Yet, he's the hero of the left and media, same thing.
His state had the second higher death rate in the country, and the largest number of dead.
His policy was to sent infected but recovered Wuhan patients back to their nursing homes, as a Typhoid Mary to kill other residents.
He then gets to be interviewed by his brother, who uses big Q-tips as prop gags during the interview.
Meanwhile, Gov DeSantis of FLA gets the media glare, though his state had a fraction of the deaths as NY, and had a good plan on how to avoid nursing home transmissions.
All this is why I tire of those who say "Trump screwed up the Wuhan!!!". If Clinton had been president, done the exact same things, the media would have claimed it was the best leadership in the history of the world. Plus all her advisors would have, first and foremost, had her political interests as their over-riding priority. Anyone who would have have said a word against her would have quickly been fired, to the media's delight.