
All of our employees who have taken it have experienced aches and fevers. They are taking it on a day where they know they will be off the next day due to associated fever could get them quarantined. Still about 50% are opting out.

Mrs. Eyes is getting one next week. She does direct patient care. I’m waiting. Others should get it first and I want to see side effects 12 months from now.
I’m not front line and I’ve got the antibody but I needed to get it to be an example. 100% of my little crew got it.
You got it even though you didn’t need it? You got it to be an example? Good grief liberals are the end of this republic.
I got it because the (non f’n liberal) doctors I work with said you were recommended to get it if you were 10-14 days out of symptoms. I would have deferred to others if there were more people wanting it than we had vaccine. I was in the last batch.

I think my willingness to get it helped ease fears of others. It allows me to tell the elderly that I’m calling during the day to ascertain their interest in the vaccine that I had it with minimal symptoms.

You’re kind of an aggy sometimes.

The trumpers are the end of our republic.
I had to laugh at this.

I got it because the (non f’n liberal) doctors I work with said you were recommended to get it if you were 10-14 days out of symptoms. I would have deferred to others if there were more people wanting it than we had vaccine. I was in the last batch.

I think my willingness to get it helped ease fears of others. It allows me to tell the elderly that I’m calling during the day to ascertain their interest in the vaccine that I had it with minimal symptoms.

You’re kind of an aggy sometimes.

The trumpers are the end of our republic.
You got it because you are scared to death. Do you think they just throw the unused vaccines at your facility in the trash if they are not used? You are an example for sure. An example of the idiocy of America right now.
So Congress passed a 6,000 page coronavirus package yesterday. I’m sure they had to pass it before they actually read it. Granted this is from Breitbart, but if true sad.

A. I had it in October. How am I scared?
B. We don’t have the ultra cold freezers yet so, yeah, what we didn't get into arms on Friday was going to waste.
C. Stop being a South Pole poster. I’m about to put you on ignore.
BS. I work in hospitals. Any unused vaccines are shared with other facilities and will be moved to LTC facilities. I could care less if you put me on ignore. I’ll still call out your idiocy when appropriate even if you don’t see it.
I got it because the (non f’n liberal) doctors I work with said you were recommended to get it if you were 10-14 days out of symptoms. I would have deferred to others if there were more people wanting it than we had vaccine. I was in the last batch.

I think my willingness to get it helped ease fears of others. It allows me to tell the elderly that I’m calling during the day to ascertain their interest in the vaccine that I had it with minimal symptoms.

You’re kind of an aggy sometimes.

The trumpers are the end of our republic.
I’m assuming you got the vaccine last week or this week. How is that 10-14 days out if you had Covid in October? Any doctor recommending a short supply vaccine to someone who doesn’t need it is guilty of malpractice.
I’m assuming you got the vaccine last week or this week. How is that 10-14 days out if you had Covid in October? Any doctor recommending a short supply vaccine to someone who doesn’t need it is guilty of malpractice.
You're a know it all who knows nothing of my situation.

We were recommending people get it who were 10-14 days out of infection. I'm 60 days out.

Here are the key bullets:
*Vaccination should be offered to persons regardless of history of prior symptomatic or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection
*Vaccination should be deferred until recovery from acute illness (if person had symptoms) and criteria have been met to discontinue isolation
*No minimal interval between infection and vaccination
You didn’t that was just my impression and the beer talking. To your

How about giving your dose to someone else? Why don’t you tell the elderly I giving you my dose. Clearly you don’t understand what people are trying to explain to you.
Our first batch was for the medical staff. That's it. I proposed that we had a few patients who were also spouses of staff that we could have "on call" in the event that we had a vial open that was going to spoil.
  • What a slam at AOC:lmao:

Can any Dem explain why so much money in the Corona bill is going to foreign counties instead of here at home? Venezuela, Why are we sending money to Venezuela?
You're a know it all who knows nothing of my situation.

We were recommending people get it who were 10-14 days out of infection. I'm 60 days out.

Here are the key bullets:
*Vaccination should be offered to persons regardless of history of prior symptomatic or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection
*Vaccination should be deferred until recovery from acute illness (if person had symptoms) and criteria have been met to discontinue isolation
*No minimal interval between infection and vaccination
Those are general guidelines for the vaccine not the immediacy of who should get it. I’m confused as to whether you needed it or not based upon your “being an example to your little crew.” I don’t think there is full evidence out about getting Covid twice in 60 days, but I’m glad you got vaccinated. Can’t take any chances.
I have read the reason for the mutated, more infectious COVID-19 virus is due to lockdowns and other attempts to flatten the curve. Should have just ramped up hospital capacity, protecting the old, and let the virus run its course. We would have been through it months ago. Now, the lockdowns will lead to more lockdowns, more fearmongering, more unemployment, more deaths of despair, etc.

What a total and absolute failure of the health orgs and governments. As of November 2019 the playbook was to do just what I said in the above paragraph. I actually read the CDC guidelines published late last year. But no one followed their own advice, so now we are a year into this mess with no real way out.

We have people taking the vaccine who don't need it. We have health leaders saying lockdowns and masks will be required even with the vaccine. This is completely anti-science, anti-logic, and anti-freedom. Completely disgusting.
I have read the reason for the mutated, more infectious COVID-19 virus is due to lockdowns and other attempts to flatten the curve. Should have just ramped up hospital capacity, protecting the old, and let the virus run its course. We would have been through it months ago. Now, the lockdowns will lead to more lockdowns, more fearmongering, more unemployment, more deaths of despair, etc.

What a total and absolute failure of the health orgs and governments. As of November 2019 the playbook was to do just what I said in the above paragraph. I actually read the CDC guidelines published late last year. But no one followed their own advice, so now we are a year into this mess with no real way out.

We have people taking the vaccine who don't need it. We have health leaders saying lockdowns and masks will be required even with the vaccine. This is completely anti-science, anti-logic, and anti-freedom. Completely disgusting.
Totally agree and it is only exacerbated by the latest relief bill putting us further in the hole. It did send money for gender studies in 3rd world countries and earmarked money for local television stations who produced the scoreboards to cause fear and panic. Is anyone aware of one local station who laid off people or went out of business?
Can any Dem explain why so much money in the Corona bill is going to foreign counties instead of here at home? Venezuela, Why are we sending money to Venezuela?

I have no idea about Venezuela but the bill was clubbed together with the Omnibus bill ($1.4 Trillion to fund the government, $900B for Corona) thus not everything in the bill is targeting Covid relief
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It is full of pork from both sides. Despicable that representatives do not even read the bills they pass. No wonder we are in such a bad position in 2020.
There is so much unnecessary crap I am glad Cruz voted against it.
Why would we send our money to Pakistan for gender studies.?
Anyone who thinks we should send our money to Venezuela or Sudan or any foreign country right now is loony.
A line item veto could stop much of that.
There is so much unnecessary crap I am glad Cruz voted against it.
Why would we send our money to Pakistan for gender studies.?
Anyone who thinks we should send our money to Venezuela or Sudan or any foreign country right now is loony.
A line item veto could stop much of that.

Hold Congress accountable, not delegate their budget powers to the POTUS. The POTUS already has too much power as demonstrated by the use to the Executive Order by the past 2 POTUS.
I went to get tested today for covid. I should know tomorrow or Tuesday. I had exhaustion on Thursday, mild GI issues on Friday, and a mild sore throat on Saturday. Today is the best I felt since Tuesday in terms of energy. If I wasn’t told that a coworker had it, I would swear this is a cold. Also, I had what I call pre-symptoms before every one of my colds on Monday and Tuesday (stomach acid due to excess histamine). So whatever I got likely didn’t come from my coworker on Tuesday afternoon.
I tested negative. The two coworkers who had much more exposure to my other (sick) coworker hasn’t shown any symptoms yet either. Yeah, I’m guessing the asymptomatic spread is BS and pre-symptomatic spreaders are <10% of the total (unless they spread to close family members due to lots of interaction and contact).

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