
“If you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country any more;”
“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you’re allowed to go by very different rules;”
“You’ll never take back our country with weakness.”
Being serious here. My 3yo grand daughter doesn't stretch the truth like 2 posters here when it comes to Trump and Jan 6. They provide zero proof yet act like Trump had a bullhorn on the lawn encouraging them. It's long passed gotten old

Yet, when I say FBI agent Strozk was planning to get Trump and that he mentions that they have an insurance policy to get it done (using his own words) I'm somehow jumping to conclusions/being conspiratorial. You can't make this up. Real things are fake and fake things are real with these people.
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Really? You think that Willie Brown's ex mistress and Cuomo would have said the same thing if a Democrat was in the White House?

A Democrat in the White House wouldn't have ridiculed the CDC, the FDA and every other medical professional simply for taking the virus serious. Remember when Trump stated a virus would be ready in 6 months? There was a very real fear that Trump would force the regulatory agencies to cut corners.

In the end those fears weren't realized and we got a vaccine 9-10 months from original diagnosis of Covid. That's a modern medical marvel that should be celebrated.

Trump's uncanny ability to step on his own schlong during the Covid briefings didn't engender confidence but the power of collaboration within the medical community persevered.

The Trump Admin deserves credit for throwing lots of money at potential vaccines an insulating the vaccine makers from Trump's insanity.
That was always BS though. Trump wasn't personally developing the vaccine. "Big Pharma" was, and you either trust them or you don't. (And until about ten minutes ago, liberals generally didn't.) Bringing Trump's personal credibility into the issue was done in bad faith and only to gain political advantage going into an election.

It is? Last I checked the FDA and CDC sit inside the Executive Branch. There was ample reason and public proof of people inside the White House exerting pressure.

I'm not saying pressure to move fast isn't a good thing. It can have a positive impact until it's dangerous. Trump giving undue responsibility to crackpots like that former Stanford doctor with his herd immunity theories understandably bread mistrust in Trump's ability to manage the crisis.
The rationalization of the Liberal hypocrisy is astounding to me.

Seattle, you actually believe in your politicians.

That's where to begin to solve your disconnect.
Basically, Liberals see their politicians in the same light as do those who are loyal to family. They can do no wrong. Obama has already been caught on camera colluding with the Russians and mocking Mitt Romney for saying Russia was our number one geopolitical threat. Mitt was correct.

Then you have the runaway Democrats in Texas creating a superspreader event and now this:

Obama seen dancing maskless at booze-filled birthday bash

It really doesn't matter. Liberals are pathologically ill when it comes to politics. Their self-image is inextricably tied to political charlatans. They're like dog owners who refuse to control their dogs even after they've bitten other people. There is some sort of "love" or whatever that blinds them.

That makes Liberals in need of counseling.

To argue with them is folly and I admit I've done it far to many times to count. So I've resorted to providing many many examples of their hypocrisy. It has ZERO EFFECT. Whatever the psychological profile is for an internet troll, it is the same for Liberals. They are incapable of seeing their politicians for what they are:

Charlatans skilled in brainwashing people.
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A Democrat in the White House wouldn't have ridiculed the CDC, the FDA and every other medical professional simply for taking the virus serious. Remember when Trump stated a virus would be ready in 6 months? There was a very real fear that Trump would force the regulatory agencies to cut corners.

Trump said moronic things and was generally rhetorically sloppy throughout his presidency. I won't deny that. I think it ultimately cost him the 2020 election.

It is? Last I checked the FDA and CDC sit inside the Executive Branch. There was ample reason and public proof of people inside the White House exerting pressure.

The CDC and FDA are federal agencies. Of course they are pressured by political actors. That was true under Trump. It was true before, and it's true now. Trump was just dumb enough to make it obvious. Does anyone think political actors didn't pressure the CDC director to flip flop on school reopenings? Of course.

Nevertheless, the CDC and FDA didn't develop the vaccines. Big Pharma did. Harris and Biden surely knew this. It's also worth noting that they started hailing the vaccine pretty much right after the election (before it was authorized by the FDA). Did they learn some new, big fact about the vaccine that they didn't know just a couple of days earlier? Not likely. Keep in mind that Trump was not even starting the transition yet.

I'm not saying pressure to move fast isn't a good thing. It can have a positive impact until it's dangerous.

I agree that it becomes dangerous. Where do we draw that line? Personally, I suspect that there isn't a line. It's a complex risk assessment that's different for everybody.
I agree that it becomes dangerous. Where do we draw that line? Personally, I suspect that there isn't a line. It's a complex risk assessment that's different for everybody.

I spoke with an Oncologist at MD Anderson and he said three main things: 1) Rapid means cutting in line; not compromising the testing 2) COVID has been around prior to our knowledge of it. The work on the vaccine did not start from scratch. They had data already but needed to bring it up to date. 3) The variant is real and we need to take it seriously.
I have started reading about something called "Antibody Dependent Enhancement". Anybody else? There was a paper put out by Cambridge University in April 2020 warning about it and the implications it could have for a vaccine.

One more reason not to take the vaccine. But it is a probability crap shoot. If you are genetically predisposed to a serious case of COVID, it makes sense to take the jab, as long as you are predisposed to produce antibodies that are susceptible to ADE. But if you aren't and you aren't above 55 or so, it makes more sense to me to boost by immune system and wait it out.
My employer follows The Science (TM), so now they require N95 or "high performing masks" for anyone entering the building regardless if you have natural immunity or have receive the vaccine.

I'm sure they researched the data. Or did they?

My employer follows The Science (TM), so now they require N95 or "high performing masks" for anyone entering the building regardless if you have natural immunity or have receive the vaccine.

I'm sure they researched the data. Or did they?


The liberal intelligencia has decreed that masks work and they should be required everywhere unless you are protesting racist republicans or flying on a Democrat party charter plane.
The liberal intelligencia has decreed that masks work and they should be required everywhere unless you are protesting racist republicans or flying on a Democrat party charter plane.

True. But even the Cathedral is having to start to admit that medical masks don't do anything. But instead of admitting fault and telling people to live their lives, they are shifting the goal posts to N95 masks. They are rated to filter some nanoparticles. I know because I have been fit tested and used them while using nanometer sized ceramics. They work for that.

But instead of looking for studies, "science" companies just assume they work for viruses and mandate them for employees. At this point I know science is completely broken and not sure it is fixable. But then again Francis Schaeffer was saying the same thing in 1977. Once the West abandoned Jesus, they abandoned science. There was cultural inertia that maintained useful scientific advancement for a while. But we are 40 years down the road. There is still scientific advancement but only where political viewpoints don't get in the way, and politics is consuming more and more aspects of our lives. At some point it will be worthless.
I spoke with an Oncologist at MD Anderson and he said three main things: 1) Rapid means cutting in line; not compromising the testing

If we're talking about medium to long term affects, it's almost impossible for that to be fully true.

2) COVID has been around prior to our knowledge of it. The work on the vaccine did not start from scratch. They had data already but needed to bring it up to date.

That's true, but it didn't start years in advance. It likely started months in advance.

3) The variant is real and we need to take it seriously.

I agree, and like I've said before, my decision not to get the vaccine right now is specific to my situation (age, health, and where I live). If my situation was different, I would get it and don't discourage others in different situations from getting it.
ZDoggMD posted an episode of The ZDoggMD Show.
AtuSgeuunSehst4pcratomgtnsf10:aoie0n0reAdhSMcanm ·

The Delta Surge May Collapse Faster Than You Think | A Doctor Explains
Guess what: pandemic dynamics are complex. When we stop reducing them to mask mandates and indoor dining rules, we may actually learn some GOOD news

Article link, audio podcast, transcript:
My company (@3,000 employees) reports 17 known cases of C19 among employees at the moment. I'm sure the true amount is double or triple that. They've delayed a mandatory return to working onsite again. I haven't worked onsite since March 2020.
ZDoggMD posted an episode of The ZDoggMD Show.
AtuSgeuunSehst4pcratomgtnsf10:aoie0n0reAdhSMcanm ·

The Delta Surge May Collapse Faster Than You Think | A Doctor Explains
Guess what: pandemic dynamics are complex. When we stop reducing them to mask mandates and indoor dining rules, we may actually learn some GOOD news

Article link, audio podcast, transcript:
I expect that this variant will be gone sooner rather than later. But there will continue to be variants as the virus rolls around the population. But hey, good news! It's only got a death rate of 1%. So, once we've all had it, only 3.3 million will have perished. Cool!
So, once we've all had it, only 3.3 million will have perished. Cool!
You know leftists have long whined about human overpopulation causing pressure on their holy grail, the environment. Deforestation, climate change, ozone holes, polar ice caps disappearing, all this and more was due to too many people living on the planet.

Maybe Covid is a leftist plot to rid the world of some portion of its population since planned parenthood baby murdering doesn't seem to be effective enough..
You know leftists have long whined about human overpopulation causing pressure on their holy grail, the environment. Deforestation, climate change, ozone holes, polar ice caps disappearing, all this and more was due to too many people living on the planet.

Maybe Covid is a leftist plot to rid the world of some portion of its population since planned parenthood baby murdering doesn't seem to be effective enough..
It appears to be a Darwinian event to some.

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