I've been reading this thread for some time now and honestly have a damn headache. I'm not a liberal or conservative, nor am I a Democrat or Republican. I have varied beliefs and positions on things that make it too difficult to label. I've tried to follow all the BS from both sides throughout all of this and ultimately have no freaking clue what's right or wrong, accurate or made up. I have no idea how history will look back on all of this, but I know I will look back and remember the now seven friends and loved ones we have lost to COVID, the most recent of which happened late last week. One had known underlying issues, one was over 65, and the other five were healthy and "young", at least by the definitions used for those allegedly more at risk. They died from COVID, not some other condition that COVID exacerbated, so rather than trying to postulate on which side or position I prefer or believe, I tend to just keep my mouth shut and do what's hopefully best for me and my family. At the end of the day that's where my focus will always rest, and I could care less about the rest. No judgment being passed and more power to you whichever way you think and act. Whether you choose one path or the other, godspeed, and say a little prayer for those we've lost regardless of why.