
Wow, 10 days after the 14? Tough on the kid. That’s as cruel as what happened to my grandson that tested pos on a rapid test then tested neg the next day with the real one yet had to stay off the ‘pitch’ for 10, or was it 14, due to reporting the positive test.
He was living his best life.
And yet again, we see daily numbers of hospitalizations drop, we see available ICU beds rise and we see the available vent count increase.

But according to the left, all these positive tests mean people should be dropping like flies...and yet, they aren't.
This drop was due to come. I predicted it some time back. The numbers started to nose down a few weeks ago on testing. There’s a lag in hospitalizations. The spike was preventable.
England, the incidence of hospitalization among unvaccinated kids was lower than that of those vaccinated aged 18-29, and in recent weeks, the hospitalization rate among kids ages 5 to 14 has been only about one per 100,000. Over the course of the entire pandemic, which has killed more than 135,000 Brits, just one boy and seven girls between the ages of 5 and 9 have died; between the ages of 10 and 14, nine girls and five boys have died

As schools reopened on the backslope of the U.K.’s Delta surge, there were about seven times as many British kids under age 5 hospitalized with the respiratory disease RSV as there were with COVID.

Yet Biden administration wants to mandate vaccines of 5 year olds.
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25 percent of deaths were of the vaccinated?

Oh bubba, this can't be !!. Time for you to prop us up with yet another story about one of your close (unvaccinated) middle aged friends that perished from this virus to prove this data is wrong . Can't wait..
Who are the they going to demonize once the unvaccinated gets Covid?
This is so stupid, “protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated”? BS, I thought the vaccine was to protect you. Why in the heck should the vaccinated be worried IF it works? And what makes your vaccinated a** more susceptible to infection from a nonvaxxed person than a vaccinated since we know that the vaccinated can still get it. Geez.
25 percent of deaths were of the vaccinated?

Oh bubba, this can't be !!. Time for you to prop us up with yet another story about one of your close (unvaccinated) middle aged friends that perished from this virus to prove this data is wrong . Can't wait..

I still don't get it. I've talked forever on this thread about what is going on where I work. No deaths and the only two people hospitalized since this thing started 18 months ago were both fully vaccinated. One of them nearly died on a vent. How in the world can everyone here just be that lucky and go against everything that is being spread in the news and on this thread?
This is so stupid, “protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated”? BS, I thought the vaccine was to protect you. Why in the heck should the vaccinated be worried IF it works? And what makes your vaccinated a** more susceptible to infection from a nonvaxxed person than a vaccinated since we know that the vaccinated can still get it. Geez.

That's a rather disingenuous position from a bright individual, nash. First, the assumption is that vaccination equals 100% effectiveness. Nobody, aside from th anti-vaxxers has ever taken that position.

Additionally, are you not aware of vaccination lead to the eradication of Small Pox and the attempt to eradicate Polio? The fact that the Polio vaccine is not able to be administered in rural areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan (effing religion!) is stymying attempts to eradicate polio. How 'bout Measle's vaccination in elementary age children as an attempt to stem any community outbreaks? Take a step back to see the forest through the trees. Both can be true, vaccination protects the individual and protects the community, especially when healthcare is a community resource.
That's a rather disingenuous position from a bright individual, nash. First, the assumption is that vaccination equals 100% effectiveness. Nobody, aside from th anti-vaxxers has ever taken that position.

Additionally, are you not aware of vaccination lead to the eradication of Small Pox and the attempt to eradicate Polio? The fact that the Polio vaccine is not able to be administered in rural areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan (effing religion!) is stymying attempts to eradicate polio. How 'bout Measle's vaccination in elementary age children as an attempt to stem any community outbreaks? Take a step back to see the forest through the trees. Both can be true, vaccination protects the individual and protects the community, especially when healthcare is a community resource.
Smallpox is 95% effective. Diptheria is 97% effective. We got past it because most of us got it.
Measles, Polio and Small Pox are apples. COVID and flu are oranges.

Measles, Polio Small Pox, flu and COVID are viruses.
Apples and Oranges are fruit.

The logic works because the "apples" don't mutate as fast as the "oranges", and they can't infect and incubate in animals.

Let's stop with the lazy comparisons, please.
That's a rather disingenuous position from a bright individual, nash. First, the assumption is that vaccination equals 100% effectiveness. Nobody, aside from th anti-vaxxers has ever taken that position.

Additionally, are you not aware of vaccination lead to the eradication of Small Pox and the attempt to eradicate Polio? The fact that the Polio vaccine is not able to be administered in rural areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan (effing religion!) is stymying attempts to eradicate polio. How 'bout Measle's vaccination in elementary age children as an attempt to stem any community outbreaks? Take a step back to see the forest through the trees. Both can be true, vaccination protects the individual and protects the community, especially when healthcare is a community resource.


Polio. In 1951, 6% of the people that contracted polio died. That's a very high %. Polio didn't need obesity or immune issues to kill. It killed on its own

Covid kills less than 1%, almost always needs a pre existing condition to kill. Your one size fits all approach on the covid vax is worthy of outright rejection for those of us with natural immunity, or the young, or, healthy individuals
Also measles, polio, small pox, and flu vaccines are apples.
The COVID vaccine is an orange.

Why? It should be clear. The "apples" allow the immune system to address the whole virus, meaning all of the protein pathways to infection. The "orange" directs the immune system to address 1 of many protein pathways to infection.

That is a huge difference that explains the poor and short in timeframe outcome of the "orange". It also presents potential future mega-problems for those who have taken the vaccine.
I don’t know SH I think what I was attempting to say reflected exactly that; the vaccine is not 100% effective so quit shaming the unvaccinated when the thing is not 100% effective.
Joe is vaccinated, Jill is not, so Joe is a good guy Jill is a self serving, self centered jerk. Oh wait she has recovered from Covid, so by all of the newest studies her immunity is stronger and will last longer than Joe’s, but she’s a villain eh Biden/Fauchi? BS
We all know that this Covid will not be eradicated thru these vaccines otherwise there would be no cases, mild or severe among the blessed ones. You want the vaccine then by all means take it. You suffer from conditions detrimental to Covid then for sure take it. But don’t patronize yourselves for taking it and demonize those who do not.
But thanks for the response and respectfully compared to the majority on this board I do not consider myself amongst the “bright”.
We all know that this Covid will not be eradicated thru these vaccines otherwise there would be no cases,

Corona virus will never go away and it will always mutate. The masks are scientifically ineffective. The vaccine will never work because the virus will constantly mutate. We will never be able to protect everyone through our actions in a free society and it is up to the individuals to do what they need to do to feel safe. The answer for THEM is never ME.

This is just like the global warming crap that they've taught kids that we can control the earths climate by our actions. The Earth's climate will always change with or without us. I'm pretty sure the scientists have already proven that.
I don’t know SH I think what I was attempting to say reflected exactly that; the vaccine is not 100% effective so quit shaming the unvaccinated when the thing is not 100% effective.

As Bubba said earlier, not sure any vaccine is 100% effective. I'm not confident we can eradicate it since as has been pointed out these viruses are prone to easy mutation. Imagine turning Covid-19 into little more than a common cold. Vaccines offer a much quicker and less painful path to that goal, IMHO, and science appears to back that up.

Joe is vaccinated, Jill is not, so Joe is a good guy Jill is a self serving, self centered jerk. Oh wait she has recovered from Covid, so by all of the newest studies her immunity is stronger and will last longer than Joe’s, but she’s a villain eh Biden/Fauchi? BS

Jill is vaccinated. She got her original vaccine with Joe in Dec. and got her booster recently.

Biden, first lady to get COVID-19 booster vaccine -ABC News interview

But thanks for the response and respectfully compared to the majority on this board I do not consider myself amongst the “bright”.

You don't give yourself enough credit.
Also measles, polio, small pox, and flu vaccines are apples.
The COVID vaccine is an orange.

Why? It should be clear. The "apples" allow the immune system to address the whole virus, meaning all of the protein pathways to infection. The "orange" directs the immune system to address 1 of many protein pathways to infection.

That is a huge difference that explains the poor and short in timeframe outcome of the "orange". It also presents potential future mega-problems for those who have taken the vaccine.
Yes. ADE anti-body defficiency enhancement.
First shot wipes out half your immune system, second shot 25%. A nurse said that in an interview after quitting due to mask mandates.
Lots of Dr’s and nurses speaking out about mass vaccine injuries. Reporting is 1% to 10% on that. Very under reported.
Hahahaha, Joe and Jill were meant to be fictitious. I guess it was a monumental slip I picked those two names. Should have been Bill and Bob. Or maybe you knew that, just more clever with names than am I.
Hahahaha, Joe and Jill were meant to be fictitious. I guess it was a monumental slip I picked those two names. Should have been Bill and Bob. Or maybe you knew that, just more clever with names than am I.
LOL...sorry I seriously thought it was a reference to Joe and Jill Biden. I was a bit shocked that Jill would not be vaccinated or that there was a conspiracy that she wasn't. Clearly I'm too steeped in politics. Gonna take a walk.

Miles Gao caught on GTV in China saying this!

Who here speaks Mandarin (or Cantonese?) to determine whether the translation is accurate? For all we know this could be some corporate All-Hands meeting that someone put a fake translation on. Not saying it is but that's how much faith I have in the authenticity.
I honestly can't believe how bad we've screwed the pooch on this for the sake of politics and partisanship.

1. DJT screwed up when he wanted to downplay the potential threat of COVID for the first half of 2020 for the sake of his re-election
2. Dems screwed up when they couldn't put America and teamwork first to combat COVID, but rather used it every chance they could just to score points against DJT
3. We screwed up big time when we forced businesses into a prolonged shut down and didn't quickly give them alternatives to keep their business going
4. We screwed up big when we weren't candid about the role masks play. They aren't great at stopping spread but they are a great deal better than nothing.
5. Dems are still screwing up because instead of acknowledging DJT's success with the vaccine, they are demonizing his supporters which only serves to further alienate them and get even less cooperation.

a. comparisons to previous viruses are both helpful and harmful. We are much more urban society now and transmission vectors are greatly enhanced by that one variable. for this reason, extra care must be taken to keep spread in check as quickly and completely as possible.
b. I also agree with above that COVID in some form is with us for a long while. we are too mobile and internationally linked to easily eradicate this. part of the success with historical viruses was due in part to our relative isolation and infrequency of remote interactions
c. error in estimations and judgements is not the same as lying and misinformation. both sides need to quit pouncing on every modification the other side does as evidence of "misinformation" campaigns.
According to Goldman Sachs, US has the highest immunity in the world. Presumably the patches in the US that had low immunity were anomalies that were exacerbated by nursing shortages. A few Covid spikes around the country likely fixed that problem.


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