
Hey, Duck,

My toothless relatives in Oklahoma would tell you that is a temporary situation. As soon as their workers comp settlement check or their wreck/slip n fall settlement check arrives, they will buy new teeth so they can look good shopping for the new doublewide
Huh? I do get what your meaning here but the logic of the statement standing alone is kinda looney.
To assess community spread you need to be testing a decent amount. Some rural counties have high rates as they have some cases but little relative testing. Positivity rate is a factor if testing and not population.
Unless you rapid test everyone everyday, you are pissing in the wind. Will Joe put forth mandatory testing? Good luck with that.
Unless you rapid test everyone everyday, you are pissing in the wind. Will Joe put forth mandatory testing? Good luck with that.
By end of January there should be a lot of AB doses from Regeneron and Lilly. Give it to anyone who is concerned (teachers, healthcare providers) or at risk. This stuff offers protection for 6 months likely. Plus, there will be probably 2 vaccines approved by then (Moderna and Pfizer). J&J may be approved then too. There may be at home testing approved by Feb too. Trump will have fixed the economy and covid by Feb 1. Just think that 6 months ago, you had to go to an emergency room to get tested and even then you were turned away unless you were really sick. 3 months ago, we didn’t know if the vaccine or AB treatment worked. In 3 months we will be in the homestretch.
We would be in the homestretch, but Biden is likely winner. With that, his Covid task force is already suggesting shipping vaccines overseas versus protecting as many Americans as possible. They need to keep enforcing masks, quarantines and economic shutdowns. They need more government dependence to keep their foreign graft scams alive. Has Hunter Biden been named Secretary of State yet?
Exotic dancers of color in Oregon are eligible for federal coronavirus relief funds

And transgenders, ha ha! Pole dancers with a pole.

Get ready. This sort of crap is going to turn into an avalanche over the next 4 years. Then maybe all those white folks who voted for Kamala and Li'l Joe will begin to think that maybe voting Democrat isn't the best thing for their families.
Exotic dancers of color in Oregon are eligible for federal coronavirus relief funds. A grant worth nearly $600,000 was made available to the Haymarket Pole Collective, and priority will be given to applicants who are black, indigenous, or transgender.

This is social justice. Prepare for more of it to come our way.
And transgenders, ha ha! Pole dancers with a pole.

Get ready. This sort of crap is going to turn into an avalanche over the next 4 years. Then maybe all those white folks who voted for Kamala and Li'l Joe will begin to think that maybe voting Democrat isn't the best thing for their families.

Obama did exactly this
Rmbr his first stimulus?
And all the "shovel ready" jobs to rebuild "the nation's dying infrastructure?"
It was all nonsense
Obama was a king liar
The bulk of it went to pay back various groups for getting him into office - unions, business, nonprofits, associations, foundations. Stripped bare, it was a giant vote-buying scheme funded through money laundering of taxpayer money.
I am not shocked, but let’s look at when they arrived at the test results. Anyone want to bet it was before November 3rd?

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Our governor (Mike DeWine-R) came on TV last night to announce the large uptick in cases/hospitalizations/deaths that we have had in Ohio. He uped the mask mandate that has been in effect for months stating that business will be punished (warning 1st offense, closed for 24hrs on 2nd offense) for not tell customers to wear masks inside their stores. He also said that he is going to revisit the issue and cases next week and if they are still high and businesses do not comply he will start shutting down businesses again.
Cases about to peak in OH, but deaths are muted.

I wonder if we are going to start shutting down for flu season as well. Hell, let's invest in more printing machines. We can just hand cash to everyone without work!
I wonder if we are going to start shutting down for flu season as well. Hell, let's invest in more printing machines. We can just hand cash to everyone without work!
John Kasich left office with a huge "rainy day fund" I'm sure they might pay from that but I agree. Its ridiculous to shut **** down.
If you look at the states thaut were hit hard: NY, NJ, CA, TX, AZ, FL, LA, MS, etc the surge in daily death rate is either muted, non-existent, or still decreasing. Thus, by end of year, the 3rd wave will be over. 1st wave was northeast, 2nd wave was sunbelt, and 3rd wave is middle US. By the time, the vaccines and antibodies are widely available in Feb/March, covid will be on its way out across entire US.
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The more I look at this (as in much of what I do) i begin to question the numbers. While the case count is pretty much legit, except for a few false positives that are probably recorded, the hospitalizations/death numbers are what I question. Within these numbers are the people that are being hospitalized are they admitted due solely from COVID? And the death numbers I ask the same question. Did they die due only to COVID? Or did they die from something else die to complications from COVID? I know I have heard of a couple of cases throughout the country where you can question it but as a majority I would like to see a breakdown of the numbers (even if that is possible). Something I would like to see.
As someone who works with hospitals daily, the comorbidities are the real causes of death. Overweight patients with heart conditions, diabetes and COPD are the primary deaths outside of the very elderly who also often have similar conditions.
As someone who works with hospitals daily, the comorbidities are the real causes of death. Overweight patients with heart conditions, diabetes and COPD are the primary deaths outside of the very elderly who also often have similar conditions.
Diabetics w low VitD levels.....
From my conference call this morning. In Oklahoma mask mandate cities positivity rate is 5% lower than non mask mandate communities. While they're both going up they are in sync.

Of note is that 68% of hospitalizations are from non mask mandate communities. In Oklahoma the larger population centers are the ones mandating masks. So, that number is more significant in my mind.
Wow iis
So 94% of the admits in that report had comorbidities?
Is it true that hospitals get paid more for covid patients?
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Yes they get paid more for Covid diagnosis patients.
That BS would have flown before testing was ubiquitous. Since April/May that's a non starter President Trump. Every admit will get tested at some point, especially if they're going into an ICU or COVID area.

They do get paid more because they get reimbursed in a cost based system and COVID costs more to treat than other things. The uptick is not significant. It is probably similar to the difference in the same diagnosis between hospitals.

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