I had it and my wife had it in late October. The first day we were both on steroids at home together and was rough.

We had a 5 year old that we gave up trying to keep distance from. He never got it. We even had him tested for the antibody. That said, delta is a lot more virulent and transmissible and apparently is attacking pediatric patients. I'd seen figures that from 99% to 95% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated. Then the Tulsa World ran that story. I expect that immunity is waning to some extent AND these vaccines were only 70% effective against the delta variant. I would expect that 95% number to fall down to less than 90%. We had two vaccinated staff members test positive. They were both barely sick.
The average age of hospitalizations in Florida was 45. That seems young as the population of Florida does not "skew younger".