
I don’t know the answers. Just because old Logan Run here discussed this as an idea it doesn’t mean his work in a work group is going to reflect that.

Then again, it could mean that his work will reflect that. The bigger point is that he's an ***, and his idea is horseshite.

Had my first interaction with the new Seton this weekend. Have you dealt with the people at Ascension?

Turns out that their man in charge of Texas came up through the ranks at Memorial in Houston. That should tell you everything you need to know.

The Catholics are winning the race with the Baptists over which one can run the worst hospitals and lose the most money.

After Sunday night, I would rather go to a doc in the box than their glorious "Level One Trauma Center".
Being 73 I resent the comment but must say I do not want my Dad or Moms last years. They were 87 and 93 respectively and the last two years for both were hell on them, and everyone else.
I think the point for health policy is we should maybe focus more on hospice than on the third round of chemo and radiation. Quality of life is a consideration that many don’t consider.

this is not a Logan’s run proposal.

Had my first interaction with the new Seton this weekend. Have you dealt with the people at Ascension?

Turns out that their man in charge of Texas came up through the ranks at Memorial in Houston. That should tell you everything you need to know.

The Catholics are winning the race with the Baptists over which one can run the worst hospitals and lose the most money.

After Sunday night, I would rather go to a doc in the box than their glorious "Level One Trauma Center".
Unfamiliar with the Houston systems. I will say that the two catholic hospitals in Tulsa are my favs. The nuns can be aggressive. Baptist in okc.
Isn't the heart hospital on Memorial in OKC a Catholic hospital?

I don't know where they send the nuns to business school, but Harvard, Wharton, & Stanford should take lessons. Unfortunately, they have handed the keys to people like Catholic Healthcare Incompetence in Denver and Ascension. The Daughters of Commerce in St Louis & the Sisters of Commerce in Houston have little left.

You want nothing to do with Memorial in Houston or any of their facilities around the state. It's a Baptist system. I am Baptist and avoid it at all costs.

I thought maybe you had crossed paths with Ascension.

Best jobs are probably with that chain that started in Salt Lake City, got funding from TPG, and now have multiple facilities across the country. They are actually worse run than any of the above, but TPG pays no attention to their investment, just like they do nothing with the gold mine that was Richard Scrushy's surgery centers and PT centers.

I will badmouth Seton until their CEO proves they have put competent healthcare providers in their facilities.
That’s what the folks at pjizer said, not bubba. On the other vaccines in process? That may be different.

It's been clarified, Bubba.

Pfizer research head distances COVID-19 vaccine from Trump's Operation Warp Speed

"Update 11/09/2020: This page has been updated to clarify Jansen's comments following further details from a Pfizer spokesperson. The spokesperson clarified that its vaccine is linked to Operation Warp speed, though its research and development has not taken funding from the federal government. The headline was also updated for clarity."
It's been clarified, Bubba.

Pfizer research head distances COVID-19 vaccine from Trump's Operation Warp Speed

"Update 11/09/2020: This page has been updated to clarify Jansen's comments following further details from a Pfizer spokesperson. The spokesperson clarified that its vaccine is linked to Operation Warp speed, though its research and development has not taken funding from the federal government. The headline was also updated for clarity."
No funding. Is the link moral support?

That's the equivalence of aggy chanting SEC when Bama or lsu does SEC stuff.
Trump was RIGHT YET AGAIN!!!! In the first debate sleepy Joe argued the vaccine was not close to being ready but Trump argued it was just weeks away but that this vaccine is very political. Sure enough, election announced in the news and TA DA! A vaccine is announced. Its going to be hilarious when Trump ends up proving voter fraud winning re-election then the libs will argue the vaccine doesn't really work and we should shut down again.
No funding. Is the link moral support?

That's the equivalence of aggy chanting SEC when Bama or lsu does SEC stuff.

The government paid a ton of money to Pfizer for this vaccine. They can say it didn't affect development but I'm sure it did. Pziizer is saying, according to the article, they are linked to operation warp speed.
The army logistics people are all over the distribution and that’s a good thing. Warp speed had nothing to do with developing this vaccine. Global partnerships among world health “groups” saw it get done. Warp speed can certainly help get it approved faster and distributed but had zero to do with development.
Did you read what I wrote?
This is big news even though this is just the single antibody treatment. We need the dual antibody treatment approve too along with Regeneron’s dual antibody approved. When rolled out, this should reduce death by 80-90%. Needs to be given early before hospitalization or given to people who are likely to get infected (nursing home residents).

FDA allows emergency use of first COVID-19 antibody drug — Reuters
Yes. But Pfizer said that they took no USG$. I'm sure they're going to charge the USG $ for the product.
Nothing in what I wrote said anything about Pfizer. I was making the point that our prior 2 Presidents should get credit for getting companies to research synesthetic vaccines. Now I know that said they (Pfizer) have not taken any USG$ but that is just for the COVID vaccine but they have taken money in the past. And implementing the plan to get the vaccine out to Americans should be given credit to Trump. Yes the US Army Logistics has the lead on this but Trump put them in charge of it cause he knew they can produce.
Bubba we all know Trump (and staff) did not participate in scientific studies or laboratory testing in any way but to say their was no involvement is absurd. Even if it was we could use some help with “xyz” with a response of “ok I’ll make some calls”. The help is there and I’m certain appreciated. We have all experienced how beneficial are those whom can ‘grease the wheel’.
And Ezekial Emmanuel, heading up the Biden Covid task force, immediately comes out with plans to ship vaccines overseas and basically states nobody should live past 75 anyway. He is also the architect of ObamaCare and his slinky brother ram Chicago further into the abyss of high taxes and out of control crime. Good call Joe - I mean Kamala. Good call.
Bubba we all know Trump (and staff) did not participate in scientific studies or laboratory testing in any way but to say their was no involvement is absurd. Even if it was we could use some help with “xyz” with a response of “ok I’ll make some calls”. The help is there and I’m certain appreciated. We have all experienced how beneficial are those whom can ‘grease the wheel’.
A big part of what Trump has done is to cut the FDA ********. I worked for a medical device manufacturer in the 90s. FDA would reject submissions if you didn't use the right grade of paper (back before digital submissions), if the binder was not the right type, and if you didn't have all of sections in the report - regardless of relevance. Any communication that was not done completely in accordance with long and confusing instructions would be ignored or rejected; UNLESS you had a congressman from a relevant committee on retainer.

I think the FDA has gotten rid of some of their ridiculous restrictions over the years. But my understanding is that they were still a bureaucratic nightmare when Trump was elected. That a vaccine can be delivered in a year is a major accomplishment.
With you in the incredible bid requirements. And they were incredibly adept at writing them to specs only their preferred vendor could match. It was always amazing how they could force an answer by asking something so specific that requiring a yes or no answer. Often the question was could you perform either an inferior or obsolete test. Frustrating!
A big part of what Trump has done is to cut the FDA ********. I worked for a medical device manufacturer in the 90s. FDA would reject submissions if you didn't use the right grade of paper (back before digital submissions), if the binder was not the right type, and if you didn't have all of sections in the report - regardless of relevance. Any communication that was not done completely in accordance with long and confusing instructions would be ignored or rejected; UNLESS you had a congressman from a relevant committee on retainer.

I think the FDA has gotten rid of some of their ridiculous restrictions over the years. But my understanding is that they were still a bureaucratic nightmare when Trump was elected. That a vaccine can be delivered in a year is a major accomplishment.
I agree. But, to quote the great Winston Wolfe, "let's not start......"
Yes. But Pfizer said that they took no USG$. I'm sure they're going to charge the USG $ for the product.

The US Government pre-purchased 100M doses (treats 50M people) for $2B from Pfizer. It's a semantics for Pfizer to say that they didn't help when they had the order confirmed before developing the drug. I'm sure the US wasn't the only entity to pre-purchase dose. Pfizer's risk was greatly diminished if they already had commitments to purchasing the drugs. Of course, it all depends on the contracts that were signed. When was payment due? Is there any option for the purchasers to back out, if the vaccine didn't work?
Don’t understand your comment Bubba, I thought the theory was to NOT go indoors. At least that is NY Mayors attitude right?
Don’t understand your comment Bubba, I thought the theory was to NOT go indoors. At least that is NY Mayors attitude right?
I think the prevailing thought is that numbers are going to increase as more people spend more time indoors, sharing air. Even though I was told that it was going to magically go away on 11/4. :)
I think the prevailing thought is that numbers are going to increase as more people spend more time indoors, sharing air. Even though I was told that it was going to magically go away on 11/4. :)

The Washington Post had an article about a small county in South Dakota (Pop 2k) getting decimated by Covid. With their small population they jumped to the highest death rate in the country. They now have a 50% positivity rate.
The Washington Post had an article about a small county in South Dakota (Pop 2k) getting decimated by Covid. With their small population they jumped to the highest death rate in the country. They now have a 50% positivity rate.
This was discussed in generalities on our call this morning. Too little testing can lead to high positivity rates. The expert is working on a report to drill into ICU bed usage based upon mask mandate address or not. Should be interesting.

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