
It's scary that someone who just makes up facts on such a critical issue is a SCOTUS Justice. I shudder to think about what Sotomayor fabricates when it comes to nuanced case law and precedent. This is the end result of affirmative action policies. It allows people with low integrity / low intellect to make their ways into positions of power just because they have the desired physical characteristics.
You can’t stop a virus. Any restrictions beyond limiting hospitalizations because nursing was constrained was insanity.
It's scary that someone who just makes up facts on such a critical issue is a SCOTUS Justice. I shudder to think about what Sotomayor fabricates when it comes to nuanced case law and precedent. This is the end result of affirmative action policies. It allows people with low integrity / low intellect to make their ways into positions of power just because they have the desired physical characteristics.

Everything you've heard the press suggest about the conservative wing of the Court (that it's not very smart, that it's uninformed, that it's too partisan and political to be "legitimate") is true of the liberal wing, which Sotomayor epitomizes (moreso than Breyer or Kagan).

Just look at the arguments they make, and you can get a feel for how arrogant and arbitrary they really are. Little focus is placed on what the law actually says - meaning whether or not the vaccine mandate comports with the constitutional scope of federal power or even what the Occupational Safety and Health Act says the agency can do. It's almost all about how bad the pandemic is and how supposedly effective a vaccine mandate would be, and even that is full of an partisan talking points, many of which are deceptive or blatantly wrong.

Well, even if everything they said was right, those would be points for a legislative body to consider if it was writing a vaccine mandate. They have nothing to do with what a court should do, which is look at what the law (the mandate, the enabling statute, and the Constitution) says and adjudicate accordingly. They truly view themselves as a super-legislature that exists to bless agendas that they like and veto agendas that they don't like. The actual written law and its application to facts is of little importance.

First, let me state that I think Sotomayor is the worst SCOTUS Justice in my lifetime. She is an activist and emotionally driven.

That being said, I was once a minority owner of an answering service. We were always very leery of flu season. I talked the majority owner into buying flu shots for everyone (this was back in 1988) because an epidemic of the flu in our ranks would have gutted our company. They all took the shot. But I didn't make them do it.

Fast forward to today. It's still a company. Business is business. Or so Conservatives seem to believe. If an employee is going to harm others (passing along COVID) then the company has an interest in mitigating the problem.

So how do we do it?

Think about it. How would you feel if you had an employee come to work with the flu who then subsequently passed it along to others. What if a parent drops their child off at the daycare with the flu? What about personal responsibility which is something Conservatives scream about all the time when it involves arguments about the welfare state.

Is it worker rights (but which right? The right not to vaccinate or the right not to be infected by another worker who carries a contagious virus or disease) or the rights of the business owner? Is this what Sotomayor is trying to say?
Yeah but the vaxxed don’t get as sick,,,,,riiiight. But when the unvaxxed get down to basically healthy folks or recovered they don’t either, jeez.

My son just got COVID. He's vaxed. He went out partying on New Years Eve. He ignored my warning. His symptoms are very slight, akin to an allergy. He feels fine now (he tested last Thursday and got his results yesterday.

Is it not possible that fully vaxed and boosted people are taking more risks than those who are unvaxed? Is it possible that his result is actually the true exposure for fully vaxed people; mild symptoms and a few days of isolation?

All things being equal (masking/social distancing, crowds, indoors etc), I can't believe that a fully vaxed person is at more risk than an unvaxed person. It seems that's what many of you are saying.
My son just got COVID. He's vaxed. He went out partying on New Years Eve. He ignored my warning. His symptoms are very slight, akin to an allergy. He feels fine now (he tested last Thursday and got his results yesterday.

Is it not possible that fully vaxed and boosted people are taking more risks than those who are unvaxed? Is it possible that his result is actually the true exposure for fully vaxed people; mild symptoms and a few days of isolation?

All things being equal (masking/social distancing, crowds, indoors etc), I can't believe that a fully vaxed person is at more risk than an unvaxed person. It seems that's what many of you are saying.
I agree. I also think we shouldn't test vaccinated/boosted folks unless they get bad enough to go to the hospital. Stay home and sleep or watch netflix. Just stay out of the public unless you need a positive test for work or some other scenario.
Link is to The Daily Beast - a web page, named after taking a dump in the morning, bought for a dollar when Newsweak went out of business. I'll pass.
Dude, it was 95% joke, 3% look at this idiot, and 2% "how many of you guys share this guy's general tenor?"

I guess we know where to categorize you now....
It's hard to understand the Wise Latina', as she's dumb as a stump, so you need to think in Stumpish to try to figure it out.

If the vaccines mostly work, then those vaccinated have nothing to fear from those who are not. There's this strange "everyone must be vaccinated to project themselves from the Wuhan and not give it to anyone else (though the vaccine does nothing to prevent transmission, or even getting it (you just get a milder case)), and vaccinated people must also be protected from the unvaccinated who will give them the Wuhan and then they'll die!!!", concept that leftist run around about.

Kagan tried to say the Court should follow the Experts! at OSHA - who previously have done little to nothing (mostly nothing) with regards to vaccines, despite it being an order from President Depends to write the Rule. Of course these clowns believed that the CDC had the authority to re-write all housing rental contracts in the entire country, so anything the agencies want the 4 leftists would rubber stamp.

Easy to see why the same institution OKe'd rounding Japanese Americans up. It was an emergency then too.
I agree. I also think we shouldn't test vaccinated/boosted folks unless they get bad enough to go to the hospital. Stay home and sleep or watch netflix. Just stay out of the public unless you need a positive test for work or some other scenario.

What happened was he wanted to come home to visit. So, knowing he'd gone out, I asked him to get a test because I have Leukemia. It was not the rapid test, hence the delay. Turns out my hunch was correct and I told him to stay home. So no visit.

I do feel bad about taking a test away from someone who might be in much worse shape. We're just managing this as a family. My kids and extended family members are slowly getting it. For me, catching Covid could be the end. When I say that it sounds like I'm full of drama. But that's what my Oncologist is telling me.

Who should I believe?

In the end, I'm playing it safe until this Omicron sh*t dies down.

And yes it sucks because it is impacting my ability to spend time with family.
What happened was he wanted to come home to visit. So, knowing he'd gone out, I asked him to get a test because I have Leukemia. It was not the rapid test, hence the delay. Turns out my hunch was correct and I told him to stay home. So no visit.

I do feel bad about taking a test away from someone who might be in much worse shape. We're just managing this as a family. My kids and extended family members are slowly getting it. For me, catching Covid could be the end. When I say that it sounds like I'm full of drama. But that's what my Oncologist is telling me.

Who should I believe?

In the end, I'm playing it safe until this Omicron sh*t dies down.

And yes it sucks because it is impacting my ability to spend time with family.
That's a good reason to get tested. There are many good reasons out there. I think we in health care need to do a better job of triage and not testing when the conditions and testing supply doesn't merit it. That said, we routinely test for flu A/B, strep, etc. So, testing is not fear mongering.
First, let me state that I think Sotomayor is the worst SCOTUS Justice in my lifetime. She is an activist and emotionally driven.
How DARE you!!! She is a, what was her self-descriptive quote again? Oh yes. A wise Latina. She probably only called herself that because she can't yet figure out how to pronounce latinx.
And bystander, you have every logical reason to take vigorous steps to protect yourself from acquiring Covid. You are one of those who is immunocompromised thanks to your cancer treatments. But your condition isn't the condition of the majority of people in this country. But God forbid we introduce nuanced thinking into this politically toxic atmosphere, so the crowd in DC wants to force everybody to take the same level of precaution as you, and that simply isn't right.
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Little focus is placed on what the law actually says
Or the facts as show the statements of Soto.
And By you most certainly need to take any and all precautions. What gets me is the vaxxed thinking they are anymore in danger from an unvaxxed person than a vaxxed. It’s obvious the CCP can be passed by both. And it is also obviously true (backed by science which has finally universally admitted) the recovered individual is more immune than the vaccinated person.
Everyone just stay safe however you feel it appropriate and leave your neighbors to do the same.
I said previously that 50-60% of Covid deaths were going to happen regardless within 6 months due to poor overall health. Apparently 75% would be dead regardless within 12 months (my estimate based on the below tweet). Granted 25% is still too tragic, but the left is all into mind control.

I said previously that 50-60% of Covid deaths were going to happen regardless within 6 months due to poor overall health. Apparently 75% would be dead regardless within 12 months (my estimate based on the below tweet). Granted 25% is still too tragic, but the left is all into mind control.

So 40 patients passed that had 4+ comorbidities?
Even so, the number of Covid-19 patients who need intensive care or mechanical ventilation is approaching levels not seen since last winter. And the sheer number of patients is overwhelming to hospitals, where staffing shortages are putting health care workers under immense strain.

And yet Texas has a grand total of 1,125 on ventilators. The available ventilator number has remained generally constant for several weeks.

Oh, and those staffing shortages...self-inflicted wounds. Things like that happen when you tell people that they have to inject a poison or lose their job, ignoring entirely that natural immunity is a real thing. As a result, many systems either fired qualified healthcare workers or saw them leave in protest, going to work with some other private services that aren't mandating the crap.

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