
I had it and my wife had it in late October. The first day we were both on steroids at home together and was rough. :) We had a 5 year old that we gave up trying to keep distance from. He never got it. We even had him tested for the antibody. That said, delta is a lot more virulent and transmissible and apparently is attacking pediatric patients. I'd seen figures that from 99% to 95% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated. Then the Tulsa World ran that story. I expect that immunity is waning to some extent AND these vaccines were only 70% effective against the delta variant. I would expect that 95% number to fall down to less than 90%. We had two vaccinated staff members test positive. They were both barely sick.

The average age of hospitalizations in Florida was 45. That seems young as the population of Florida does not "skew younger".
You got Covid? But why weren't you wearing a mask?
The talk about polio is silly. That is an affliction with no cure or treatment. You get it, you are crippled.

And, how is it eradicated? If it is, why do we still get vaccinated against it?
So I guess you have no meaningful stats on those infected getting reinfected?
What doctors wish patients knew about breakthrough COVID infections

They are uncommon. 10,000 reported infections as of May. More than 100,000,000 vaccines. That's .01%. I think it will be more like 1%-5% going forward as it will increase as immunity wanes a little and as delta spreads. Those infections are less severe. Vaccines aren't magic but they help the body be ready for contact with the virus.
Sorry I’m not clear Bubba but I am referring to those having had it contracted the virus and being reinfected. Just how rare is that? I suppose the lack of data is due to lack of time to compile data but opinions are all over the place. Normally one would theorize a recovery would create greater immunity than this vaccine.
Not true. Wiki

As I read it, I can see some salient points of comparison, namely that many people contract polio but remain asymptomatic, or are barely affected. I wasn't aware of that.
Like...Covid. I wasn't aware. either. So, while I stand corrected on that, again, where are the mandates for this potentially crippling virus?
Polio crippled people at a very high rate. That justified the work to eradicate it, not the death toll. It is extremely disingenuous to base any argument on comparative death rates between Covid and polio.

The talk about polio is silly. That is an affliction with no cure or treatment. You get it, you are crippled.

And, how is it eradicated? If it is, why do we still get vaccinated against it?

Not surprisingly, got the responses I expected.

Paralytic poliomyelitis only affects 0.1% to 0.5% of those who get the virus. The CFR of this subgroup alone is about 2-5% for children and 25-30% for adults.

In other words, it cripples about half the percent that COVID kills, and kills anywhere from 0.025% to 0.15% of what COVID kills. Saying "you get it, you are crippled" is the message that actually got people to get the vaccine. I'm fine with that message, to be fair. But it's obviously not the norm for everyone, just like being the image of health after contracting COVID isn't either.

The reason it's not eradicated worldwide is because of the S and W Asian pockets, and the obvious fact that someone who contracted the virus in another country could bring it here. Are you saying that we shouldn't be vaccinated against it?
Sorry I’m not clear Bubba but I am referring to those having had it contracted the virus and being reinfected. Just how rare is that? I suppose the lack of data is due to lack of time to compile data but opinions are all over the place. Normally one would theorize a recovery would create greater immunity than this vaccine.
That's the 10,000 out of 100,000,000. That was as of May from that AMA link and that is admittedly dated. Massechussets has a rate of .18% as of last week. Number of breakthrough cases in Mass. nears 8,000; that represents 0.18 percent of those vaccinated - The Boston Globe

It's going to be different in different regions.

Tennessee is the same as Boston: 'Wrong direction' Tennessee sees 204% increase in COVID cases, mostly Delta & unvaccinated
Not surprisingly, got the responses I expected.

Paralytic poliomyelitis only affects 0.1% to 0.5% of those who get the virus. The CFR of this subgroup alone is about 2-5% for children and 25-30% for adults.

In other words, it cripples about half the percent that COVID kills, and kills anywhere from 0.025% to 0.15% of what COVID kills. Saying "you get it, you are crippled" is the message that actually got people to get the vaccine. I'm fine with that message, to be fair. But it's obviously not the norm for everyone, just like being the image of health after contracting COVID isn't either.

The reason it's not eradicated worldwide is because of the S and W Asian pockets, and the obvious fact that someone who contracted the virus in another country could bring it here. Are you saying that we shouldn't be vaccinated against it?
If you keep rambling, I'm sure I'll change my mind and run out to get jabbed.


Ok Bubba, one last try. Someone contracts Covid that is unvaccinated, could be before vaccine available or after, but regardless they did not have it - the vaccine. Has there been any stats showing their immunity vs the vaccinated? Not talking about breakthrough cases other than to compare them to an unvaccinated Covid recovered individual.
I have read natural immunity acquired via recovery from Covid is more robust than vaccine acquired immunity, and that makes sense to me. But with every stinking article written about this virus being politicized, I don't know how accurate that statement is.
Ok Bubba, one last try. Someone contracts Covid that is unvaccinated, could be before vaccine available or after, but regardless they did not have it - the vaccine. Has there been any stats showing their immunity vs the vaccinated? Not talking about breakthrough cases other than to compare them to an unvaccinated Covid recovered individual.
I get it now. I don't know. A doctor told me that the strongest immunity is when you had the virus and then got the mRNA vaccine. That seems to hold true. Substantial Differences in SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Responses Elicited by Natural Infection and mRNA Vaccination
Sadly, had he embraced the vaccine and branded it we would be at a WAY different place than we are now.

Yeah no leftist would have taken it if it was called the Trump Vaccine, which is what it should be called. And certainly even fewer blacks than the pitiful 1 in 3 currently would have taken it.

I keep emphasizing this as the fake narrative by the Pravda media is that it’s a bunch of hick Trump supporters who are not getting the vaccine, and it’s his fault, when the lowest vaccine rate by ethic group, by far, are blacks.

Maybe if China Lebron took the vaccine on TV it would convince more blacks to get it. He’s certainly had some length of time since the first round of the playoffs to do so!
11-month-old with COVID sent to hospital 150 miles away due to lack of bed space in Houston

Not sure if this one is Bubba gonna Bubba, Covid gonna Covid, or Texas gonna Texas. Or, the dismissive "nothing to see here she's an obese 11 month old who's made pathetic life choices..."
You don't know much about LBJ Hospital, do you...or the population served.

What the media is NOT allowed to tell you for fear of pissing off poor people is that LBJ DEALS almost exclusively with the poor/welfare demographic on that side of town. Not every pediatric ICU bed in Houston does charity cases. While it is, as Maaaaaaaarvin Zindler used to always say, something that sucks to be poor, the reality is that sometimes a local bed can be a challenge. I would imagine that pediatric charity ICU beds are even more of a challenge...
You don't know much about LBJ Hospital, do you...or the population served.

What the media is NOT allowed to tell you for fear of pissing off poor people is that LBJ DEALS almost exclusively with the poor/welfare demographic on that side of town. Not every pediatric ICU bed in Houston does charity cases. While it is, as Maaaaaaaarvin Zindler used to always say, something that sucks to be poor, the reality is that sometimes a local bed can be a challenge. I would imagine that pediatric charity ICU beds are even more of a challenge...
In my experience in the healthcare field, nurses calling to transfer patients aren't allowed to do a wallet biopsy prior to the transfer. There's a law making that illegal. Moreover, pediatric ICU's don't much care as they have patients who have Medicaid and it pays well.
Switzer does know that Democrats were crapping all over the vaccine before the election, right?
I was crapping on it because it was sounding like a typical Trump "it's coming". Having come after the election, I was good with it and took it the first day it was available DURING the Trump Administration.
I was crapping on it because it was sounding like a typical Trump "it's coming". Having come after the election, I was good with it and took it the first day it was available DURING the Trump Administration.

That's because you knew the criticisms were partisan ********.
That's because you knew the criticisms were partisan ********.
Alright mind reader. I had watched a guy say things for 5+ years like "I've got a plan to replace the ACA that is better and cheaper, just wait." And they never materialized. He's the boy that cried wolf. I've given him plenty of credit for this vaccine. He pooped it down his leg by not lining his family up and having them get vaccinated in the most public way to praise the "trump" vaccine. He was too busy losing the Senate for the GOP. They should have put a .22 bullet behind his ear on the 1/6 impeachment and they'd have washed him out of the system and marginalized his ilk. They didn't and he's leading the party.

PS: Your claim of "partisan ********" is ********.
Texas Judge Richard Cortez voiced his growing frustration with Joe Biden’s lack of attention towards the border. In a press conference on Thursday, the Hidalgo County judge said they never heard back from the Biden administration. Cortez said the issue has only gotten worse as the border patrol has released over 7,000 COVID positive illegal immigrants since February.

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