
At the end of the day that's where my focus will always rest, and I could care less about the rest. No judgment being passed and more power to you whichever way you think and act. Whether you choose one path or the other, godspeed, and say a little prayer for those we've lost regardless of why.
Good on you.
I believe he was mocking government

Mocking the government? Dude passed away.

He did pass away, which is unfortunate despite Bubba finding joy in it. What he stated is correct. His premise is that you can’t trust the government, which is true.
Don’t be this way.

Please identify my “joy”. The fact that it is telling that many here share this cavalier attitude. I want people to use the tools that science has made available. That’s all.
At my largest facility today. Level 1 trauma center in the South. More Covid patients than during any surge. CMO not worried at all and no chance they are changing surgery schedule. Patients are lower acuity and they have plenty of PPE and equipment. Hospital not overwhelmed at all.
I don’t think Bubba does either. He didn’t need to lead his link like that. The “sounds familiar” was wrong. That’s why I called him out. He is one of the best on this board.
I don’t think Bubba does either. He didn’t need to lead his link like that. The “sounds familiar” was wrong. That’s why I called him out. He is one of the best on this board.
On the twitter there was a Darwin reference. That would have been untoward. Now, I am an uncooth sooner so i guess that would explain the “sound familiar”. I mean, it does sound familiar, right?
The fallacy in that Daily Beast article (and I feel extremely dirty for ever having read it) is that they are cherry-picking the COVID deaths of a few loud anti-vax people to make themselves and other vaccinated folks feel superior about their choice.

But the truth is there are many millions of people who haven't gotten the vaccine and either have contracted the holocough with little ill effect from it, or haven't contracted it at all. And therefore, an article highlighting the demise of a couple of loudmouths while completely failing to inform people about the statistical realities of vaxxing or not, is completely worthless garbage. Which, at least, explains its publication in the Daily Beast.
Conservative talk show host Phil Valentine is in critical condition with Covid. His position was make your own choice based upon your own risk factors. He chose not to at 62 because he felt he was healthy. Now he his telling everyone to get vaccinated. I think if you are over 50, not getting vaccinated is risky. I still believe it is personal choice.

Of course, lots of people tweeting that they hope he dies as an “anti-vaxxer.” That’s why Bubba’s previous email irked me.
Don’t be this way.

Please identify my “joy”. The fact that it is telling that many here share this cavalier attitude. I want people to use the tools that science has made available. That’s all.
You ALSO ignore the myriad co-morbid conditions that he had...and that an honest autopsy would attribute as causes of death. He died WITH the 'rona, not FROM the 'rona.
You can die WITH HIV but can't die FROM HIV. HIV is nothing to worry about.
You clearly have not paid attention to the Galveston individual to realize the role that co-morbid conditions played. The guy even JOKED about his own rotund other words, he was not a picture of health.
You clearly have not paid attention to the Galveston individual to realize the role that co-morbid conditions played. The guy even JOKED about his own rotund other words, he was not a picture of health.

He died of obesity. COVID was not the reason he died. We shouldn't attribute his death to COVID. That's your position? If so, absent contracting COVID would he be dead today? We know for certain he wouldn't have died gasping for breath on a ventilator. I guess you could calculate his risk of heart attack but that's a stretch. It's a struggle to come up with logic that diminished the impact of COVID on this vaccine skeptic. Yes, there are other co-morbidity factors but blaming the death on those can be logically wiped away with asking "would they have died absent COVID infection when they died?"

Using my HIV analogy, those that died of Aids died of Pnuemonia and other more easily overcome ailments. Their lifestyles should be blamed too, right? We shouldn't attribute their deaths to HIV. If that was your position in the early 90's then I'll give you credit for consistency even if centered on an illogical position.
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It has been my long held opinion that Liberals do not care to blame their constituents for their poor choices. It is not to be discussed. Instead, they are to receive help from all of us.

Now we have a sizeable percentage of the population choosing not to get an anti-COVID vaccine.

Should we help them anyway or tell them they get no assistance (if needed) from the taxpayers due to their choice?
It has been my long held opinion that Liberals do not care to blame their constituents for their poor choices. It is not to be discussed. Instead, they are to receive help from all of us.

Now we have a sizeable percentage of the population choosing not to get an anti-COVID vaccine.

Should we help them anyway or tell them they get no assistance (if needed) from the taxpayers due to their choice?
Libs want to spend your money to bandaid problems vs addressing root causes.
Thank the dark lord Covid isn’t killing these people.

Covid is Wil Muny. Obesity is stumpy. He should have armed himself with the available vaccines.
Gov. DeSantis stated: “Why don’t you do your job? Why don't you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t want to hear a blip about COVID from you, thank you.” He was referring to Biden, I happen to agree with him.
“Joe Biden has taken to himself to try and single out Florida over COVID. This is a guy who ran for president saying he was going to ‘shutdown the virus’ and what has he done? He’s imported more virus from around the world by having a wide open southern border,” stated DeSantis.
[QUOTE="theiioftx, post: 1847431, member:
It’s all politics. Sad but will be the end of the greatest country ever. Arm up and be prepared.
The only "noble lie" i can recall is masks aren't necessary whereas a month later he admitted it was to protect the supply of N95 masks for healthcare workers. Are there others?

Need to be careful of attributing ill intentions as new information was input into decisions.

Just a few from our Experts!, from the ruling class (new material in red)
  • The Wuhan virus is no big issue.
  • It may be an issue, but we'll deal with it the way we always have, and masks don't work.
  • OK we lied about masks, but only so you rubes don't go and buy them all. Now you must wear them at all times.
  • It's racialist to call the Wuhan the Wuhan, and you only must call it by its scientific name. The fact that China is pushing the same line is pure co-incidence.
  • The coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, couldn't possibly have come from the Coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, and to say otherwise is a wild conspiracy theory, which no less that Polifact called a Pants on Fire lie.
  • Shutdowns are the best and only way to combat the spread, and if you lose your business and life savings, the government will put you on welfare so you'll be OK. Meanwhile we don't lose our jobs, pensions, or a single retirement point.
  • Just Two Weeks to Slow the Spread!!!
  • 30 Days to Flatten the Curve!!!
  • There is a 10% outdoor transmission rate - wear your mask outside!
  • It's wrong and dangerous to protest against the shutdowns, you'll spread the virus and kill people.
  • It's OK to protest though for approved causes like the Burn Loot Movement - you won't spread the virus and it's very important to pack the streets and scream slogans at the top of your lungs.
  • But it's dangerous for churches to hold in-person ceremonies - you'll spread the virus.
  • OK maybe a bit more than 30 days to flatten the curve - like 16 months.
  • Actually, we were off a bit - there's only a 1% outdoor transmission rate, but on a log scale (which you rubes don't know anything about) it's not that big of a mistake.
  • It's not possible to create a vaccine by the end of the year, it'll take years, and President Trump's Operation Warp Speed is a joke.
  • The vaccine is is wonderful and all must take it, even those under 30 in good shape, and with a minuscule risk or virus effects.
  • You should still wear masks for ???? reasons.
  • This vaccine, developed in a year though we said that was impossible, and produced under emergency rules and with liability waivers to the manufactures, is perfectly safe.
  • OK maybe, maybe the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, might have come from the Coronavirus research lab in Wuhan, China, we'll see which way the wind blows politically before we say anything else.
  • You must wear masks on all airplanes, even if you're vaccinated, unless you're an elected Democrat running away from your duties, in which case we won't talk about it.
  • You should get the vaccine, so you don't have to wear a mask and can go back to normal.
  • You should get the vaccine, but wear a mask anyway, even though there's no real world data to show they do anything.
  • Parents should wear masks at home with their kids (!), so that they don't spread the Wuhan to them, and also so they they can become emotionally disturbed from never seeing their parents faces.
  • No matter how many times we're wrong, or have lied to you, you're a stupid Science Denier! if you don't listen to us now.
  • SCIENCE!!!
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Biden etc have been blasting Florida for letting Covid get out of hand, saying hospitals are overun and in dire straits.
So they interviewed Hospital CEOS from Tampa down to Miami.
EVERYone said they had plenty of capacity. no overruns
and were afraid Biden etc and Media will scare people who need care, heart attacks etc from going to Hospital thinking they are crowded.
Shame on Biden etc and Media for fear mongering
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