
The unvaccinated supposedly overwhelming ICUs, are these young, healthy people for the most part? Doubt it, but I'm feeling humorous right now.
If it is so effective then why care if non- vaxxed people get vaxxed. You are vaxxed and you are saved. Or does the Vax really suck? Or are you just scared shitless in general? Asking for a bunch of Friends.
Our so-called health ministers have put out a lot of contradictory information. Another one is testing children (under 12). Who cares? The virus offers no extra risk to them and the teaching and daycare staff can be vaccinated. Yes, it may cause spread by not testing kids, but everyone is going to get exposed now with delta. So, why do it? It has zero impact and it takes away focus on vaccinating older folks.
If it is so effective then why care if non- vaxxed people get vaxxed. You are vaxxed and you are saved. Or does the Vax really suck? Or are you just scared shitless in general? Asking for a bunch of Friends.

There is no "saved". Nobody has said any vaccination is a 100% guarantee from serious illness. With a high enough dose of Covid even vaccinated can become ill and yes even hospitalized albeit at a much lower rate than un-vaccinated. The healthcare industry is a shared resource. It's something we all pay for in the form of medical reimbursement rates and health insurance. Aside from the $$ component we access to the services is impacted by Covid patients. Fewer patients is more access for other things, including discretionary procedures.
If it is so effective then why care if non- vaxxed people get vaxxed. You are vaxxed and you are saved. Or does the Vax really suck? Or are you just scared shitless in general? Asking for a bunch of Friends.
I'm not scared. I had it in October with minimal issues due to my outstanding health and Sooner genes. So far I've lost two classmates from high school. My dad passed 27 years ago at 53 on 8/15/94. One of my classmates died that day 10 days ago. K-12. Good guy who had a 10 year old daughter and was on a mission to eradicate eastern Oklahoma of wild hogs. I thought about all of the people that will be going through those emotional trials related to their parent's passing away early that could have been easily avoided. I think it's beyond silly that the "wait and see" crowd has waited and seen this effective vaccine become available. Hell, Fox News is using a vaccine passport. Ironic, huh?
For the company I work for, well over 1,000 employees - 156 positive (8 unvaccinated), 9 on ventilators (9 unvaccinated), 4 deaths (4 unvaccinated). All I go by is what’s in front of me.
For the company I work for, well over 1,000 employees - 156 positive (8 unvaccinated), 9 on ventilators (9 unvaccinated), 4 deaths (4 unvaccinated). All I go by is what’s in front of me.
99.6% (or so) would be expected for 25-65 age group. Don’t be the 4 who died. It’s not that hard. You have agency: get vaccinated, or isolate yourself, or get in shape. We don’t need government to babysit us.
Half of AdventHealth’s 1,620 COVID-19 patients are under 40

Half of this Orlando hospital chain's 1,620 covid patients are under 40.

As of a few weeks ago the average age of Covid ICU patient in Florida had dropped into the 40's. That's being attributed to their vaccination rates.
For the company I work for, well over 1,000 employees - 156 positive (8 unvaccinated), 9 on ventilators (9 unvaccinated), 4 deaths (4 unvaccinated). All I go by is what’s in front of me.

What percent are vaccinated? Any people dropping dead from heart attacks?
Does anyone think masking has done anything but make some feel good? I don't mean the military grade mask, I mean the face diapers being required. Also, has anyone proven that you get covid from touching things/not washing your hands?
So Bubba what’s your update on stats for those who’ve had it, recovered, but not subsequently gotten vaxxed (cool word)? I think I saw where you said those vaccinated and then catching it were golden but any recent info relevant for recovered (but not vaxxed)?
Does anyone think masking has done anything but make some feel good? I don't mean the military grade mask, I mean the face diapers being required. Also, has anyone proven that you get covid from touching things/not washing your hands?
Well, certainly there are some on here pounding their chests about it who would say yes. Sensible people say otherwise.
So Bubba what’s your update on stats for those who’ve had it, recovered, but not subsequently gotten vaxxed (cool word)? I think I saw where you said those vaccinated and then catching it were golden but any recent info relevant for recovered (but not vaxxed)?
The only thing in that category I have is anecdotal and possibly not even accurate. A few "the second time I had it, it was worse". That said, some of these are the people who "had it" before it was here. My group is a little tainted as 90% of those I'm around daily are vaxxed.
“Had it before it was here” I like that.
There's a lot of that, especially last year. That said, you made me think a little there. It seems that natural immunity might be a little stouter, at least on an anecdotal level. A few people who had it last year are still donating blood regular and they've had the antibodies for about a year.
"Does anyone think masking has done anything...?"

"done anything"...the bar is pretty low for that question so I would say 'yes'. IMO, masks had their time and place. In the early stages we had no other tools available to us and a mask was a relatively easy step to try. You mitigate what you can with what you have. At this point, masks don't provide enough verifiable extra value to warrant the intrusion into personal responsibility. If you want you to take steps to protect yourself, then you can wear the mask and get the shot. If you don't, then you should be allowed to do that also. Your decision, your risk. Personally, i rarely wear a mask but I also do my best to give people i don't know a wide berth at the stores.

where they really screwed the pooch with this, is mandating business shutdowns for so long. That really mobilized sm/med business owners and made them antagonist to the whole process. And justifiably so, in my opinion.
Actually remember early on they told us not to buy and wear masks.Then admiited we were told that so there would be enough for front line workers
Riddle me this...

If the 'rona was truly overwhelming staff, then it makes no sense that they would be running off staff who don't want a shot. You don't get to create a staffing shortage and then claim you are SOOOOO just don't.

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