
Even the leftists are slowing moving away from the worst of the Wuhan restrictions, with the election coming up, and the benefit from the fear maxed out.

As before, the Wuhan crisis will end when the ruling class decides it can no longer benefit from it. At the point, the crisis will be declared over, regardless of any numbers on cases, deaths, etc., with celebrations to all the leftists who guided the nation out of this dark (is that racialist or still OK?) period, despite those meanies who wanted us all to die back in 20 and 21.
Cracks in the walls:

Since St. Fauci and the CDC are all still pushing dirty socks over kids faces, aren't all the above article mis-information? Can we ban all their media outlets for pushing such lies onto the public, just to avoid being mascaraed in the next election?
Cracks in the walls:

Since St. Fauci and the CDC are all still pushing dirty socks over kids faces, aren't all the above article mis-information? Can we ban all their media outlets for pushing such lies onto the public, just to avoid being mascaraed in the next election?

The only thing you will get from libs here on this is something like, "Oh...NOW you listen to those publications."
The only thing you will get from libs here on this is something like, "Oh...NOW you listen to those publications."
I listen to the leftist run media the same way commie block people had to read their newspapers back in the Cold War. Not for facts, there weren't any, but for who was in and out of favor, based on what articles were printed.

"Tractor output not expected to meet plan" meant that the commie in charge of that was on their way out.

"Auto production breaks all previous records" meant the commie in charge of that was moving on up.

The other day, the Bezos Post had a long article on how Depend's Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, was doing a terrible job. Duh. The importance wasn't that, it was the fact that it was printed at all. Thus, there are factions in the Depends Administration that want him out, and are planting stories to put the heat on him.

Always read media articles thinking who gains from a story, and who loses. And why that article, compared to one with a 180 degree spin, was published.
Had to laugh - here we go.

A few weeks ago, I had what I thought was an eye infection in the right eye. My eye was very blood-shot and there was a nasty mucus like discharge that I had to constantly wash out with saline solution. I also slept more and didn't have my normal energy. My wife felt very tired and, like my daughter, had sinus type drainage down her throat. It all cleared up in about two weeks.

I spoke to the doctor about these issues, and he told me that we had the omicron variant of the coronavirus, but since we were all fully vaccinated, there was nothing to be concerned about. Probably will get a mild case now and then but otherwise nothing to be worried about.
I think people are finally coming around to the lack of effectiveness of masks.
I own a filtration company & ran a lab in my Mfg facility for 12 yrs. A standard hospital mask like what everyone gives away, has 5-10 micron pores in it and 80 micron void space between each ply. A Corona virus is less than one micron. If Corona virus is riding on a H2O molecule it’s 62 microns. Either way the virus gets through, most of the time. Science!
All I can attest to HHD is that I tested pos for abs 16 months post infection.
PCR test detects dead RNA molecules. Dr Cary Mullis the inventor said 6-8 cycles for this test and don’t use it on viruses. He died mysteriously in late 19’. CDC, NIH was cycling it 40+ times which picks up pieces of a former virus from the past. Hence, 95% false positives. I believe now they cycle 24 times.
Generally the Ab test is pretty accurate. Of course that would depend on antigen integrity but after two years we should have the Covid antigen down Pat. In fact if they really wanted to get serious about natural immunity they could run some titers on positive people after various months to not just test immunity but the degree. Cynically I suspect if that is being studied (and I believe someone must be) we will not hear about it for a long time if the results show strong immunity for a long time.
This is a classic. So now the libtards will believe they are the geniuses who figure out its actually a good treatment then say its a slightly different formula than what those Trumpers were using. How does half of America keep believing these morons?
This is a classic. So now the libtards will believe they are the geniuses who figure out its actually a good treatment then say its a slightly different formula than what those Trumpers were using. How does half of America keep believing these morons?
I would say they are morons but that could be a violation.

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