
From Fox News.

A man seeking a kidney that could save his life is claiming that he has been denied a place on the active transplant list because of his COVID-19 vaccination status.

Shamgar Connors, 42, is a husband and father of two. He and his wife, a nurse, decided against taking the COVID-19 vaccine after the entire family suffered through the disease last year. However, a doctor at University of Virginia (UVA) Hospital allegedly told him that despite his prior COVID-19 infection, his unvaccinated status will not allow him an "active" spot on the list for a life-saving kidney transplant.

Updated the story, sad. This is why I don’t trust them.
Too bad for him he didn't just have AIDS from bathhouse attendance. He'd be moved to the front of the line! If you have an illness, be sure to get one that has political pull.
Compare the data of hydroxychloroquine/ivermectin to the mRNA vaccines statistically.

You should be worried that the Governor of the great State of Oklahoma is looking to unload $2,000,000 worth of hydroxychloriquine. What do Okies know?

It doesn't have to be one or the other. Vaccines work to lessen the severity of the Wuhan if you get it. Therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine/ivermectin/MCA work to lessen the effects if you get it and have a bad case.

The Wuhan is about the first disease, since AIDS, where the response was also overseen by Fauci, where a single agency has tried to direct and oversee all medical responses. It failed then, when he and the FDA were pushing AZT only, instead of letting medical doctors and their patients decide what was best suited for their cases (as shown in the movie "The Dallas Buyers Club"), and use medicine that would treat symptoms.

It's truly bizarre that the FDA and CDC are telling doctors how to treat their patients, and what drugs to use. It would be as if there's one prescribed treatment program for cancer, instead of various options of chemo/radiation/surgery, with hundreds of different drugs based on type of cancer, stage, health of patient and age, etc.

There's no reason not to trust doctors and patients to make decisions that are judged best for that patient, and have a wide variety of drugs and treatment that may be beneficial. That's what we do with all other illnesses - even AIDS now that Fauci's top down drug program was shown to be an utter failure.
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Ha, Neil Young dramatically told Spotify it was him or Joe Rogan. See ya Old Man!

So comical to see these old Question Authority! leftists now being on the Government's jock, worshiping every pronouncement from a government agency as a truth that can never be questioned. I guess everyone just should have listened to the government in the 60's, in the form of the Pentagon, on what the truth was in Vietnam, and labeled anyone who had a different view guilty of misinformation!
Ha, Neil Young dramatically told Spotify it was him or Joe Rogan. See ya Old Man!

So comical to see these old Question Authority! leftists now being on the Government's jock, worshiping every pronouncement from a government agency as a truth that can never be questioned. I guess everyone just should have listened to the government in the 60's, in the form of the Pentagon, on what the truth was in Vietnam, and labeled anyone who had a different view guilty of misinformation!

A Southern Man don't need him around, anyhow.

Him and Springssmellesliketeenspirit can F off.
35K to 50K truckers protesting vaccine mandates in Canada and US. This also effects raw materials coming into the US from Canada.
Shouldn't be any government mandates on truckers in the US, after the SC trash-caned Depends' OSHA mandate. While in Canada, they (grudging) allow those who haven't had the Wuhan shot to buy food in stores, they require store employees to follow them around to prevent them from buying anything else.

Just put a yellow star on them and then ship them off to camps, the way you want to oh Trudeau Jr. It'll get that way eventually anyway.
I had a customer walk in yesterday with a full on astronaut looking helmet on her head. I about peed myself laughing. Working in Austin I see the weirdest stuff that apparently is common in these hyper liberal cities. They all feel the need to prove how much they love humanity by doing the stupidest ****.
I had a customer walk in yesterday with a full on astronaut looking helmet on her head. I about peed myself laughing. Working in Austin I see the weirdest stuff that apparently is common in these hyper liberal cities. They all feel the need to prove how much they love humanity by doing the stupidest ****.
I took another Claritin and zinc yesterday. Guess I am one up on that customer.

He is referring to the Trucks coming over the border to the US getting held up due to truckers having no vax. I have heard 60% to 70% of all truckers are unvaxed.
True, also Remdesivir is linked to renal failure. My step mother died of renal failure after getting Remdesivir in the Hospital last May. That was after both arms were so clotted up, they could not get a blood sample.
VAERS reporting is estimated to be only 1% to 10% reported!
BTW, my step mother was Vaccinated and was going to get the booster, but died first.
So sorry AC.
Now 90% of my family - adult kids, grandkids, in laws and out laws, have all had it. One daughter in law, 45 years, had a tough (fatigue, achy) 4 days, others either 1-2 days of low fever to not knowing they had it until tested. Thank you grandpa for insisting on vit D, Mg, Zinc, etc. I will say none of them took or needed my hydroxychloroquine except wife and me. Ours cases weren’t worse in intensity just lasted longer.

It's not really a vaccine, it's more or less a flu shot. That's why you can still get the Wuhan, and transmit it, just in most people it's a much milder case (of something that already was very minor for people below 70 in decent shape - which is why most 3rd world countries don't have high death numbers - they have very few 75 year old's who are obese, with diabetes and heart disease).

It's also why you need a booster very 6 months or weeks, as the shot wears off, and doesn't protect you against newer variations of the Wuhan.

Actual vaccines are polio, small pox, etc. where once you get the vaccine, you are immune from that disease for life.

He is referring to the Trucks coming over the border to the US getting held up due to truckers having no vax. I have heard 60% to 70% of all truckers are unvaxed.

Just let illegals drive the trucks over - they are let in, and let go, sans testing or being given the Wuhan shot. So great to be an illegal - you are immune from the laws of the country you are trespassing on.

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