The COVID Jabs — Another Crime Against Humanity
In addition to killing untold numbers of people by denying and suppressing early treatment options, governments around the world are also killing people with the COVID jabs. A year into the aggressive campaign to inject as many people as possible, it’s likely the shots have killed more people than have died from the infection. It’s very difficult to tell, unfortunately, because the data are so seriously manipulated.
In 2015, Bill Gates said that the world population needs to be reduced by 15% through the use of vaccines because of global warming. The same Bill Gates in 2020 said 7 billion people must be vaccinated. Why would I take a vaccine for my health from someone who's advocating the use of vaccines to reduce the world population? ~ Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Zelenko estimates somewhere between 500,000 to 1 million Americans have been killed by the shots to date. Disturbingly, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was aware that the shots could have serious consequences, yet they pushed them anyway. What’s more, they refuse to address the mindboggling number of adverse events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The safety signal couldn’t possibly be clearer.
“In October, 2020, two months before the vaccine rollout, there was an internal presentation in the FDA to its scientists, and on slide 16 of that presentation, there was a list of side effects: death, heart attack, stroke, blood clots, horrific neurological diseases, myocarditis and many, many more,” Zelenko says.
“Now keep in mind, this is two months prior to the rollout. After the vaccines were rolled out, and a few months into it, when the VAERS database started showing the side effects that people were experiencing, there's a 100% correlation with what that slide said would happen, and what actually happened to human beings.
That is premeditated mass murder. FDA knew exactly what it was doing. They knew exactly the side effects, and they released it anyway ...”
What’s the Real Agenda?
Why would the FDA behave this way? Why aren’t they safeguarding public health from a clearly lethal treatment? And on the other hand, why aren’t they allowing doctors to help people with early treatment? Zelenko explains:
“In the mid-‘90s, it became obvious that the American economy was doomed. The Medicare and Social Security systems would become insolvent, and that would cause a tsunami-like effect nationally and internationally. And it was unstoppable. It was [mathematically inevitable].
Medicare, according to Congressional Budget Office, in 2027 will begin the process towards bankruptcy. So, security as of today [will last until] 2034. Now, the major stakeholders in the world economies saw an existential threat. They understood that their power and wealth was in real jeopardy.
And so a plan was developed, which was beyond the technology at that time, but the technology was being developed. So, for example, the Human Genome Project was mapped and completed.
Then CRISPR technology was developed, which is gene editing or gene splicing in very precise ways. That was sold as a way to cure genetic diseases. There's a defective gene. You can just cut it out and splice in, cut and paste, basically, a healthy gene.
That's the upside. The downside is that it creates possibilities to do gene editing for nefarious reasons. In 2015, Bill Gates said that the world population needs to be reduced by 15% through the use of vaccines because of global warming.
The same Bill Gates in 2020 said 7 billion people must be vaccinated. So, the obvious rhetorical question is, ‘Why would I take a vaccine for my health from someone who's advocating the use of vaccines to reduce the world population?’
In 2016, Klaus Schwab, in an interview said something very strange. He said that within 10 years, by 2026, every single human being will be tagged with a digital identifier. What does that mean, and why?
Let's go through the sequence of events. A bioweapon is made with an antidote, which is being suppressed and hidden. [The bioweapon] is released. It's extremely easy to treat. However, that information is being suppressed, and access to those medications is being suppressed, and doctors who are advocating for it are being persecuted.
Anything that seems to give people hope, lessen anxiety, encourage reintegration with your loved ones seems to be immediately vilified, even early intervention. If you look at the NIH, they recommend, as of today, not to treat COVID unless they're in the hospital with lung damage. Don't do that.
And so, I was wondering, what is really going on? And why this incessant push to vaccinate everyone? Why jail doctors for using meds at work? Because it encourages the vaccine hesitancy.
Then I realized something. There were two patents that I became aware of. They're separated by a year, but they're linked in the puzzle, in the concept. One was August 31, 2021, that describes ... nanotechnology engineering.2 It basically describes the following:
That there is the capability, the technology, already existing, in these vaccines that allows for the measurement of biometric data, meaning your heart rate, your respiratory rate, temperature, and then the transmission of that data with your location to a third party.
That didn't even make sense to me. Like what? But then I realized there's another patent owned by Microsoft. This one I remember by heart. It's an international patent, WO202060606. You can't make this stuff up. That patent describes linkage of biometric data transmission to cryptocurrency.
Then I got it. And by the way, 2026, when everyone's supposed to be tagged with a digital ID, let's call it an internal Auschwitz tattoo, is a year before the beginning of the insolvency of Medicare and the beginning of economic collapse. And so, the real agenda has become obvious to me.
It's never been about health. COVID-19 is easy to treat. It was always about using fear and mass psychosis to get 7 billion people to willfully get injected with the technology that would permit them to participate in the new cryptocurrency-based system, the system that the world will use for finance.
Fiat currency and all the traditional ways of transactions will be gone. The only way that you actually will be able to participate in transactions, of buying bread, let's say, is having a transmitting sensor of information with your location. It's the mark of the beast, if you really want to know. With that, you can then buy bread for your family ...
Gates and Schwab [are] both talking talk about how these vaccines change who you are. What does that mean? They explain it. [With] the gene editing technology, they are making the human better. That's transhumanism. I call it Human 2.0. Human 1.0 is the version made by God. We are is imprinted [with God] in our genetic code. We're made in the image of God because we have his code in us.
Now, would you give Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab the password to your home security system? Why would we give him access to our genetic code? Human 2.0, in the demented, depraved, deranged minds of these people is the next step up in the evolution of human beings. And I'm saying that if you allow that to happen to yourself, you're no longer made in the image of God. You're made in the image of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.”
A Ploy to Tag Us for the NWO’s Slave System
So, in summary, Zelenko believes that everything we’ve experienced so far — the aggressive marketing of the shots, the coercion and threats made to get as many injected as possible — has all been a ploy to “tag” as many people as possible in preparation for the New World Order’s cryptocurrency system, which will be managed by a small select group, and used to enslave all of humanity.
As noted by Zelenko, the World Economic Forum has publicly announced that by 2030, the U.S. will no longer be a superpower, and a few countries will be in charge of global governance. Now, how do you destabilize an economic engine like the U.S.?
“You create a pandemic,” Zelenko says. “You lock down middle class businesses, small businesses ... But you leave Walmart and Home Depot open ... It’s a wealth transfer from the middle class to the people in power. It's a robbery, basically.
This is one big attempt at enslaving humanity. It's a brilliant plan, by the way. It's evil, but it's brilliant because slavery has always been the most lucrative industry and asset throughout human history. Now is no different. And so, you have a few sociopaths who believe in their immortality and think that they'll transfer their consciousness to some cyborg, enjoying the whole world as their playground.”
Zelenko goes on to discuss the statements inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones, a huge granite monument erected anonymously in a small town in Georgia, which lays out 10 commandments. The first one is that the world population should be reduced to and maintained at 500 million. If the COVID shots continue, it’s not inconceivable that the human population might be reduced to that size.
The Why Behind the Genocide
A few months ago, Elon Musk debuted his humanoid robots, saying that since these robots will eliminate 90% of the workforce, we therefore need universal basic income. This too is part of The Great Reset plan, which embraces both technocracy and transhumanism.
“Keep in mind that in the minds of these people, we're not made in the divine [image]. We're cockroaches. And they're not going to throw endless universal income resources at cockroaches for too long. They'll do it initially to identify the useless eaters, and then they will be liquidated. This has happened before.
Just 80 years ago you had the Nazi ideology based on eugenics, which created three classes of people. You have the ubermensch, what Nietzsche would call Superman. Then the mensch, which is the human, and then the untermensch, which is the subhuman. In the [Nazi] model, the [Nazis were] Supermen, descendants of Aryan gods. That gave them the power to enslave others.
So, for example, the Anglo-Saxons, basically Europeans, were meant to be slaves to the Aryans. And the subhumans, which I belong to — Jews, gypsies, Slavs, handicapped, political prisoners — we were meant to be vaporized, become dust.
That ideology did not go away. It resurfaced with the nuance that is not antisemitic right now. In a kind of an abstract way, we're all Jews this time, because the hierarchy here is not based on religion or identity, but rather on the deranged belief that they've evolved, the Superman of this generation, into a higher level of consciousness.
They're woke and they understand and are enlightened about the nature of the human condition. They're custodians of the planet, and therefore it's their responsibility to make sure the planet has solvency, that it continues to exist. And therefore, we have to reduce the world population.”
Cause for Optimism
While humanity is in a most precarious situation, Zelenko is optimistic about the future.
“I'll tell you what I really think is going on,” he says. “There’s what we see, and then there's the, let's call it spiritual physics, at play. Karl Jung, the famous psychoanalyst, wrote, ‘The moral degradation of society begins with the degradation of the individual.’ From that, we can actually learn that moral improvement of society begins with improvement of the individual.
We, as a society, over the last 50, 60 years, have made some very bad choices. For example, we've desanctified or defiled gender roles ... Marriage has lost its sanctity. The unborn are being massacred. In the Bible, there are two cities that were destroyed, Sodom and Gomorrah, and there's an analysis why that happened. It wasn't because of the immorality, because the whole world was immoral.
It was because they codified immorality into the law of the land. That's exactly what has happened in [the U.S.] We've devolved ... We worship the God of science, the god of technology, the god of money, god of power. Anything but [the true] God. And we are clearly practicing child sacrifice.
Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer, told me personally, and then he actually publicized it, that for every one child that dies of COVID, 100 die from the vaccine. The [COVID shot] is 100 times more lethal to children than COVID. What do you call that? That's child sacrifice.
So, I feel that, by way of analogy, we're in the generation of flood. The house is going to get cleaned, and each individual is given a choice to get on the ark or not.
Or, to make it simpler, who do you bow down to? Do you bow down to your creator, who makes you in every instant of time? Do you ask [God] for fortitude, endurance, strength, resolve, the ability to deal with the unknown and fear? Or are you going to give in to the fear and bow down to corrupt sociopaths, oligarchs, corrupt governments, and the false promise of the golden calf of these vaccines?
Because at this point, in this country at least, no one's holding you down and putting a needle into your arm. The majority of people, they want to travel by plane. They don't want to lose their job. They want to go to school. It's all these kinds of quality of life decisions. In other words, in a normal society, the parents sacrifice for the well-being of the children. In pagan societies, we sacrifice the children for the purpose of the adults.”