
So sick, pun intended, of the characterization of people who think the covid shot is mostly BS as "anti vaccine". Excuse me, I have all the vaccines that actually prevent me from manifesting symptoms of the viruses they work against. I don't get flu shots or covid shots just crossing my fingers that I may just have reduced symptoms from flu or covid.

I'm with you on this. I've had so many vaccinations I don't even remember all of them anymore. I refused to get this one initially because it was untested and I still see covid as a minor risk. Im fairly certain Ive had this twice now with allergy type symptoms. I will not risk my life for something that has been proven to not stop the transmission.

Now I won't get it because of the same reason I don't get the flu shot. There's almost no risk to me. Those who feel at risk should get it if they feel they need it.
If being honest I would admit that to the chagrin of my anti vaccine family because of my age and mid section I probably would have given in and taken it - had I not gotten Covid myself. Therein lies my biggest grip about the whole situation. There is no acknowledgement of recovered immunity. Science, and now studies confirm, so called ‘natural’ immunity is real and lasts a long, maybe forever, time. This ignoring of known science gives me pause on any Fauci, et al, claims and edicts. I know Bubba will claim taking the vaccine would make my immunity even greater but, serious question, says who? Fauci? Sorry, don’t buy it.
The Democrats are proving it was all a political sham to defeat Trump as they lift mandates etc with no change in the virus. There is no proof that there will not be another surge. Biden’s 41% approval is the only thing stopping the virus.
Here's a hoot. Democrat turned Republican turned Democrat, David Frum, was pissing his pants in horror about Florida not shutting down, checks notes, beaches, and claiming it spread the Wuhan to half the country. What a drama queen turd.

The libs have done too much damage to undo it all before the next election but they'll try by undoing the restrictions right before voting. With the amount of idiocy they've displayed through this when the next "super virus" comes thru there will be zero patience for 14 days to flatten the curve. Right out of the gate there will be protesting and rioting. I'll bet on that.
If being honest I would admit that to the chagrin of my anti vaccine family because of my age and mid section I probably would have given in and taken it - had I not gotten Covid myself. Therein lies my biggest grip about the whole situation. There is no acknowledgement of recovered immunity. Science, and now studies confirm, so called ‘natural’ immunity is real and lasts a long, maybe forever, time. This ignoring of known science gives me pause on any Fauci, et al, claims and edicts. I know Bubba will claim taking the vaccine would make my immunity even greater but, serious question, says who? Fauci? Sorry, don’t buy it.
I concur that we're ignoring natural immunity. However, I see a world where if we allowed a covid infection to count for a vaccination that we would have people making up covid infections.

Who says? Lab tests. You believe in science, right?

I do think natural immunity is more all encompassing and lasts longer but it fades as well. I don't have the antibodies 15 months later. Now, there may be a certain level of immunity that I will always have. We're going to know more about that 5 years from now.
I do believe in science, with my major I better. Saying that I can unequivocally say I do not consider Fauci science.

The root problem with Fauci isn't the science. It's the unwarranted arrogance and the desire to speak and assert power beyond his role and expertise. He wants to be believed and treated at though he has never gotten anything wrong in his life, when everyone knows he has (and sometimes knowingly). Furthermore, he wants to not only make the scientific determinations but also the risk assessments. Well, those aren't scientific questions alone. They are values questions that involve science but also involve economics, culture, and societal impacts that have nothing to do with medicine. It's not Fauci's place to make those determinations.
The root problem with Fauci isn't the science. It's the unwarranted arrogance and the desire to speak and assert power beyond his role and expertise. He wants to be believed and treated at though he has never gotten anything wrong in his life, when everyone knows he has (and sometimes knowingly). Furthermore, he wants to not only make the scientific determinations but also the risk assessments. Well, those aren't scientific questions alone. They are values questions that involve science but also involve economics, culture, and societal impacts that have nothing to do with medicine. It's not Fauci's place to make those determinations.
I think his actions are psychologically-motivated because he is guilty of aiding the lab leak of a manipulated virus. He should be hung in Washington Square as a message for future scientists.
I think his actions are psychologically-motivated because he is guilty of aiding the lab leak of a manipulated virus. He should be hung in Washington Square as a message for future scientists.

I'm not sure that we know he aided the development of Covid.
Anybody notice that Fauci is no longer on TV that much anymore. He is a political liability now for the democrats, so we can thankfully remove him from the science.
I think his actions are psychologically-motivated because he is guilty of aiding the lab leak of a manipulated virus. He should be hung in Washington Square as a message for future scientists.
That's a little too Q-ish, even for you. :)

Lab leak due to human error? Sure. I will buy that if the science points to that.

Natural virus leaked BY China from THEIR lab on THEIR people? Not buying that unless if it were the Uighers.

Natural virus leaked by a hostile government [cough]russian[/cough] to create a crack for the Solar Winds hack? I mean, maybe.

Virus created by a shadowy organization of which Anthoy Fauci is a part of that will require him to be hung in Washington Square? You might as well say that Fauci replaced Col Sanders as part of the pentaverate when he went tits up.
The problem with natural immunity after catching and surviving COVID is you can't tell people it's ok to catch it in lieu of the vaccine. What if you die? Lawsuit? The advice given is always in the context of political and legal ramifications.
The problem with natural immunity after catching and surviving COVID is you can't tell people it's ok to catch it in lieu of the vaccine. What if you die? Lawsuit? The advice given is always in the context of political and legal ramifications.
True, but you can exclude them from any mandate.
True, but you can exclude them from any mandate.

Just playing hypothetical here; IF they can measure this immunity.

I've had more than one doctor tell me they have to manage the lack of discipline in their patients. Also their hysteria. So advice is in the context. Mandates are in that context. It's very difficult to provide guidance and not be aware of the consequence of the guidance in terms of human behavior.

Can you imagine if Trump said, "If you catch COVID and survive, you won't have to be vaccinated."

I reckon it would have caused quite the uproar.
I would admit that to the chagrin of my anti vaccine family

My brother is anti-vax. He gave my mom some guff over her being careful around him. Then she caught it from him. I'd like to whip his *** but you know, that would not be welcome in the family. Ha... or maybe not ha.

My mom is 86 years old. That is an underlying condition in and of itself. She is ok with some lingering but manageable issues a month later (her exposure was on Jan 10th).

But what if she had died?

Anyone here have an opinion on how I should have handled it with my brother?
How do you know she caught it from him?
Did he have it?
Did he get tested and it was positive?
Is he absolutely the only person she is around, ever?

He didn't get a test. Neither did his wife. It appears they didn't want to know. My mother was only around him. It's almost a certainty that she got it from him. She is a stay at home type.

I don't get worked up over people who don't get the vaccine. Not that much anyway. I have to be careful due to the Leukemia. But they are reckless in my view. They have a "political" mind-set and it's as if they are trying to prove some point because they have a strain of denial.

That's my opinion anyway.
Just playing hypothetical here; IF they can measure this immunity.

I've had more than one doctor tell me they have to manage the lack of discipline in their patients. Also their hysteria. So advice is in the context. Mandates are in that context. It's very difficult to provide guidance and not be aware of the consequence of the guidance in terms of human behavior.

Can you imagine if Trump said, "If you catch COVID and survive, you won't have to be vaccinated."

I reckon it would have caused quite the uproar.
Should have had a clear honest message from the beginning. That’s how you build credibility and minimize hysteria. Now, the CDC has little credibility and created more hysteria.

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