
Interesting addition to a 'rona tally data-site today...

DSHS has completed the annual data review process and reported final 2020 COVID-19 case data to the CDC. The 2020 totals following de-duplication and other data corrections are 1,620,499 confirmed and 182,983 probable cases. DSHS will update statewide and county case counts to reflect those numbers and make additional dashboard improvements in mid-January.

Why does it not surprise me that flawed data exists?
I didn’t know Joe Rogan posted here. Explains a lot.

He is reading from one report that he pulled up from Google. But remember the Big 10 in 2020 tried to cancel football claiming COVID caused an increase in myocarditis in young men. It was debunked thoroughly and one of the reasons the Big 10 finally acquiesced. So what was Rogan reading? Exactly the question he kept asking because he knows you have to think through what you are reading.

Now anything is possible, I admit. But wouldn't Fauci, Biden, WHO, CNN be trumpeting this same claim? I would need to see more on this.
Even if COVID makes myocarditis more likely than the vaxx, the vaxx doesn't prevent infection at all. So taking the vaxx for young men just adds to the chance of getting myocarditis. So it still is a bad decision for males under 20.
Most colleges are requiring vaccines for all students. Athletes are required by the NCAA. Now they are demanding boosters. All for most healthy young adults. Idiocy.
Most colleges are requiring vaccines for all students. Athletes are required by the NCAA. Now they are demanding boosters. All for most healthy young adults. Idiocy.
You are correct. Half of them likely had Covid too. At this point you are risking a swollen heart for no medical benefit.
Even if COVID makes myocarditis more likely than the vaxx, the vaxx doesn't prevent infection at all. So taking the vaxx for young men just adds to the chance of getting myocarditis. So it still is a bad decision for males under 20.
at some point aren’t 80-90% of us going to have contracted this or received the vaccine?
Covid Pandemic is another scam of rent seekers and other scum who suck at the tits of government.

The CDC issued a PSA. Surgical N95’s are more effective than cloth masks. No ****. In other words, cloth masks work no better than covering your mouth/nose with your sleeve when you sneeze. Greatest fraud in the history of man.
It’s been 2 years. Can they not operate a hospital that is not on the brink of collapse? Also where did all the Covid money go?

Funny about the cigarette ads, I remember well the Marlboro Man and some Camel ads but I don’t remember those in the video. Scary stuff.
Funny about the cigarette ads, I remember well the Marlboro Man and some Camel ads but I don’t remember those in the video. Scary stuff.
Yep, and throw some money at "doctors" these days and they will say to get a covid shot. And some people around here still tout them.
Yep, and throw some money at "doctors" these days and they will say to get a covid shot. And some people around here still tout them.
“Pilots” appear to know more than doctors about medicine.

Being in the health field, I know of no mechanism through which docs can “enhance their income” by encouraging vaccinations.

Bur, hey, my two masters degrees and 28 years in health care are all in Oklahoma, therefore, surely tainted. So, what do I know?
“Pilots” appear to know more than doctors about medicine.

Being in the health field, I know of no mechanism through which docs can “enhance their income” by encouraging vaccinations.

Bur, hey, my two masters degrees and 28 years in health care are all in Oklahoma, therefore, surely tainted. So, what do I know?
You don't seem to know much by touting these ridiculous jabs.

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