
If you are healthy, why take a vaccine at all for a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate for those below what, 70?

Many disease in the past didn’t have that survival rate after taking a vaccine.
If you are healthy, why take a vaccine at all for a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate for those below what, 70?

Many disease in the past didn’t have that survival rate after taking a vaccine.
So you don't get it and then pass it on to someone else who may be compromised or taking care of an elder or some other crap. That's the WHOLE POINT about masks. It's not about you/me, its about us/we. If it were like the flu and a fever or some other symptom indicated that you had it, no big deal. This thing spreads from asymptomatic to some extent and pre-symptomatic.
My family and I had it earlier this year in February. Felt like a case of the flu with a dry cough. I never take naps but for four or five days I woke up early each morning and was back asleep by 10a.m. for 4 or 5 hours. It past finally. We wear masks every time we leave the house. Wouldn’t wish that on anybody.

Why would you still wear a mask?
That's an unknown. Some believe if you can't catch it or become infected then you can't transmit it. Makes sense to me but I think further research will be necessary.

Why would we expect COVID to be any different than the 100s of other viruses out there? If you are immune you are not an infection vector, whether by vaccine or naturally. COVID has truly made everyone stupid.
That's the WHOLE POINT about masks. It's not about you/me, its about us/we. If it were like the flu and a fever or some other symptom indicated that you had it, no big deal. This thing spreads from asymptomatic to some extent and pre-symptomatic.

Everything in this quote is bullshi -- I mean factually incorrect.
Don’t think anyone knows Bubba. I tested positive for antibody again 4 mo after my positive test and doc still says cannot guarantee I’m immune. But truth be told I’m not crazy about this guy on anything.
@Vol Horn 4 Life If the Dr (with extensive education, training and licensing) and is treating patients who have medical conditions then he has more value to the Community than a guy who washes cars a basically non essential service. Capitalism by definition.

Allocating Vaccines on risk of exposure for healthcare workers, risk of death in high risk populations like seniors and then the rest of population based on effectiveness of vaccine.

If you are healthy, then it is less risk for you to wait until my 9o year old mother in law has a turn.

If you are anti vaccine then you can wait a long time as others choose to take the vaccine.

btw nothing is free.
A little off topic, but that is not the definition of capitalism. It may or may not be the result of capitalism so I get your point.
So asymptomatic/pre-symptomatic don’t spread it?

Doc, how long does immunity from antibody last?

My wife and I had symptoms (again) last week. Her test came back positive. This makes the second time.

I'm getting tested tomorrow..pretty sure the same result applies to me. You can apparently catch this nonsense multiple times
Horn2, did you ever, or your wife ever get a negative test? This thing can last a long time. Took me well over 3-4 weeks. My negative test was a good six weeks after first positive.
Horn2, did you ever, or your wife ever get a negative test? This thing can last a long time. Took me well over 3-4 weeks. My negative test was a good six weeks after first positive.
Yeah, we've had people test positive for a long time. That said, you're only contagious for a small period of time. The CDC timeline is 10 days out of a positive test.
Texas Wedding Photographers Have Seen Some $#!+

"The wedding photographer had already spent an hour or two inside with the unmasked wedding party when one of the bridesmaids approached her. The woman thanked her for still showing up, considering “everything that’s going on with the groom.”

When the photographer asked what she meant by that, the bridesmaid said the groom had tested positive for COVID-19 the day before. “She was looking for me to be like, ‘Oh, that’s crazy,’ like I was going to agree with her that it was fine,” the photographer recalls. “So I was like, ‘What are you talking about?’ And she was like, ‘Oh no no no, don’t freak out. He doesn’t have symptoms. He’s fine.’”

Horn Frogs?
Fact check: Trump needs 'miracle' to be right about rosy vaccine timeline, experts say

President Donald Trump has suggested multiple times that a coronavirus vaccine could come within months, an accelerated timeline that prominent health experts and veteran vaccine developers say is unlikely absent a miracle.


“I think we’re going to have a vaccine by the end of the year,” he told reporters later in the day.

But experts say that the development, testing and production of a vaccine for the public is still at least 12 to 18 months off, and that anything less would be a medical miracle.

Can someone remind me again why these "experts" should be trusted?
Fact check: Trump needs 'miracle' to be right about rosy vaccine timeline, experts say

Can someone remind me again why these "experts" should be trusted?

If you're curious how science beat their own expectations this is a good summary. This covers how the typical 4-5 year vaccine development narrowed to <1yr. It includes some pretty amazing breakthroughs that included a lot of scientists from various disciplines. It started with mapping the Covie-19 Genome. mRNA was the game changer and where the bulk of the innovation occurred. Trump isn't a scientist so it's a political discussion on whether he (or any politician) deserve "credit" for the vaccine. Honestly, I think scientists and/or front-line workers deserve Person of the Year.
I believe this is the first successful virus to be transmitted asymptomatic. Congrats to the Chinese!! They finally did something on their own!

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