
Good reminder to us all about the critical thinking needed when covering topics like COVID. Several parallel forms of data need to be reviewed and compared together. Context of all of it has to be included including timelines, test protocols, geographies, etc.

True Understanding In Lower Levels Of Knowledge

Studies look at small amounts of people in 1 geographic location all the while not being able to hold all non-experimental factors constant. So conclusions have to be taken carefully and compared to everything else. Again. Look at real world data. Look at all the states and countries around the world. The NPIs haven't worked. Why should we double down on failed measures? All the while our children are missing out on life and we are hurting poor people with the arbitrary shut downs.

But still. If you want to wear a mask or 3. Do it. This SHOULD be a free country.

Are you really worried about wearing a mask? Or are you worried about social isolation and shut downs?

Because those are 2 entirely different things.

The cost of wearing a mask is minimal.
The cost of shutdowns/social isolation is obviously much, much worse.
So are you a medical doctor? Inquiring minds want to know. You just posted to make us think you are. Feel free to state so you have some credibility.

I have been working with doctors for 30 years. Given you have young children, I am guessing that yes I do know more doctors than you.

So two things. If you are a doctor, why are you posting here during the day when you could be taking care of Covid patients or generating income? And two, with that big doctor salary, why can't you sponsor?

And everyone knows a Z pack (that's azithromycin) is best for strep throat. Who the hell prescribes Bactrim for strep?
Bump so Dr Spitago answers.
Pro mask people just can't understand personal responsibility. If you think Covid is so bad, stay home. Hospitals are fine. Businesses are suffering.

Enough already. You want to wear a mask to protect me? Great, I don't care.
I will tell you that hospitals are not fine. They are slammed to the gills in Oklahoma. There are patients in ER's on vents waiting for ICU placement. Sub. OPTIMAL.
You mean the less fatal variant that people are wetting their pants over? Big deal. More contagious but less lethal puts it in the category of, oh what am I looking for...oh yeah, an average flu season.
Why such an aggy? Chill out. There's no data indicating that it's "less fatal". I assume it will be similar to the initial strain that sucks for most but is fatal to a unique patient.
That is combining COVID seasons though. We had one essentially March-August 2020 and now we have another Oct 2020 - Jan/Feb?2021.
It also ignores the massive failures in Michigan, New York and New Jersey that directly contributed to MANY thousands of elderly dying when the governors of those States forced nursing/retirement homes to admit the sick...same period that the floating hospitals saw next to no use and the field hospitals erected at substantial cost went unused in those locales.

Of course, those touting the six-figure number also ignore that it is deaths WITH the 'rona, not deaths FROM the 'rona...
Why such an aggy? Chill out. There's no data indicating that it's "less fatal". I assume it will be similar to the initial strain that sucks for most but is fatal to a unique patient.
How silly of me...I trusted the UK when they claim that it was less lethal. You would think a nation would know mortality rates...
Are you really worried about wearing a mask? Or are you worried about social isolation and shut downs?

Because those are 2 entirely different things.

The cost of wearing a mask is minimal.
The cost of shutdowns/social isolation is obviously much, much worse.

Obviously masks are less of an imposition on us. If we could get 100% open economy but with some mask wearing that would be bearable.

The point is, what are allowing to dictate our behavior? If masks help, then fine. If mask don't really help, then we should drop the mandates. People are shaming others over the masks. Masks create isolation and dehumanization while we are in public. Masks don't allow for nonverbal communication. All that harms societal interaction.

My viewpoint has always been let property owners and individuals make their own decisions. And let's be patient and kind with those that differ from us. That is the opposite of the US right now.
If you want to see the data on hospitalization. Find the state you are interested in from the tweet below. He has data on all 50 states. Looks like we could be hitting a peak.

I will tell you that hospitals are not fine. They are slammed to the gills in Oklahoma. There are patients in ER's on vents waiting for ICU placement. Sub. OPTIMAL.
I just flat out don't believe that. What % of hospitals are slammed? If so, I would guess because illnesses are up from people not going to the doctor last year amidst the fear porn.
I will tell you that hospitals are not fine. They are slammed to the gills in Oklahoma. There are patients in ER's on vents waiting for ICU placement. Sub. OPTIMAL.
Ok “moderate” Bubba is correct. Hospitals are in crisis, but it’s not lack of ICU beds. It’s lack of beds in general which is shutting down their OR’s which generate revenue. This isn’t everywhere, but certain areas are experiencing it.
If you want to see the data on hospitalization. Find the state you are interested in from the tweet below. He has data on all 50 states. Looks like we could be hitting a peak.

Positivity is down turning. It will be interesting to see how it holds next week after the back to school numbers hit. If we can get through the next month we will be through the worst. There light on the horizon.
How silly of me...I trusted the UK when they claim that it was less lethal. You would think a nation would know mortality rates...
Please post a link. Is there a special internet in college station that I don’t have access to? Conventional wisdom says it will be less dangerous but more contagious. I don’t find that link but would love to see that be the case.
We have patients sitting on ventilators in the ER waiting for an icu bed to open up.
Being on a ventilator in the ER or icu doesn’t make much difference. They could put them in the parking garage as long as they have a ventilator. By the way, ozone infusion still works like magic against COVID if given early. Guess there’s not enough money in stopping COVID early.
Being on a ventilator in the ER or icu doesn’t make much difference. They could put them in the parking garage as long as they have a ventilator.

:rolleyes1: There's a huge diatribe I could go on about how incorrect you are on this, but suffice it to say that ER docs and critical care docs (and their associated teams) have different skill sets. Is there some overlap? Sure but not enough to make them equivalent in terms of overall critical care patient management generally or vent management in particular.
I know a father of a coworker who lives in a retirement community in Tomball area. The nursing care area was vaccinated in December. The rest who are living independently (and over 65, which is basically everyone) will be vaccinated Friday. I know two retirees who are near 70 got their shot today or will on Friday (granted they signed up early). In about 2 weeks you are going to see it show up in real time numbers (hospitalizations), but likely 4 weeks for deaths.
That's rough.

Is that nationwide?
My Alabama hospitals are stretched. Everywhere else full but manageable.

The Alabama hospitals are effectively managing by cutting back on inpatient elective surgeries. That’s what should have happened in March rather than government shutting down all electives.
My Alabama hospitals are stretched. Everywhere else full but manageable.

The Alabama hospitals are effectively managing by cutting back on inpatient elective surgeries. That’s what should have happened in March rather than government shutting down all electives.
So backwoods Okie and Bama are stretched. Sounds like a hillbilly problem more than anything else.

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