
Day 5 and I'm much better today thankfully. 80% of energy back. Will re-test on Monday. Suspect I had Omicron since they say less severe and shorter term than Delta variant.

Recent article my wife found says a well respected Dr. claims Biden admin. is withholding Monochronial Antibodies from states to force people to get the jab. These people are evil.
Yep Biden Admin is withholding Monochronial Antibodies. Heard it on the Clay and Buck Show today.
Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64

The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

Most of the claims for deaths being filed are not classified as COVID-19 deaths, Davison said.
Wow. Something that was useful and not rank partisan hackery was published in the New York Times. That's a rarity.

What's pathetic is that Leonhardt is posing questions that the media and the Left generally have been saying is immoral to ask since Day 1. If you didn't support every effort to allegedly stop the spread virus in the immediate term without any consideration or balancing of other factors (economic, social, or even medical), you were part of a "death cult" and morally depraved.
That's inaccurate. I've heard multiple forms of media in my ear say things like "well, closing schools is not something that we can consider going forward due to the long term damage that we did not know that we were causing. Now we know..." And, for the record, I don't let right wing crap get into my ears. I get it all from my eyes at this lovely place. :)

We know that Biden spewed what the Left wanted to hear. They will either deny or rationalize it. The facts are that Trump is nowhere near the monster they painted him out to be. In fact, AOC and those who act like her are the monsters. Joe was just reading what was handed to him.
It’s even worse. We have a therapeutic for Covid and the Biden Shîtshow(tm) won’t approve it.

Covid hospitalizations in Hawaii have reached 40% vaxxed. Recall I said it will be 50% by end of year? Maybe I meant Chinese New Year since the virus came from China.
At this point the epidemic is over in a way. It is over because it won't ever go away. It will only continue to mutate. The Omicron case rates are something like 3 times higher than Alpha and Delta. But serious hospitalization and death isn't as high as for the earlier variants. Animals get it. Vaxxed get it. It is basically a part of us now.

Plus, if we had real numbers showing us exactly how many people had Common Cold and Flu viruses living inside them, sick or not, I would expect the numbers to be similar.

The fact that we never counted COVID cases like we do for every other virus made any comparisons very problematic and incorrect. There was never an attempt to do that either. It was by design not due to incapability. That means those in charge wanted us to perceive COVID as more pervasive than it actually is. Not that it wasn't or isn't pervasive. I am simply saying we don't have numbers we can honestly compare back to history. They isolated 2020-2022 from history.

Now we know there were more deaths because of excess death numbers comparing 2020 to 2019 and 2018. They were on the same level as 2014 or 2015 though. Curious I haven't seen anyone publish graphs of that lately.
That's inaccurate. I've heard multiple forms of media in my ear say things like "well, closing schools is not something that we can consider going forward due to the long term damage that we did not know that we were causing. Now we know..." And, for the record, I don't let right wing crap get into my ears. I get it all from my eyes at this lovely place. :)

Coach, they're saying it now. The issue was never unfair or unreasonable to raise - even at the beginning. Furthermore, it was a mo-brainer by the fall of 2020, but most on your side **** your pants about it even being raised until about yesterday. We heard about death cults and not caring about keeping kids and teachers safe. It was ********, and your people were willing to actually hurt children to force the narrative to hurt Trump and Republican governors and probably cost lives. They were a bunch of self-righteous frauds.

Open your mouth and remove the teachers unions' nutsacks. Not only were they wrong, they are bad people.
The hysteria is the hoax. It’s a new virus that will eventually be contained and treated. Definitely needs to be taken seriously, but the media has put the country into panic mode. Anyone stocking up on water, toilet paper etc are idiots.

This is the only hope democrats have in November. And they are exploiting it to their benefit and the country’s harm.
March 2020 idoit.
theiioftx, I think the hysteria helped get Biden elected but I thin the continued hysteria will end up costing the Ds the Congress and 2024.

They just couldn't make themselves change the narrative a bit and normalize. There have been hints at times that they would. De Blasio, or Biden, or even Fauci would say something reasonable. It was something we all knew a year ago. They were coming around late, but better late than never. But the next week they would all double down on panic again.

Some people love the panic. I know many of the them. They just love it. It gives their life meaning I guess. But I think many more don't love panic and are ready to live normal life regardless of which variant is in the news.
Just on a call this morning. Here's some stats from Oklahoma.

Patients 18-35 - unvaccinated are 69x more likely to die from Covid. 36-47 = 53x. 50-64 = 23x.

Vaccines work.
Just on a call this morning. Here's some stats from Oklahoma.

Patients 18-35 - unvaccinated are 69x more likely to die from Covid. 36-47 = 53x. 50-64 = 23x.

Vaccines work.
What are the actual NUMBERS. And what period of time is being discussed?

You know, things that actually matter when it comes to discussions of data. Well, at least to those who aren't pushing agendas.
Just on a call this morning. Here's some stats from Oklahoma.

Patients 18-35 - unvaccinated are 69x more likely to die from Covid. 36-47 = 53x. 50-64 = 23x.

Vaccines work.
Patients 18-35 who are diabetic fat-asses are far more likely to die of Covid than reasonably healthy young adults in a normal weight range. Does your vax dataset take into account general healthiness, or does it look only at the single factor of jabbed or (wisely) unjabbed?
Timeframe is also very important. If 2020 into Q1 2021 is included this will significantly affect the numbers. If it was me I would compare vaxxed vs unvaxxed once there is a steady state on the vaxed% or set a threshhold like 60% vaxxed as a criterion for collection. Even a timeframe of Jan-July 2021 is going to be very skewed.
Patients 18-35 who are diabetic fat-asses are far more likely to die of Covid than reasonably healthy young adults in a normal weight range. Does your vax dataset take into account general healthiness, or does it look only at the single factor of jabbed or (wisely) unjabbed?
Don't hold your breath waiting for Bubba to answer...your question means the narrative is being questioned by scientific methods. They don't like such challenges.

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