
School board members are often the same sort of Karens that you find on an HOA Board...they just got tired of the little pond so they want to go elsewhere and find even more people to ignore while simultaneously puffing up a resume.

The parents are who make up the school...without their kids, there is nobody for the School Board to be tyrants in the name of...and by being tyrants, they are in the midst of creating an exodus to home schooling or other private educational opportunities. They will ALSO quickly find themselves out on their *** come the next election cycle.

The irony is that you are supporting the creation of the very flight people like you decry.

Masks SHOULD be the option of a parent. If they want their kid wearing the vector for viral/bacterial infections, then it is THEIR decision. It is abundantly clear you never watched how much kids and even adults fiddle with their masks in a eight to ten hour window of time.
The school board where I live is composed of impressive servant leaders. Not “Karen’s”.
At least 4 figures before I get the jab if then. Don’t need the money. I been exposed twice to Covid once earlier and once now. I will see how the body responds. First time it wasn’t bad just a day like I needed to take an extra breath. GF has it so I have been exposed.
But don't describe a governor as a tyrant who restricts the power of a government agency.

I call him a tyrant because he's abusing his power. You and I may prefer the outcome of that abuse to other potential abuses, but it's still an abuse. Keep in mind that DACA also restricted a government agency's power, and I still called the move tyrannical, because it was an abuse of power.

You just described a corrupt system which is why I can't be upset at governor mask mandate bans. They aren't there to serve students and parents so I question their legtimacy.

What's illegitimate or corrupt about it? Parents have every right to vote in these elections. Nobody's stopping them. They just don't do it, so the school boards cater to those who do. That's how politics works. Politicians do what will get them elected and reelected, and that means doing the bidding of those who vote. Unless they're breaking the law, it's not corrupt or illegitimate. However, a governor abusing his power to force the will of those who lost in the legitimate electoral process is corrupt and illegitimate.

Also, I recently voted in a school board election. I looked and looked for information about the candidates. I wanted to understand what these people wanted to implement and how they saw mask mandates and other things. There was nothing, anywhere. Voters have no chance to vote their conscience for school board members. The more I look into it the more I see it is a racket. I picked candidates based on about a paragraph written by each of the campaigns which said very little. I had the sense I was screwed either way.

It has become its own self-sustaining system. It's a small but reliable constituency that's involved. For the most part everybody involved knows everybody. The candidates reach out to the local school district contractors for campaign money, and they promote themselves to local teacher groups, PTO people, and other members of the education establishment, and there's very little ideological diversity. The local media covers the candidates but only on a superficial and obligatory basis. They like the agenda of this system, so they don't try to rock the boat or encourage outsiders to get involved.

Ideological voters do get involved from time to time, but they're treated as outsiders by the regulars and shrugged off, because everyone knows they'll be outnumbered and that their interest will be short-lived. Eventually, whatever issue motivated them to get involved will dissipate, and the agenda will turn to the usual boring stuff and they will disengage.

My old boss was chairman of the House Elections Committee (vice chair when I worked for him). One of his priorities was to put school board trustees on the November election ballot. That would have wildly changed the game. However, the school lobby fought it and conservative activists didn't care or understand why it made a difference, so it never gained much traction.
Yall want to know why the flu doesn't exist? I came down with a 101.6 fever Monday afternoon. Tuesday I took a home covid test which came back negative. Because of that test my local doctors office set a virtual appointment with a nurse at 3pm. My symptoms are classic flu with fever, headache, muscle aches and chills/sweats mostly while I sleep. So when I get in my virtual she says I don't have enough symptoms to diagnose. I said what about the flu? I have the exact same symptoms as the couple times I've had the flu.

She said I would need to come in for a flu test, but that would require a 24hr covid test that could be scheduled for Wednesday and if it comes back negative on Thursday then they could probably get me in on Friday for the flu test because our appointments are booked. I told her I have a negative test in my hand and her response was that it would be a false negative and had to be one of theirs to which I said well your test could give a false positive. At that point she said I have "some viral infection" and the best course of action would be to ride it out and monitor symptoms.

They dont want to freaking test for the flu!!!!! Its all about the money under the guise of safety. Anyone with a fever? Covid test even though the last time I was in the office for a sinus infection without a fever they asked me to test and when I said no she told me that a fever isn't really a symptom. This is what they are telling people. No wonder the flu is non existent because people like me are just "riding it out".

I'm down to 99 fever today so I'm hoping it'll completely break tomorrow and be back to work Friday.

FWIW, the most disturbing question asked during my pre screen is if I feel safe at home. That has no bearing on my call.
Yall want to know why the flu doesn't exist? I came down with a 101.6 fever Monday afternoon. Tuesday I took a home covid test which came back negative. Because of that test my local doctors office set a virtual appointment with a nurse at 3pm. My symptoms are classic flu with fever, headache, muscle aches and chills/sweats mostly while I sleep. So when I get in my virtual she says I don't have enough symptoms to diagnose. I said what about the flu? I have the exact same symptoms as the couple times I've had the flu.

She said I would need to come in for a flu test, but that would require a 24hr covid test that could be scheduled for Wednesday and if it comes back negative on Thursday then they could probably get me in on Friday for the flu test because our appointments are booked. I told her I have a negative test in my hand and her response was that it would be a false negative and had to be one of theirs to which I said well your test could give a false positive. At that point she said I have "some viral infection" and the best course of action would be to ride it out and monitor symptoms.

They dont want to freaking test for the flu!!!!! Its all about the money under the guise of safety. Anyone with a fever? Covid test even though the last time I was in the office for a sinus infection without a fever they asked me to test and when I said no she told me that a fever isn't really a symptom. This is what they are telling people. No wonder the flu is non existent because people like me are just "riding it out".

I'm down to 99 fever today so I'm hoping it'll completely break tomorrow and be back to work Friday.

FWIW, the most disturbing question asked during my pre screen is if I feel safe at home. That has no bearing on my call.
You're so full of information yet you don't know what you're talking about. During flu season we tested for Covid/Strep/Influenza when someone was symptomatic and had no contact tracing indicating COVID. We don't really test for flu/strep out of season to much, especially when we have so much delta variant rolling around.

Influenza gets passed back and forth from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere. We didn't give it to them in our spring of 2020, people worldwide were social distancing, washing hands, and wearing masks. They also brought us nothing from the southern hemisphere in our fall of 2020. And, one of the ways flu is spread so well is by kids (I didn't know this until I read up on it) and most of them were at home. So, influenza was at a historic low. I think it will take years before it ramps back up to where it was and due to less virus flow from northern to southern hemispheres I would expect our vaccines might be stronger against if for a few years.

But, sure. Come up with a conspiracy that fits your perceptions.
You're so full of information yet you don't know what you're talking about. During flu season we tested for Covid/Strep/Influenza when someone was symptomatic and had no contact tracing indicating COVID. We don't really test for flu/strep out of season to much, especially when we have so much delta variant rolling around.

Influenza gets passed back and forth from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere. We didn't give it to them in our spring of 2020, people worldwide were social distancing, washing hands, and wearing masks. They also brought us nothing from the southern hemisphere in our fall of 2020. And, one of the ways flu is spread so well is by kids (I didn't know this until I read up on it) and most of them were at home. So, influenza was at a historic low. I think it will take years before it ramps back up to where it was and due to less virus flow from northern to southern hemispheres I would expect our vaccines might be stronger against if for a few years.

But, sure. Come up with a conspiracy that fits your perceptions.

Then why the F did they refuse to test me for the flu even though I already had a negative covid test so I could get on Tamiflu yesterday? Then tell me to "ride it out"? They damn well know Friday is too late for any meaningful treatment. Its either bad policies or all about the covid money.

How about the hospital system use some ******* common sense.
Then why the F did they refuse to test me for the flu even though I already had a negative covid test so I could get on Tamiflu yesterday? Then tell me to "ride it out"? They damn well know Friday is too late for any meaningful treatment. Its either bad policies or all about the covid money.

How about the hospital system use some ******* common sense.
You may have been the victim of uber safe protocols. We wouldn't take a store bought covid test either. My doc doesn't prescribe tamiflu. He said you've got a 25% chance of limiting your symptoms by 20%.
Get well soon Vol...

Sadly, we have some that refuse to acknowledge what someone like you PERSONALLY OBSERVED as relates to treatment (or lack thereof) because it doesn't fit the packaged narratives...
So, still a better chance that the 'rona 'vaccine.'
No. A way worse chance. 20%*25% = 5%. That's why he only prescribes it when someone whines for it.

The "'Rona Vaccine" is 95% effective. A good flu vaccine is 50%. Waning immunity and a strong delta variant has the effectiveness down to 66%. Still in the upper 90's against hospitalization and 99%+ against actual death.
No. A way worse chance. 20%*25% = 5%. That's why he only prescribes it when someone whines for it.

The "'Rona Vaccine" is 95% effective. A good flu vaccine is 50%. Waning immunity and a strong delta variant has the effectiveness down to 66%. Still in the upper 90's against hospitalization and 99%+ against actual death.
Did you save some flavor-aid for others or did you consume the entire 55 gallon drum?
Did you save some flavor-aid for others or did you consume the entire 55 gallon drum?
Them's the actual numbers. Unvaccinated people are NOT taking up ICU's or ventilator space. The sad part of this whole thing is that it was preventable yet we have allowed basic public health to be politicized.
If unvaccinated folks think covid's fake, not a big deal, or the vaccine is hurtful, why wouldn't they think the raffles is also fake?

The assumption is that $$ is a motivating factor to overcome the resistance. They have seen positive jumps in vaccination rates after the introduction of these incentives in States. That's a serious commitment by LonghornCatholic's company.

Companies have a vested interest in getting their employees vaccinated. They are staring at insurance rates spiking of which most companies pay a majority of the costs. Many large companies are "self insured" (eg. Starbucks) which means that every $1 is paid to a hospital is coming out of their own pocket. It's in their best interest to do everything in their power to avoid lengthy hospital stays.

My FIL spent 2 months in the ICU before pulling the plug due to COVID. Medicare picked up the cost but I can't only assume what the total cost might have been.
Ultra-Vaxxed Israel’s Crisis Is a Dire Warning to America

So the double vaxxed in Isreal (most vaccinated country on Earth) are getting sick and morbidity is up? The Delta Variant is attacking the vaccinated. Soon Pfizer is coming out with a third booster shot. See the pattern here?
That is inaccurate and misinformation. The delta variant is infecting some vaccinated people. They are NOT the ones in the ICU's or on the ventilators. Unvaccinated people are 29 times more likely to be in a hospital than vaccinated. The delta variant is running rampant through both populations. One is getting significantly more ill than the other. Delta is way more contagious than the previous variants.

Every vaccinated person I know who's tested positive is doing very well. I can't necessarily say the same about the others.
Every vaccinated person I know who's tested positive is doing very well.

This is funny because I have been posting my own observations from my workplace with 500+ employees in a very busy retail environment on this thread for the past year which in general have been polar opposite from the data you post here all the time.

Here I go again. I already posted it here once many pages back but I have a buyer who works in Dallas still hospitalized for about two months nearly dying twice and he is fully vaccinated. Of all the people who have tested positive since covid started he, the vaccinated one, is the only one to be hospitalized going back to the very start but to this day no deaths.
This is funny because I have been posting my own observations from my workplace with 500+ employees in a very busy retail environment on this thread for the past year which in general have been polar opposite from the data you post here all the time.

Here I go again. I already posted it here once many pages back but I have a buyer who works in Dallas still hospitalized for about two months nearly dying twice and he is fully vaccinated. Of all the people who have tested positive since covid started he, the vaccinated one, is the only one to be hospitalized going back to the very start but to this day no deaths.
Then you are obviously a beacon of light and truth.
Yeah I'm not getting that either. So, is he trying to again make a case that unvaccinated people are making vaccinated people ICU worthy sick?
I'm saying that vaccinated people in the ICU or on a ventilator is an outlier event. I'm not saying that unvaccinated people are causing that. I will say that unvaccinated people are filling up the ER and keeping the milk crate challenge people from having proper ER access.
I'm saying that vaccinated people in the ICU or on a ventilator is an outlier event. I'm not saying that unvaccinated people are causing that. I will say that unvaccinated people are filling up the ER and keeping the milk crate challenge people from having proper ER access.

I think I misread your comment above.

Again, so what though? Why do I have to live my life day to day performing actions to hopefully keep ICUs available to people, like drug addicts, fat asses, etc?
Ultra-Vaxxed Israel’s Crisis Is a Dire Warning to America

So the double vaxxed in Isreal (most vaccinated country on Earth) are getting sick and morbidity is up? The Delta Variant is attacking the vaccinated. Soon Pfizer is coming out with a third booster shot. See the pattern here?
That’s because the virus is going to virus and people die all the time. I put the Israel news as fake news. The vaccines offer help like the flu shot- no more, no less.
No. A way worse chance. 20%*25% = 5%. That's why he only prescribes it when someone whines for it.

The "'Rona Vaccine" is 95% effective. A good flu vaccine is 50%. Waning immunity and a strong delta variant has the effectiveness down to 66%. Still in the upper 90's against hospitalization and 99%+ against actual death.

If it is so effective then why care if non- vaxxed people get vaxxed. You are vaxxed and you are saved. Or does the Vax really suck? Or are you just scared shitless in general? Asking for a bunch of Friends.
If it is so effective then why care if non- vaxxed people get vaxxed. You are vaxxed and you are saved. Or does the Vax really suck? Or are you just scared shitless in general? Asking for a bunch of Friends.
Yeah I haven't gotten a good answer to that receptive question from me, either.
I'm saying that vaccinated people in the ICU or on a ventilator is an outlier event. I'm not saying that unvaccinated people are causing that. I will say that unvaccinated people are filling up the ER and keeping the milk crate challenge people from having proper ER access.

You think those people deserve ER access? I hope they get left out in the parking lot. They look like Biden voters to me.

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