
Under the it's not big deal because they are suffering with Covid rather than from Covid, AIDS/HIV would have been no big deal too. Those victims died of Pneumonia and other diseases with HIV not from HIV.

Either way, many people would be alive today if they didn't contract HIV just like they'd be alive if they didn't catch Covid-19. We KNOW how to treat Respiratory diseases. Unfortunately, we are less adept at treating this respiratory disease. Yes, there are contributing factors like age, weight, and others but they are still dying because they caught a virus.

I agree with that. I have an immuno problem due to my CLL. But I'm not dying from it. I'm actually feeling great, even in the middle of treatment. No side effects at all.

But if I caught COVID, I could die. So I think that speaks for itself in terms of what would cause my ultimate demise.
I agree with that. I have an immuno problem due to my CLL. But I'm not dying from it. I'm actually feeling great, even in the middle of treatment. No side effects at all.

But if I caught COVID, I could die. So I think that speaks for itself in terms of what would cause my ultimate demise.

What you have is survivable and you can recover and live a healthy long life. Layer on COVID and it would be a very difficult situation, probably not much different than a person with AIDS catching Pneumonia.
Stay safe, man. You're in my thoughts.

Thank you. I'm doing well mentally but do feel like a bubble boy. I'm going to get the booster shot but maybe not for another month. But even then, I don't know if I'll be covered. I might get an anti-body test but I don't know how conclusive hey are.

Stay tuned.
I watched the first few minutes of this. This doc is talking about a CHEF patient being a victim of this vaccine. That's a load of crap. The only way to cure CHEF is to invent a time machine and go back 30 years and encourage better decisions. Once you're diagnosed with CHEF you will eventually die of related symptoms.
I'm not in the medical field, what does CHEF stand for?
I'm not in the medical field, what does CHEF stand for?
Congestive heart failure. It’s when the heart muscle can’t do its job and fluid keeps building up. Those are the people that go in and get 10+ pounds of fluid drained, I think, from their lungs.
Congestive heart failure. It’s when the heart muscle can’t do its job and fluid keeps building up. Those are the people that go in and get 10+ pounds of fluid drained, I think, from their lungs.
It’s a 20+ year thing. My mom’s boyfriend died of it peacefully in his sleep.
Myocarditis is the medical term for that. If I understand these Dr's and Nurses correctly. They keep saying this is a common side effect, albeit the worst type of side effect. The Vaccine causes inflammation. Lots of Dr's and Nurses making these claims. That and the spike proteins causing a lot of blood clotting, which effects multiple organs. I am not in the field. But this is why I won't take it. Worried for my daughter in the Army that she will be forced to.
Thank you. I'm doing well mentally but do feel like a bubble boy. I'm going to get the booster shot but maybe not for another month. But even then, I don't know if I'll be covered. I might get an anti-body test but I don't know how conclusive hey are.

Stay tuned.

I know the feeling. I'm immunocompromised as well along with poor air capacity. I'm not quite as bad as you are but if I get Covid I probably won't survive it either. You're not alone.
I know the feeling. I'm immunocompromised as well along with poor air capacity. I'm not quite as bad as you are but if I get Covid I probably won't survive it either. You're not alone.
Even the worst side effects are better than the alternative. The overwhelming majority are sore arm and a few hours of icky.
Even the worst side effects are better than the alternative. The overwhelming majority are sore arm and a few hours of icky.

Well, I've gotten my two jabs and I'm on zinc along with a high dose of Vitamin D. I'm also on two meds that *might* have a positive effect against Covid. Montelukast in hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19 - PubMed
Inhaled Budesonide Reduces the Risk of Emergency Department Evaluation or Hospitalization in Early COVID-19

I can't do much more to help myself than what I'm currently doing.
From the article
“From previous randomized trials, we know that oral corticosteroids such as methylprednisolone are only helpful in more severely ill patients with COVID-19, and there was a trend toward worse outcomes in those with mild disease, perhaps by suppressing immune function systemically.”

precisely what my Doc told me and testified to before Tx Senate committee and Congressional committee. He was extremely upset about the inappropriate treatment he felt the ER’s were giving early on. But of course he was blackballed.
Well, I've gotten my two jabs and I'm on zinc along with a high dose of Vitamin D. I'm also on two meds that *might* have a positive effect against Covid. Montelukast in hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19 - PubMed
Inhaled Budesonide Reduces the Risk of Emergency Department Evaluation or Hospitalization in Early COVID-19

I can't do much more to help myself than what I'm currently doing.
If you catch it, take ivermectin. I’ll help you get it just DM me. It works wonders for Covid!
It’s a 20+ year thing. My mom’s boyfriend died of it peacefully in his sleep.

My brother died of CHEF at 48 (contracted it from a viral infection) about 16 years after diagnosis. He didn't die peacefully though. He spent some pretty horrific months in the hospital and suffered quite a bit before dying. It's a *****.
Myocarditis is the medical term for that. If I understand these Dr's and Nurses correctly. They keep saying this is a common side effect, albeit the worst type of side effect. The Vaccine causes inflammation. Lots of Dr's and Nurses making these claims. That and the spike proteins causing a lot of blood clotting, which effects multiple organs. I am not in the field. But this is why I won't take it. Worried for my daughter in the Army that she will be forced to.
COVID causes the above too, possibly worse since it is the original spike protein. Since you know you are going to get Covid eventually, why not take the vaccine?
Thank you. I'm doing well mentally but do feel like a bubble boy. I'm going to get the booster shot but maybe not for another month. But even then, I don't know if I'll be covered. I might get an anti-body test but I don't know how conclusive hey are.

Stay tuned.
As an aside, I grew up four houses away from David (the "bubble boy"). You will never meet a nicer kid or family. You didn't say anything negative about him, but to hear some people make fun of what that family went through is ignorant and extremely disrespectful.
COVID causes the above too, possibly worse since it is the original spike protein. Since you know you are going to get Covid eventually, why not take the vaccine?

Because most of us that have caught it never experience those issues. In fact of all the people I know that caught it, none have that issue
My brother died of CHEF at 48 (contracted it from a viral infection) about 16 years after diagnosis. He didn't die peacefully though. He spent some pretty horrific months in the hospital and suffered quite a bit before dying. It's a *****.

Damn... horrible pain for him and for your family. So sorry for your loss.
As an aside, I grew up four houses away from David (the "bubble boy"). You will never meet a nicer kid or family. You didn't say anything negative about him, but to hear some people make fun of what that family went through is ignorant and extremely disrespectful.

I apologize if it came across like that. But I'm literally feeling the pressure to stay home and distance from anyone who visits. That includes both my children along with the children of my wife. My wife is in outside sales and she is extremely careful but I don't distance from her. This is the reality because nobody has given me any comfort in terms of what would happen if I contract Covid. I have zero immune system at this point or at least that's the mental side of it.
I apologize if it came across like that. But I'm literally feeling the pressure to stay home and distance from anyone who visits. That includes both my children along with the children of my wife. My wife is in outside sales and she is extremely careful but I don't distance from her. This is the reality because nobody has given me any comfort in terms of what would happen if I contract Covid. I have zero immune system at this point or at least that's the mental side of it.
That comment had a specific “bystander” exclusion. You take care of yourself!
Darn by, hang in there man. You truly are ‘bubble’ guy. Glad you are taking the appropriate supplements to give your depleted immune system every chance. Not going to try and preach anything to you about what to take cause I know how the neg nellies respond to that.
Hang in there - heart felt best to you.
Darn by, hang in there man. You truly are ‘bubble’ guy. Glad you are taking the appropriate supplements to give your depleted immune system every chance. Not going to try and preach anything to you about what to take cause I know how the neg nellies respond to that.
Hang in there - heart felt best to you.

Thanks man. The treatment for the CLL has been amazing. Major improvement and no side effects. It's just that dang COVID.

And this is not necessarily a political comment, but thank God for my insurance. The infusions are very pricey.
Thanks man. The treatment for the CLL has been amazing. Major improvement and no side effects. It's just that dang COVID.

And this is not necessarily a political comment, but thank God for my insurance. The infusions are very pricey.
Glad the treatment is going well. Let us know updates. All the best wishes for your speedy recovery!

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