
COVID kills Mary Ann of Gilligan’s Island. What a cruel virus.
First I hard of this. That's too bad, but would sh not have succumbed to the flu or a bad cold being 82 and likely a smoker? She was apparently a big marijuana smoker. Don't imagine that helps respiratory capacity to resist infection.
One positive from this pandemic is that it highlighted the importance of Vitamin D. Every human should be on a vitamin d supplement. I have been taking Vitamin D for years and it made a huge difference for avoiding colds and the flu. We also saw what a difference it made for our kids when they started pre-school. My wife was agnostic towards Vit D until she saw it wipe out the number of sick days my son had.
Sorry, but 20 minutes of sunshine on a good portion of your skin each day will give you more Vitamin D than you need. If you can get sunshine, no need for a supplement.
That said, I believe everyone needs to take all reasonable precautions such as wearing a mask, social distancing when possible, practice good hygiene, and get the vaccine when available.

I agree with everything you say except the vaccine part. I'll get the vaccine at some point, but I'm not going to be vaccine-shamed into getting it before it has been fully tested especially since the vaccine makers are largely immune if this thing screws up. And yes I know it has been tested some, but there's no way in hell it has been tested like a normal drug or vaccine.

I know the public health officials say it's all good, but like I've pointed out before, these guys don't follow their own rules. Self-isolation is great unless a powerful politician wants to go on vacation, people want to protest for a politically correct cause, or a public health expert wants to bang somebody's wife. They may be totally right about the vaccine, but they've blown enough of their credibility that I'm not going to immediately jump at their whim on the vaccine. I'll get it when I'm comfortable and not a minute before.
Sorry, but 20 minutes of sunshine on a good portion of your skin each day will give you more Vitamin D than you need. If you can get sunshine, no need for a supplement.
Direct sunshine is great for your health. However, there are a lot of variables involved when determining Vit D production i.e. how much of your skin is exposed, type of skin (darker skin could require hours of exposure to get enough vit D), climate, current weather conditions, etc. I seriously doubt that many folks will sit in direct sunlight with their shirt off for long enough to get enough Vit D every single day. Even my kid who is outside way more often than most adults was not getting enough Vit D based on my observation of his sick time before and after adding a supplement.
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I agree with everything you say except the vaccine part. I'll get the vaccine at some point, but I'm not going to be vaccine-shamed into getting it before it has been fully tested especially since the vaccine makers are largely immune if this thing screws up. And yes I know it has been tested some, but there's no way in hell it has been tested like a normal drug or vaccine.

I know the public health officials say it's all good, but like I've pointed out before, these guys don't follow their own rules. Self-isolation is great unless a powerful politician wants to go on vacation, people want to protest for a politically correct cause, or a public health expert wants to bang somebody's wife. They may be totally right about the vaccine, but they've blown enough of their credibility that I'm not going to immediately jump at their whim on the vaccine. I'll get it when I'm comfortable and not a minute before.
That's a fair point. Medical experts have pissed on their credibility throughout this pandemic. I can certainly understand the skepticism. However, I do find it bizarre that many of the same folks who have freaked out throughout the pandemic and have blindly trusted the medical experts on everything COVID related, all of the sudden don't trust them on the vaccine.
Sorry man. I should have known. I'm a bit on edge. Right now, when I go back to work, I'm going to now have to commute down to Miami to start my trips. Sucks big time.
No need to apologize- I think everyone is on edge these days. If I am ever on one of your flights, you will know it. I personally thank the crew when I get off every flight. I’m grateful for the service and safety of getting me to my job on a weekly basis.
That's a fair point. Medical experts have pissed on their credibility throughout this pandemic. I can certainly understand the skepticism. However, I do find it bizarre that many of the same folks who have freaked out throughout the pandemic and have blindly trusted the medical experts on everything COVID related, all of the sudden don't trust them on the vaccine.
That's a great point.
LA Times is claiming in a new story that there is apparently significant reluctance on the part of medical professionals to take the vaccine...seems this is NOT an eventuality that was included in the #plandemic organization efforts...the powers that be expected the sheep to just go blindly off the cliff on the say-so of an organization (FDA) that had provided us with a wide array of commercials that begin "did you take [drug] and have [symptom]...if so, call us at 1-800..."
We are seeing about a 50%-60% of our doctors and nurses getting vaccinated. Granted, I would peg our clinicians to have an average age in the 40's, but some of the older doctors are most vocally not taking it.
We are seeing about a 50%-60% of our doctors and nurses getting vaccinated. Granted, I would peg our clinicians to have an average age in the 40's, but some of the older doctors are most vocally not taking it.
Wouldn't they all have been exposed by now? I wouldn't think they need to take it either.

What the hell happened with the crying and screaming about protecting the "vulnerable"? Now, it's young doctors and nurses getting it. Seems suspect to me.
However, I do find it bizarre that many of the same folks who have freaked out throughout the pandemic and have blindly trusted the medical experts on everything COVID related, all of the sudden don't trust them on the vaccine.
These are separate folks.
I think it's related to autism.

White, over-educated Leftists have been huge fans of the lockdowns, as it hasn't affected their finances at all. Plus they can virtue signal by wearing thin strips of cotton over their mouth (maybe nose, but often not), thus being better than anyone who isn't. Feelings of moral superiority are of prime importance to this group.

But ..., there's a strong anti-vaccination feeling in this same crowd. I think it's related to the fact that a higher than average percentage of their kids have autism. No one really knows all the whys of autism, but having children later in life, as this group does due to careers, is considered one possible reason.

Also, this group often has some austic tendencies themselves - ability to focus on details, social and communication issues, introversion. A bit of these help you in school and in careers, but when you marry someone just like you, as this group does (no lawyer marries a candy store owner except in a Hallmark movie), the autism can get worse.

To avoid any blame to themselves, this group has latched onto the fake idea that vaccines are causing their perfect little kids to be nuts, and so no blame should be directed towards them.

As such, it's an odd mixture of worshiping the decrees of various dime store public health officials on lockdown and cotton strips, of which there is no evidence of either working, while not wanting to take the vaccine the same health officials say is safe and will end the issue.
(no lawyer marries a candy store owner except in a Hallmark movie)

It depends on what kind of lawyer. If we're talking about big city, downtown lawyers, I'd generally agree. Guys who work for Jones Day aren't marrying candy store owners. They're marrying other lawyers and other downtown professionals.

Small firm lawyers (like I was) are culturally different. I married a school teacher, but I wouldn't have cared if she had owned a candy store. She could have shoveled **** for a living, and I still would have married her. I just would have asked her to shower when she got home and keep her dirty laundry in the garage.
It depends on what kind of lawyer. If we're talking about big city, downtown lawyers, I'd generally agree. Guys who work for Jones Day aren't marrying candy store owners. They're marrying other lawyers and other downtown professionals.

Small firm lawyers (like I was) are culturally different. I married a school teacher, but I wouldn't have cared if she had owned a candy store. She could have shoveled **** for a living, and I still would have married her. I just would have asked her to shower when she got home and keep her dirty laundry in the garage.
Some of those shoveling **** have more common sense than the privileged, elitist, over-educated, moral superior leftists.
They are scheduling vaccine shots in the woodlands for 65+. My old boss has one scheduled for Jan 16.
No need to apologize- I think everyone is on edge these days. If I am ever on one of your flights, you will know it. I personally thank the crew when I get off every flight. I’m grateful for the service and safety of getting me to my job on a weekly basis.
Agree. Those guys. 99+% boredom and >1% “oh ****!!!”
My addition of data for the day. Facts chase away fear... and idiocy... and support freedom.

What do you have to say about the full ICU’s? I do think this thing is getting less dangerous AND more people have the antibody and are getting the vaccine. I expect by summer we will be good. The next month, at least in Oklahoma, is going to be a poop show.
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