
But bubba if they were fully vaxxed why did they get it? Why did they die? Isn’t that what the vax is supposed to prevent? And why in the holy heck does a nonvaxxed present any additional danger to them?
There are still Drs and scientists with integrity but they are all being ignored, censored and put on the ‘get’ list. Met with my hydroxychloroquine Dr today and it was scary enlightening. His group has grown exponentially but they cannot get any public exposure other than the small meeting seminars in local venues like recently in Nashville. Even there one of the scheduled locales backed out. Trust me on this it’s worse than you think.
But bubba if they were fully vaxxed why did they get it? Why did they die? Isn’t that what the vax is supposed to prevent? And why in the holy heck does a nonvaxxed present any additional danger to them?
Because the first wave of folks getting vaccinated were nursing home residents and the elderly. Hell, the majority of that grouping is likely composed of nursing home residents.
That's the video that Dr. Fauci references that led to a man being caught in a traffic stop with firearms and coming to DC to kill Dr. Fauci.

Yeah. Let's blame the video. The truth is Dr. Fauci is guilty of mass murder going back to his AZT trial days. He should be brought to justice, but not by rando guy with a gun.
This is why we can't have nice things.

Exactly, evil government bureaucrats like Fauci stealing, looting, killing, lieing, caging us citizens. They treat us like they own us, like we are merely their cattle to extract their own resources from. We will never have nice things until this injustice is removed from our society.
I just wonder how long before Dems suggest only vaxxed can vote. Of course that might be hard since all their new non citizen voters haven’t been vaxxed,,,,,,,,,,,,,yet.
But upheld it for hospitals. This will substantially impact hospitals in a very negative way. There is already a major shortage for key healthcare positions. This will exacerbate the issue and drive costs higher.
SCOTUS has knocked down OSHA's vaccine mandate.
I feel sorry for the medical workers who the SCotUS apparently didn't give a damn about...they now have to make a choice on their careers.

I wish I had the resources to help organize a medical group that had professionals who believed in choice and who disliked any semblance of mandates on the clot shot. There are already enough doctors out there who don't charge as much precisely because insurance is left out of the seems like a viable draw.

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