I think it's related to autism.
White, over-educated Leftists have been huge fans of the lockdowns, as it hasn't affected their finances at all. Plus they can virtue signal by wearing thin strips of cotton over their mouth (maybe nose, but often not), thus being better than anyone who isn't. Feelings of moral superiority are of prime importance to this group.
But ..., there's a strong anti-vaccination feeling in this same crowd. I think it's related to the fact that a higher than average percentage of their kids have autism. No one really knows all the whys of autism, but having children later in life, as this group does due to careers, is considered one possible reason.
Also, this group often has some austic tendencies themselves - ability to focus on details, social and communication issues, introversion. A bit of these help you in school and in careers, but when you marry someone just like you, as this group does (no lawyer marries a candy store owner except in a Hallmark movie), the autism can get worse.
To avoid any blame to themselves, this group has latched onto the fake idea that vaccines are causing their perfect little kids to be nuts, and so no blame should be directed towards them.
As such, it's an odd mixture of worshiping the decrees of various dime store public health officials on lockdown and cotton strips, of which there is no evidence of either working, while not wanting to take the vaccine the same health officials say is safe and will end the issue.