
I’m on the final full day of a week long trip in Mexico. The social distancing followed here is over the top better than the US. At the restaurant last night, temperature check and hand sanitizer at the front door. Before you were seated at table, they sanitized it, then used an ultraviolet gun on the table. Finally placed a bottle of hand sanitizer on the table.

I hope I don’t get it, but I’m not worried about it either. I wash my hands and wear a mask even though I don’t think the mask is much protection for anyone. As a person in and out of hospitals, airports and restaurants on a weekly basis, I have so far managed to dodge it. I hope everyone here does too.
There is a debate who goes second - folks over 65 or folks who work in essential industries or basically anyone working with a lot of human interaction (teachers, workers on the job, etc).
There is a debate who goes second - folks over 65 or folks who work in essential industries or basically anyone working with a lot of human interaction (teachers, workers on the job, etc).

I'm a PE teacher, so I see half of the kids in my school, plus any TAs that come with the class. I'm hoping to get in on a trial (I didn't realized they were still starting those), but haven't gotten final confirmation on it yet.
I'm a PE teacher, so I see half of the kids in my school, plus any TAs that come with the class. I'm hoping to get in on a trial (I didn't realized they were still starting those), but haven't gotten final confirmation on it yet.
If possible, try to get on the Novamax trial over J&J or AstraZeneca. Safer and more effective. Novamax will be the long term winner.
I am 52 and healthy. I can get a vaccine through one of my hospital clients. I won’t for two reasons. 1) I am healthy with no known health issues. The vaccine should go to LTC facilities and actual patient care workers first.
2) I would rather wait to see what happens with the vaccine due to #1 above.

Reports from my hospitals today are that employees are not required and only about 50% are saying they will take the vaccine.
There is a debate who goes second - folks over 65 or folks who work in essential industries or basically anyone working with a lot of human interaction (teachers, workers on the job, etc).

How about personal choice?
I'm a PE teacher, so I see half of the kids in my school, plus any TAs that come with the class. I'm hoping to get in on a trial (I didn't realized they were still starting those), but haven't gotten final confirmation on it yet.

As a rule, children don't infect adults. Adults infect children. Then children have mild cases and development immunity. The best thing for society is for young people to develop immunity and interact with people all over the place. The virus will go out of season.
There was an obit in the SA Express-News Sunday that was for a husband and wife. I thought, "oh wow, must have died in an automobile accident". Nope, he was 90 and she was 83. Both died of Covid. Him Dec. 4. Her Dec. 6. They were both receiving in home care. That's sad.

Also heard Charlie Pride died of Covid. He was 86.
A very close friend of ours called to say her step mom tested positive on Dec 4th her dad tested positive Dec 7th and he passed over the weekend. Step mom in hospital in West Texas.
Covid life is forever or at least till 2024 or until a hard revolt. China will just keep re-releasing as needed. Survival of the fittest. Surgeon General just said vaccinated people will need to still wear masks.
I am 52 and healthy. I can get a vaccine through one of my hospital clients. I won’t for two reasons. 1) I am healthy with no known health issues. The vaccine should go to LTC facilities and actual patient care workers first.
2) I would rather wait to see what happens with the vaccine due to #1 above.

Reports from my hospitals today are that employees are not required and only about 50% are saying they will take the vaccine.
Only fools rush in.
Yes BUT maybe it makes sense for those at risk. If I were at risk I would have to weigh the risks of a new vaccine against the risks of getting the virus with underlying causes
My family and I had it earlier this year in February. Felt like a case of the flu with a dry cough. I never take naps but for four or five days I woke up early each morning and was back asleep by 10a.m. for 4 or 5 hours. It past finally. We wear masks every time we leave the house. Wouldn’t wish that on anybody.
I am 52 and healthy. I can get a vaccine through one of my hospital clients. I won’t for two reasons. 1) I am healthy with no known health issues. The vaccine should go to LTC facilities and actual patient care workers first.
2) I would rather wait to see what happens with the vaccine due to #1 above.

Reports from my hospitals today are that employees are not required and only about 50% are saying they will take the vaccine.
We are about 50% interested in getting it early.
Not surprising, the vaccine starts getting administered on electoral college count day and the news is turning positive that the virus will go away. Local news in Nashville isn’t running a scoreboard anymore. Damn, I wonder why?
Not surprising, the vaccine starts getting administered on electoral college count day and the news is turning positive that the virus will go away. Local news in Nashville isn’t running a scoreboard anymore. Damn, I wonder why?
We are going to be 3k per day for the next month if not longer. We may surpass 500k.
Ironic that cases likely peaked in US on vaccine day.

Former boss who is over 65 with high blood pressure will get Moderna vaccine in 3 weeks. He is in group 1b after nursing care folks and medical professionals. His doctor getting the shot today. I think 1a group will be done in 3 weeks, and then move to 1b. Big question is who is group 2, senior citizens without conditions or essential employees?
Former boss who is over 65 with high blood pressure will get Moderna vaccine in 3 weeks. He is in group 1b after nursing care folks and medical professionals. His doctor getting the shot today. I think 1a group will be done in 3 weeks, and then move to 1b. Big question is who is group 2, senior citizens without conditions or essential employees?

Group 2 is 65+ and essential workers. All vaccines are at no charge and this is my problem with "free" or socialized medicine. Why are doctors more important than an guy who works in a car wash? Prioritizing medical care based off importance seems very elitist and communitstic.
@Vol Horn 4 Life If the Dr (with extensive education, training and licensing) and is treating patients who have medical conditions then he has more value to the Community than a guy who washes cars a basically non essential service. Capitalism by definition.

Allocating Vaccines on risk of exposure for healthcare workers, risk of death in high risk populations like seniors and then the rest of population based on effectiveness of vaccine.

If you are healthy, then it is less risk for you to wait until my 9o year old mother in law has a turn.

If you are anti vaccine then you can wait a long time as others choose to take the vaccine.

btw nothing is free.
Group 2 is 65+ and essential workers. All vaccines are at no charge and this is my problem with "free" or socialized medicine. Why are doctors more important than an guy who works in a car wash? Prioritizing medical care based off importance seems very elitist and communitstic.

Isn't the Doctor at higher risk of infection than the car wash guy?
Anyone working with the public at large should be ahead of healthy retirees who can afford to lock themselves up. Who says a table busboy is more important than any other job that requires a physical presence. I get the logic that doctors may be more exposed but outside of that, anyone working should have the next highest priority other than folks with conditions.

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