
You might want to slow your roll young buck.
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I've been posting on Hornfans since at least 2001 even though you wouldn't know it if you looked right now. I started out with a different screen name and lost a bunch of my post count when the site was transferred over to the new servers. Mr Duck might not be as new as he/she/ze/it appears.
I think there is confusion regarding asymptomatic vs pre-symptomatic infection. The latter is likely a thing 1 day or so before symptoms show.
Going to test this theory. Coworker came down with symptoms Wednesday, stayed home. Tested positive on Thursday (today). I was in an office with him on Tuesday afternoon, about 4 feet away wearing a mask for a 5-10 minute discussion. We were both standing talking to someone behind a desk. He was told he only needed to contact folks once he showed symptoms and within 6 feet for 10-15 minutes.
I went to get tested today for covid. I should know tomorrow or Tuesday. I had exhaustion on Thursday, mild GI issues on Friday, and a mild sore throat on Saturday. Today is the best I felt since Tuesday in terms of energy. If I wasn’t told that a coworker had it, I would swear this is a cold. Also, I had what I call pre-symptoms before every one of my colds on Monday and Tuesday (stomach acid due to excess histamine). So whatever I got likely didn’t come from my coworker on Tuesday afternoon.
Uh oh....

Reports are coming in of a new mutated strain of the virus in the UK that is 70% more contagious than the normal Chinese strain of the coronavirus. It's spreading fast in Great Britain. Some Continental European countries are looking at travel bans to/from the UK.

Just when we thought we'd turned the corner...
I went to get tested today for covid. I should know tomorrow or Tuesday. I had exhaustion on Thursday, mild GI issues on Friday, and a mild sore throat on Saturday. Today is the best I felt since Tuesday in terms of energy. If I wasn’t told that a coworker had it, I would swear this is a cold. Also, I had what I call pre-symptoms before every one of my colds on Monday and Tuesday (stomach acid due to excess histamine). So whatever I got likely didn’t come from my coworker on Tuesday afternoon.
Godspeed. I was the same way. I thought I had some seasonal allergies. My wife tested positive so I got tested. prednisone and zpack was good with me even though my doctor friend said you don't medicate a virus, you treat the symptoms (tamiflu).
Uh oh....

Reports are coming in of a new mutated strain of the virus in the UK that is 70% more contagious than the normal Chinese strain of the coronavirus. It's spreading fast in Great Britain. Some Continental European countries are looking at travel bans to/from the UK.

Just when we thought we'd turned the corner...

It's a very big deal. London is going into Tier 4 lockdown. Some people are freaking out.
Also, I got shot 1 of the Pfizer vaccine Friday. Sore like a flu shot and I was a little extra sleepy after watching our 6th Big 12 Conference win in a row and our 14th overall. :) Slept in the recliner from 5ish to 11:00PM and in the bed from 11:30PM to 10AM. If it was the shot I'll take it again weekly.
Luckily, the new strain is more contagious but isn't more virulent. It worries me that a more virulent strain could pop up eventually.
Uh oh....

Reports are coming in of a new mutated strain of the virus in the UK that is 70% more contagious than the normal Chinese strain of the coronavirus. It's spreading fast in Great Britain. Some Continental European countries are looking at travel bans to/from the UK.

Just when we thought we'd turned the corner...

Holland closed travel from UK yesterday.
Luckily, the new strain is more contagious but isn't more virulent. It worries me that a more virulent strain could pop up eventually.
A more virulent strain would have to be a hydrid with another virus, likely created in a different animal (bat, pig, bird, etc.). This a background risk for all viruses in circulation, and not limited to covid-19. If Covid-19 became more virulent, it would be a different virus. Your worry is unwarranted if only applied to covid 19.
Luckily, the new strain is more contagious but isn't more virulent. It worries me that a more virulent strain could pop up eventually.
It is undoubtedly less virulent. More contagious means it affects your sinuses more than your lungs and chest, thus less deadly.
Good news! AOC got vaccinated ahead of elderly in her district because of "national security protocol"
At the risk of having the karma gods snickering with me, I am glad she wanted to be a guinea pig instead of risking the health of those elderly citizens...I realize that side effects are to be expected, but they are making the news far more frequently than I expected, both with the test results that were reported and the tendency for the media to sweep things under the rug.
What have you seen ? I have seen small small % of allergic reaction less than with other vaccines and other complaints similar to people taking flu shots,fatigue soreness.
To @mb227 's point above, UK has just accelerated their formal Brexit, ending the transition early. It was supposed to end on 12/31/2020 but seems to have been implemented early by the EU.

I'm sure that's part of it, but the public health angle is legit. At least in the short term, they're pretty worried. Macron says he wants to restore travel to France ASAP regardless of Brexit.

Stay safe @Mr. Deez and family.

Thanks. Our area is doing ok. We're in Tier 2, so we have restrictions, but it's not bad. The wife's orders are to remain at home and telework to the extent that she can, so she virtually doesn't leave the house and hasn't been to her office since the end of October. Deez, Jr. is on break from school. Churches are open, but ours has a lot elderly in it, so they're erring on the side of caution and closing through the holidays.
What have you seen ? I have seen small small % of allergic reaction less than with other vaccines and other complaints similar to people taking flu shots,fatigue soreness.
The two biggest ones were the nurse who passed out while at the podium and then there are some reports of fevers in excess of 103 degrees. I won't vouch for the fever ones but the link I saw it on was actually a mainstream media page...

There are also the reported claims of doctors telling some of their patients to make sure they have an epi-pen with them.

I have never done the flu shot and doubt I am doing this one...
All of our employees who have taken it have experienced aches and fevers. They are taking it on a day where they know they will be off the next day due to associated fever could get them quarantined. Still about 50% are opting out.

Mrs. Eyes is getting one next week. She does direct patient care. I’m waiting. Others should get it first and I want to see side effects 12 months from now.

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