1) Your own link serves to document that the ICU's are not 'filled' with 'rona cases.
Who are you quoting? A strawman?
2) ICU's and indeed, the entire system, tends to function at a high capacity.
Are you saying that Texas always operates at a higher capacity than the rest to the country? Just want to get that on record before I prove to you that's not the case.
3) Statewide numbers don't tell the whole picture, especially since you choose to remain deliberately obtuse about the strains placed upon border cities by the incompetence of the SippyCupJoe administration (this will hopefully change now that the Courts have ruled 'remain in Mexico' needs to be reinstated).
This makes absolutely zero sense. I'm going to assume you are at happy hour and not at work. "Statewide numbers don't tell the whole picture"? Then the detour to a topic not even addressed about immigration? Please try again to make the point more clearly.
4) You continue to illustrate that you lack a capacity to properly parse data since you don't like the way the Great State of Texas presents Texas-specific data.
I'm showing you exactly what the Texas Department of Health and Human Services is showing. You don't like screenshots and links to the actual data? Could that be because it
doesn't fit your narrative? You're more than welcome to bring your own data to the table because so far you've made a bunch of claims like "tracking the ICU capacity daily" and yada yada yada but showing no evidence. Please tell me again that 93% ICU capacity utilization across the state and 50% Covid usage (of the ICU) is not statistically significant when it's beyond all but 4-5 states in the country, by a sizable margin. It's near equal Florida at the moment.
Here's your chance...prove me wrong but please bring evidence not claims to the conversation. Hint, on that same site are individual facilities. Houston has 1 facility with 30 open ICU beds, while the rest are at or near 100% capacity. Of course, this is ALL NORMAL. That's how Houston medical centers operate, right? They operate at near or at 100% capacity all the time, or so you keep claiming without any data as evidence.
5) You ALSO continue to ignore that the fed numbers overlook/disregard the quack-in-a-box facility that have a few beds.
What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?
6) I will never understand why someone with no apparent connection to the State spends so much time on this board.
I've been here since 1999, Austin 360 before we all migrated to Hornfans. The political discussion used to be deep with strong debate skills. Still missing ScipioTex, Pheonix Horn and those like them dearly (RIP all). It was a time when respectful conversations of people from a variety of backgrounds were the norm on West Mall.