at least a year before a vaccine is widely available.
Doesn't matter. People will go back to the way things have been for decades and decades.
lotta inertia there, eh?
Yep. Decades and decades will not be wiped out and forgotten by this temporary change to our ways of life.

Just glad I'm on "vacation" this week. had planned to try to pick up premium trips and cash in. Oh well, self isolating instead.

Hope you are doing well.
If any business seems destined for Chapter 7, it is these
Cruise Lines will probably go Chapter 11 and pop back, but i dont think stand-alone buffet-style restaurants can make the price low enough to bring customers back

last spring I was in East Houston seeing customers and I went to a buffet called V-Star(?). I vowed never to eat at a buffet again. Food was awful. Stale. The cocktail shrimp was the only thing edible. I would prefer if buffet restaurants were replaced by a safer concept. That restaurant concept needs to become extinct! The Popular Chinese buffets too. There are thousands of those in Houston. Absolutely an opportunity for some new safer concepts!

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