
I had watched a guy say things for 5+ years like "I've got a plan to replace the ACA that is better and cheaper, just wait." And they never materialized.

That was always BS though. Trump wasn't personally developing the vaccine. "Big Pharma" was, and you either trust them or you don't. (And until about ten minutes ago, liberals generally didn't.) Bringing Trump's personal credibility into the issue was done in bad faith and only to gain political advantage going into an election.

Nevertheless, I understand how you feel. I'm still waiting for my health insurance premiums to drop by $2,400 per year.

He pooped it down his leg by not lining his family up and having them get vaccinated in the most public way to praise the "trump" vaccine. He was too busy losing the Senate for the GOP. They should have put a .22 bullet behind his ear on the 1/6 impeachment and they'd have washed him out of the system and marginalized his ilk. They didn't and he's leading the party.

As you know, I would have impeached him too. My big objection is to the sanctimony and historical revision. Your side politicized the vaccine and undermined it until it wasn't politically advantageous to do so (meaning after the election). If Trump had won, I think Democrats would be far more sceptical of the vaccine than they are.
I can't seem to figure out why where I work everything is exactly opposite of everything being spewed from the media. We have about 90% of our employees reporting as vaccinated. We also now have employees testing positive almost daily with almost all of them being vaccinated because practically everyone is vaccinated. This is in Austin the most vaccinated city in the state. Yet they keep manipulating statistics and lying saying this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
For rousing up a rebellion and holding back federal resources from stepping in. “Kevin, they just care more than you”.

He did not rouse a "rebellion". He said online and at the speech to be peaceful. To call it a rebellion, insurrection, or whatever is ridiculous. Want to blame someone? How about House leadership for not taking the FBI warning serious.
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He did not rouse a "rebellion". He said online and at the speech to be peaceful. To call it a rebellion, insurrection, or whatever is ridiculous. Want to blame someone? How about House leadership for not taking the FBI warning serious.
I blame the people who didn’t allow support to be called in.
Great, so you are officially on record as blaming Nancy Pelosi, given her responsibilities for House personnel, including security. Good to know there is a small piece of common ground here...
No. The guy who Kevin McCarthy was pleading with to call off his goons.
No. The guy who Kevin McCarthy was pleading with to call off his goons.

Please post where Trump asked for violence on January 6 . It
is getting pretty tiresome of reading this manure. Can you post such a direct edict by Trump or not? Politely I'll ask> "it's time to put up or shut up" in regards to your rhetoric

If you can't find such an order for violence, cool. I can always revert to this post when you bring it up again
Please post where Trump asked for violence on January 6 . It
is getting pretty tiresome of reading this manure. Can you post such a direct edict by Trump or not? Politely I'll ask> "it's time to put up or shut up" in regards to your rhetoric

If you can't find such an order for violence, cool. I can always revert to this post when you bring it up again

I made a post about Trump's exact comments a while back. Nobody produced any proof that he encouraged violence. He said peacefully more than once.

We know that Maxine Waters has encouraged violence.

It's my firm opinion that Liberals are liars.
I made a post about Trump's exact comments a while back. Nobody produced any proof that he encouraged violence. He said peacefully more than once.

We know that Maxine Waters has encouraged violence.

It's my firm opinion that Liberals are liars.

Being serious here. My 3yo grand daughter doesn't stretch the truth like 2 posters here when it comes to Trump and Jan 6. They provide zero proof yet act like Trump had a bullhorn on the lawn encouraging them. It's long passed gotten old
Being serious here. My 3yo grand daughter doesn't stretch the truth like 2 posters here when it comes to Trump and Jan 6. They provide zero proof yet act like Trump had a bullhorn on the lawn encouraging them. It's long passed gotten old

They are terrified he will come back. They also want to paint everyone who voted for him as Nazi's and insurrectionists. That's the only way they can win. It's clear their extreme policies are not favored by a majority of the voting public.
Coup and cover up? Okay. lol
What did you expect? Bubba, bless his heart, truly seems to believe a band of mostly unarmed people were going to force Pence to go against the Electoral vote and overturn the election, and change the course of US history.

Too bad they didn't since we have President Depends now.
What did you expect? Bubba, bless his heart, truly seems to believe a band of mostly unarmed people were going to force Pence to go against the Electoral vote and overturn the election, and change the course of US history.

Too bad they didn't since we have President Depends now.
Trump thought they were.
Ok he drank the BS. Trump never said or intended to interfere. If you want to see insurrection, which won’t happen come down to where I live.
What did you expect? Bubba, bless his heart, truly seems to believe a band of mostly unarmed people were going to force Pence to go against the Electoral vote and overturn the election, and change the course of US history.

Too bad they didn't since we have President Depends now.

Supposedly, the rioters were screaming to hang Pence according to some reporters. I'm highly skeptical of it being true knowing the media.

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