
I said previously that 50-60% of Covid deaths were going to happen regardless within 6 months due to poor overall health. Apparently 75% would be dead regardless within 12 months (my estimate based on the below tweet). Granted 25% is still too tragic, but the left is all into mind control.

6 months ago you'd have been banned from every social media platform save Hornfans (thanks DY!), for saying what the Director of the CDC said. Today's Internet Conspiracy Theory's!!! are tomorrow's accepted facts.
I haven't updated my Science! for awhile, so here goes (new stuff in red)
  • The Wuhan virus is no big issue.
  • It may be an issue, but we'll deal with it the way we always have, and masks don't work.
  • OK we lied about masks, but only so you rubes don't go and buy them all. Now you must wear them at all times.
  • It's racialist to call the Wuhan the Wuhan, and you only must call it by its scientific name. The fact that China is pushing the same line is pure co-incidence.
  • The coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, couldn't possibly have come from the Coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, and to say otherwise is a wild conspiracy theory, which no less that Polifact called a Pants on Fire lie.
  • Shutdowns are the best and only way to combat the spread, and if you lose your business and life savings, the government will put you on welfare so you'll be OK. Meanwhile we don't lose our jobs, pensions, or a single retirement point.
  • Just Two Weeks to Slow the Spread!!!
  • 30 Days to Flatten the Curve!!!
  • There is a 10% outdoor transmission rate - wear your mask outside!
  • It's wrong and dangerous to protest against the shutdowns, you'll spread the virus and kill people.
  • It's OK to protest though for approved causes like the Burn Loot Movement - you won't spread the virus and it's very important to pack the streets and scream slogans at the top of your lungs.
  • But it's dangerous for churches to hold in-person ceremonies - you'll spread the virus.
  • OK maybe a bit more than 30 days to flatten the curve - like 16 months.
  • Actually, we were off a bit - there's only a 1% outdoor transmission rate, but on a log scale (which you rubes don't know anything about) it's not that big of a mistake.
  • It's not possible to create a vaccine by the end of the year, it'll take years, and President Trump's Operation Warp Speed is a joke.
  • The vaccine is is wonderful and all must take it, even those under 30 in good shape, and with a minuscule risk or virus effects.
  • You should still wear masks for ???? reasons.
  • This vaccine, developed in a year though we said that was impossible, and produced under emergency rules and with liability waivers to the manufactures, is perfectly safe.
  • OK maybe, maybe the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, might have come from the Coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, we'll see which way the wind blows politically before we say anything else.
  • You must wear masks on all airplanes, even if you're vaccinated, unless you're an elected Democrat running away from your duties, in which case we won't talk about it.
  • You should get the vaccine, so you don't have to wear a mask and can go back to normal.
  • You should get the vaccine, but wear a mask anyway, even though there's no real world data to show they do anything.
  • You should wear two masks.
  • Parents should wear masks at home with their kids (!), so that they don't spread the Wuhan to them, and also so they they can become emotionally disturbed from never seeing their parents faces.
  • People should not go to the Sturgis motorcycle rally - you'll spread the virus. Just let your business go bankrupt and the government will put you on welfare - meanwhile I, St. Dr. Fauci, hasn't lost a paycheck or a single retirement point.
  • We Experts!!! though will be quiet as a church mouse about hundreds of people flying in on private gets to celebrate King Barry's birthday. He's a prime Party Member in Good Standing, and the CDC says nothing about those people.
  • We are also silent about the possible impact of 250,000 people a month running across the border, all from countries with miniscule vaccination rates, with up to 40% of them actually having the Wuhan. We realize that these are replacement voters for Americans who are not always reliable in their voting choices, and so should be welcomed into the country with open arms and no virus testing.
  • Things like liberty are overrated, and should be discarded, as our St. said: "Put aside all of these issues of concern about liberties and personal liberties and realize we have a common enemy and that common enemy is the virus."
  • We should go back to masks and lockdowns - since they didn't work last time, they're bound to this time, via the law of averages!
  • We shall again be quiet as church mice about flying in 50-100 thousand Afghans, from a country with about zero vaccinations, and being packed together 800 in a plane. We will also not insist on any testing or quarantining of these people, as the ruling class has decided they are all wonderful angles.
  • However, if you, a US citizen, have not been vaccinated, you should not travel, not even to visit someone across town.
  • The government has no plans of mandating the vaccine.
  • All people, including children, must take the vaccine or be fired from their jobs. No better way to look after the health and safety of people than to deny them employment and income.
  • The government has no plans to require people to show their medical papers for basic life activities, that's a crazy internet conspiracy theory.
  • It's even more of a crazy internet conspiracy theory that your medical papers will need to be loaded up onto your phone for monitoring.
  • All persons in Democrat run areas must show their medical history before being allowed to enter public buildings. Even better if the data is uploaded to your phone.
  • It's crazy internet conspiracy theory to say that the government will later change the definition of "fully vaccinated" to include booster shots.
  • Only people who have had the most recent booster shot(s) will be considered full vaccinated.
  • If you get vaccinated, you will not spread the virus, so everyone must be vaccinated no matter what your risk factors, or what other health conditions you may have.
  • The vaccines don't actually stop you spreading the virus, but we always knew that, what they do do is is keep you from catching the virus.
  • The vaccines don't actually stop your from catching the virus, what they do do is keep you from getting a bad case.
  • While there is no impact on anyone else if a person doesn't get the vaccine, we still want these people fired from their jobs, denied entrance into public facilities, and generally treated as Jews during the rule of the National Socialists.
  • Actually cloth masks do nothing to stop the spread of a virus - we knew that all along but said they were so important to obtain control and compliance from the population. You must now obtain a N-95 or greater mask as the other ones are just dirty socks.
  • We must vaccine children, who have almost zero chance of dying from the Wuhan, and who die in higher numbers from the common flu, despite doing no long term testing on the effects of this vaccine on them.
  • We also must make children wear cotton fabric over their faces all day long, which gets infested with bacterial and other disease, restricts their breathing, and leads to unknown social and psychological problems. But for public schools. As the children of those in the Ruling Class are of course in private school, it will not apply to them.
  • Now that our political masters have gone underwater in poling on the Wuhan, suddenly we don't recommend counting Wuhan cases as a way of measuring how well the virus is being handled.
  • And now that our political masters have gone underwater in poling on the Wuhan, suddenly we realized that not everyone who died with the Wuhan may have died from it.
  • We will methodically re-count deaths listed as from the Wuhan and lower the overall death count - but only in states with a Democrat governor. Florida will still have those who died from a car crash counted as a Wuhan death if their blood comes back Wuhan positive. Death-Santis!
  • No matter how many times we're wrong, or have lied to you, you're a stupid Science Denier! if you don't listen to us now.
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So, anyone else happen view the 3 hour video between Dr. Malone and Joe Rogan?

I watched it Sunday afternoon. OMG, how eye opening, informative and fact based on real science about all of this Covid BS!
I agree. I also think we shouldn't test vaccinated/boosted folks unless they get bad enough to go to the hospital. Stay home and sleep or watch netflix. Just stay out of the public unless you need a positive test for work or some other scenario.

Why would we do anything different for unvaccinated? If you have it you have it.
I haven't updated my Science! for awhile, so here goes (new stuff in red)
  • The Wuhan virus is no big issue.
  • It may be an issue, but we'll deal with it the way we always have, and masks don't work.
  • OK we lied about masks, but only so you rubes don't go and buy them all. Now you must wear them at all times.
  • It's racialist to call the Wuhan the Wuhan, and you only must call it by its scientific name. The fact that China is pushing the same line is pure co-incidence.
  • The coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, couldn't possibly have come from the Coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, and to say otherwise is a wild conspiracy theory, which no less that Polifact called a Pants on Fire lie.
  • Shutdowns are the best and only way to combat the spread, and if you lose your business and life savings, the government will put you on welfare so you'll be OK. Meanwhile we don't lose our jobs, pensions, or a single retirement point.
  • Just Two Weeks to Slow the Spread!!!
  • 30 Days to Flatten the Curve!!!
  • There is a 10% outdoor transmission rate - wear your mask outside!
  • It's wrong and dangerous to protest against the shutdowns, you'll spread the virus and kill people.
  • It's OK to protest though for approved causes like the Burn Loot Movement - you won't spread the virus and it's very important to pack the streets and scream slogans at the top of your lungs.
  • But it's dangerous for churches to hold in-person ceremonies - you'll spread the virus.
  • OK maybe a bit more than 30 days to flatten the curve - like 16 months.
  • Actually, we were off a bit - there's only a 1% outdoor transmission rate, but on a log scale (which you rubes don't know anything about) it's not that big of a mistake.
  • It's not possible to create a vaccine by the end of the year, it'll take years, and President Trump's Operation Warp Speed is a joke.
  • The vaccine is is wonderful and all must take it, even those under 30 in good shape, and with a minuscule risk or virus effects.
  • You should still wear masks for ???? reasons.
  • This vaccine, developed in a year though we said that was impossible, and produced under emergency rules and with liability waivers to the manufactures, is perfectly safe.
  • OK maybe, maybe the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, might have come from the Coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, we'll see which way the wind blows politically before we say anything else.
  • You must wear masks on all airplanes, even if you're vaccinated, unless you're an elected Democrat running away from your duties, in which case we won't talk about it.
  • You should get the vaccine, so you don't have to wear a mask and can go back to normal.
  • You should get the vaccine, but wear a mask anyway, even though there's no real world data to show they do anything.
  • You should wear two masks.
  • Parents should wear masks at home with their kids (!), so that they don't spread the Wuhan to them, and also so they they can become emotionally disturbed from never seeing their parents faces.
  • People should not go to the Sturgis motorcycle rally - you'll spread the virus. Just let your business go bankrupt and the government will put you on welfare - meanwhile I, St. Dr. Fauci, hasn't lost a paycheck or a single retirement point.
  • We Experts!!! though will be quiet as a church mouse about hundreds of people flying in on private gets to celebrate King Barry's birthday. He's a prime Party Member in Good Standing, and the CDC says nothing about those people.
  • We are also silent about the possible impact of 250,000 people a month running across the border, all from countries with miniscule vaccination rates, with up to 40% of them actually having the Wuhan. We realize that these are replacement voters for Americans who are not always reliable in their voting choices, and so should be welcomed into the country with open arms and no virus testing.
  • Things like liberty are overrated, and should be discarded, as our St. said: "Put aside all of these issues of concern about liberties and personal liberties and realize we have a common enemy and that common enemy is the virus."
  • We should go back to masks and lockdowns - since they didn't work last time, they're bound to this time, via the law of averages!
  • We shall again be quiet as church mice about flying in 50-100 thousand Afghans, from a country with about zero vaccinations, and being packed together 800 in a plane. We will also not insist on any testing or quarantining of these people, as the ruling class has decided they are all wonderful angles.
  • However, if you, a US citizen, have not been vaccinated, you should not travel, not even to visit someone across town.
  • The government has no plans of mandating the vaccine.
  • All people, including children, must take the vaccine or be fired from their jobs. No better way to look after the health and safety of people than to deny them employment and income.
  • The government has no plans to require people to show their medical papers for basic life activities, that's a crazy internet conspiracy theory.
  • It's even more of a crazy internet conspiracy theory that your medical papers will need to be loaded up onto your phone for monitoring.
  • All persons in Democrat run areas must show their medical history before being allowed to enter public buildings. Even better if the data is uploaded to your phone.
  • It's crazy internet conspiracy theory to say that the government will later change the definition of "fully vaccinated" to include booster shots.
  • Only people who have had the most recent booster shot(s) will be considered full vaccinated.
  • If you get vaccinated, you will not spread the virus, so everyone must be vaccinated no matter what your risk factors, or what other health conditions you may have.
  • The vaccines don't actually stop you spreading the virus, but we always knew that, what they do do is is keep you from catching the virus.
  • The vaccines don't actually stop your from catching the virus, what they do do is keep you from getting a bad case.
  • While there is no impact on anyone else if a person doesn't get the vaccine, we still want these people fired from their jobs, denied entrance into public facilities, and generally treated as Jews during the rule of the National Socialists.
  • Actually cloth masks do nothing to stop the spread of a virus - we knew that all along but said they were so important to obtain control and compliance from the population. You must now obtain a N-95 or greater mask as the other ones are just dirty socks.
  • We must vaccine children, who have almost zero chance of dying from the Wuhan, and who die in higher numbers from the common flu, despite doing no long term testing on the effects of this vaccine on them.
  • We also must make children wear cotton fabric over their faces all day long, which gets infested with bacterial and other disease, restricts their breathing, and leads to unknown social and psychological problems. But for public schools. As the children of those in the Ruling Class are of course in private school, it will not apply to them.
  • Now that our political masters have gone underwater in poling on the Wuhan, suddenly we don't recommend counting Wuhan cases as a way of measuring how well the virus is being handled.
  • And now that our political masters have gone underwater in poling on the Wuhan, suddenly we realized that not everyone who died with the Wuhan may have died from it.
  • We will methodically re-count deaths listed as from the Wuhan and lower the overall death count - but only in states with a Democrat governor. Florida will still have those who died from a car crash counted as a Wuhan death if their blood comes back Wuhan positive. Death-Santis!
  • No matter how many times we're wrong, or have lied to you, you're a stupid Science Denier! if you don't listen to us now.

this one belongs in Classics, pronto. Well done
And bystander, you have every logical reason to take vigorous steps to protect yourself from acquiring Covid. You are one of those who is immunocompromised thanks to your cancer treatments. But your condition isn't the condition of the majority of people in this country. But God forbid we introduce nuanced thinking into this politically toxic atmosphere, so the crowd in DC wants to force everybody to take the same level of precaution as you, and that simply isn't right.

I get it. It is unbelievable to find myself in this position. The good news is my Leukemia treatments have knocked it out of the park. As of this moment, you would not be able to detect the Leukemia if you analyzed my blood metrics. They are all normal; right down the middle. In fact, today is my last infusion though I will continue taking four pills a day (Venetoclax) until the end of July.

But the threat of COVID in my life is real and it is tough on my wife and the rest of my family. Thank GOD they understand and doing what it takes to keep me safe.

I understand I am in the minority. My thoughts are just this: if you catch it you might contribute to the clogging of our hospitals. That's the main thing. But I get that there should be layers of protocols.

By the way, if I didn't say it, my son caught COVID last week even though he has had all three vaxes. He has had only very mild symptoms; no more than a typical allergy.
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Why do you care since it's a quasi-fake disease to you anyway?
Why do we care? Easy...people like you who seek to actively divide and segregate a nation are treating the unwashed masses, err 'unvaxxed' as a group who needs to be kept out of sight and out of the public domain. You insist on a papers-please environment. THAT has to be defeated at ALL costs. There is no other illness for which a person has to prove some manner of forced treatment in order to go and get dinner...or go to a game...or any number of activities that the left wants to ban people from unless they have had their approved 28 shots.
Why do you care since it's a quasi-fake disease to you anyway?

Because I'm telling my experience while you are spreading lies or at least dumb opinions. Like who should and shouldn't be tested or treated or be allowed to be in certain places based off vax status. You are completely unaware how you and your kind sound like Hitler treated the Jews just before putting them in concentration camps and trying to exterminate them.

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