
No, they shortened the timeframe to make it more politically palatable. Every step they take these days is based on political considerations first, and medical considerations second (if at all).
You're a mind reader. I didn't get that badge in school. I think they learned that it's not nearly as contagious after so many days. x days from the start of symptoms.
So they started out saying Do NOT wear masks then EVERYONE wear masks to vaxxed need not wear masks to everyone needs to to masks don't provide any protection.
From vaccines will prevent you from getting Covid to IF you are vaxxed you can't get the virus NOr can you give it to others
to NOW well ok even if vaxxed and boosted you can get it AND give it to other vaxxed as well as unvaxxed.
Where are the stats PROVING vaxxed has less severe cases of Omincron versus unvaxxed? Saying it, as we see, does not make it so
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"It seems to me then it's a conscious decision not to vax and instead walk around waiting to be a carrier until you're well after catching it. In the meantime, you have to decide whether or not your decision to catch it (or not worry about catching it; meaning it's not a deliberate act to catch it) will put others at risk including hospital workers who may be forced to treat you.
That might have been true under delta but not under omicron. Boosters do not stop omicron infection.
If an asymptotic person can pass on the virus (and they most certainly can) it makes zero sense to say an unvaxxed person is more contagious than a vaxxed. The virus in a contagious form doesn’t give a s*** and the vaccine doesn’t alter the bug itself so don’t give me this crap about unvaxxed being more dangerous. The danger to a hospital bed has become negligible with Omicron too. Oh yeah and the data on natural immunity continues to demonstrate greater immunity than the triple vaxxed. Not going to argue the recovered plus the jab immunity increase, just not confident in the data pro or con yet.

There are a couple of hyper pro- vaxers that post here. Chirp up if this is Okie Dokie with you

Of course, we don't know the whole story but I don't understand why they'd haul her off for not having a card. That would be beyond the pale. Where are her parents? Did they not want to just evict her to the streets?

And as for the cops, we have two women, one of whom is of color. So the cops aren't just white guys shooting people at random.
If an asymptotic person can pass on the virus (and they most certainly can) it makes zero sense to say an unvaxxed person is more contagious than a vaxxed. The virus in a contagious form doesn’t give a s*** and the vaccine doesn’t alter the bug itself so don’t give me this crap about unvaxxed being more dangerous. The danger to a hospital bed has become negligible with Omicron too. Oh yeah and the data on natural immunity continues to demonstrate greater immunity than the triple vaxxed. Not going to argue the recovered plus the jab immunity increase, just not confident in the data pro or con yet.
Would you consider that lessened symptoms would lead to less shedding of virus?
I'm glad we can be respectful. I'm just talking about it man. No emotion one way or the other. I'm just trying to figure it out.

My comment was in response to this as a stipulation from the link you posted:
We all like you Bystander. We know you're a good man. We don't have to agree on everything. I just want all good people to be kept healthy as possible, and not lied to about this virus. Unfortunately, I cannot control all of that. It is just a milkshake of lies in the media, and we're all swimming around in it!
I guess my friends who is in his 30s, fit with no underlying conditions and described his covid as "kicked my butt" and he's "vaccinated and boosted" must have gotten a bum dose. Hard to imagine it would have been worse and hospitalized him w/o the jab.

The "lessened symptoms" sales job is just that, a BS sales jab, er, job.
We all like you Bystander. We know you're a good man. We don't have to agree on everything. I just want all good people to be kept healthy as possible, and not lied to about this virus. Unfortunately, I cannot control all of that. It is just a milkshake of lies in the media, and we're all swimming around in it!

It's all good. The government is clearly floundering as they are accumulating data STILL (IMO) as to what we're up against. Add politics to the mix (and yes, the Liberals used the people are going to die shrill pressure tactic against Trump) and you get what we have. I believe the virus is a big problem; bigger than virus in my lifetime (except maybe the Hong Kong flue; I'll have to ask my mother about that one). We were caught with our pants down and scrambling with very little data or time for the normal processes. I took all three vaccinations (two of them prior to my Leukemia diagnosis). I don't know why I think the way I think; but my instincts concluded I should get the vaccine. Everyone on my wife's side (immediate family and spouses) got the vaccines. On my side, my son and I willingly got the shot. My daughter (17 at the time) was reluctant but then agreed after we spoke to her gynecologist. My brother got the Pfizer but his wife and my mother have decided to remain unvaxed. So we have a bit of a problem when being around them.

The main thing is this: WE DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK because of my condition so I have to be very careful and let me tell you, I can feel the tension building in my wife because she is in sales and is venturing out more than she used to.
Federal judge (Jeff Brown) shoots down the vaccine mandate for federal employees. (I think Judge Brown is wrong, but we're living in a hyperpartisan era when the law doesn't matter.) Link.
From Texas too. So if Depends and Co. want to appeal, it's off to the 5th Circuit, probably the most conservative court in the US, and where all other mandatory vaccine decrees have died too.

Another bad week for Slow Joe. Fed employee mandate shot down, vote by mail fraud bill dies a fitting death in the Senate, horrid presser where he did the equivalent of turning his poker cards around for Putin to see, and a poll with him at 33% approval.

But once the America public seems more of him, he's bound to be more successful. Struggle!
Would you consider that lessened symptoms would lead to less shedding of virus?

First thought I’d say no, but after thinking about it awhile - I would think that since in any disease the contagion is only transmissible for a certain period of time and not through the entire patient’s illness, at least that is my understanding for a normal infection, I suppose one could take the position that if one has only mild symptoms for a few days they would be less likely to be infectious for the same length of time as
someone getting a full blown 2 week infection. BUT an asymptomatic individual of either party, natural or vaccinated, would be of equal infectious potential.
Federal judge (Jeff Brown) shoots down the vaccine mandate for federal employees. (I think Judge Brown is wrong, but we're living in a hyperpartisan era when the law doesn't matter.) Link.
Essential sentence IMO
It is instead about whether the president can, with the stroke of a pen and without the input of Congress, require millions of federal employees to undergo a medical procedure as a condition of their employment.
First thought I’d say no, but after thinking about it awhile - I would think that since in any disease the contagion is only transmissible for a certain period of time and not through the entire patient’s illness, at least that is my understanding for a normal infection, I suppose one could take the position that if one has only mild symptoms for a few days they would be less likely to be infectious for the same length of time as
someone getting a full blown 2 week infection. BUT an asymptomatic individual of either party, natural or vaccinated, would be of equal infectious potential.
Coughing, heavy breathing, sneezing, etc. spread the virus. And, if that is limited then the spreading of the virus would be impacted, no?
Essential sentence IMO

If we were talking about legislative or judicial branch employees, then I'd agree. However, we're talking about executive branch employees. He's the boss. Of course, Jeff Brown was a partisan hack when he was on the Texas Supreme Court. I'm not surprised he'd be one as a US District judge.
Has SCOTUS ruled in favor of businesses being able to mandate shots for their employees?

Do all federal employees work for the President or the government? And if they work for the government are they not an employer? And if they are an employer then are they subject to the same rules as the private sector?
Businesses can require vaxx for their employees if they want to. But they don't do it unless government forces them. I would still be against private company vaxx mandates but they would have more right to do it.
Can the President do anything to "those who work for him"? That sounds like less rule of law and more slavery.

No, he can't force it on them, but he can make it a condition of employment. Again, I don't support a vax mandate. My wife is a federal employee. But that isn't the issue.
No, he can't force it on them, but he can make it a condition of employment. Again, I don't support a vax mandate. My wife is a federal employee. But that isn't the issue.
Why doesn’t the government offer an exception for folks with natural immunity? Why does the government not provide an exception for younger, healthier folks based on hospitalization data? It’s harder to claim the government is authoritarian when its decisions are based on real world data. By the way, the data below has been known for 2 years. I can only conclude vaxx mandates are being pushed for political reasons (to label Trump supporters because Trump may run again), not valid public health reasons. Just like the Mueller investigation was not a legitimate legal investigation. Morally I don’t have to accept bullshît justifications.

Why doesn’t the government offer an exception for folks with natural immunity? Why does the government not provide an exception for younger, healthier folks based on hospitalization data? It’s harder to claim the government is authoritarian when its decisions are based on real world data. By the way, the data below has been known for 2 years. I can only conclude vaxx mandates are being pushed for political reasons (to label Trump supporters because Trump may run again), not valid public health reasons. Just like the Mueller investigation was not a legitimate legal investigation. Morally I don’t have to accept bullshît justifications.

I agree with you, but this all has to do with the merits of the mandate, not its legality.
I agree with you, but this all has to do with the merits of the mandate, not its legality.
Should they not be connected? Laws untethered to reality are not just laws and should be thrown out by whatever legal technicality one can find.
If you look at the chart below, US is comparable to Europe in terms of vaxxed (one dose) per population. If you adjust for age (such as >18 or >50), US may actually be higher vaxxed than Europe since Europe has an older population than the US (which skews the total % higher since vaxx rates are higher for older folks).

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