
I saw a video on twitter that 84K Nurses and thousands of Doctors signed petitions claiming masks don’t work and 94% of positive tests for Covid are false. There are many types of corona virus, flu and common cold included. These tests are reading those corona viruses not Covid 19. Herd immunity. That’s it. I’ll wear a mask into a store and take it off if I see others without. 80% of my in store visits I can take it off.
Our employees in the hospital wear N-95 masks at all times. We have 15 employees who have contracted Covid with most suspected to be from patients they cared for in the OR and/or colleagues in break rooms.

I think masks, when worn properly and sanitized/changed daily, provide some level of protection. But if you believe the majority American public does either consistently, you are mistaken. And to add to that, it causes a false sense of security.
Our employees in the hospital wear N-95 masks at all times. We have 15 employees who have contracted Covid with most suspected to be from patients they cared for in the OR and/or colleagues in break rooms.

I think masks, when worn properly and sanitized/changed daily, provide some level of protection. But if you believe the majority American public does either consistently, you are mistaken. And to add to that, it causes a false sense of security.
Most Americans, and I love America, are lazy and won't take the time to learn how to properly wear a mask and then actually do it.

I love the pro mask argument of "Surgeons wear them, so why can't you?" Um, I'm not in an extremely sterile room with other properly equipped people while standing over a person with an incision in him. That's why.
Hey Bubba, I got the steroids something like a week into the Covid and reaction was not good. Got seriously depressed and anxious on it. Have had to go thru them again later (well after Covid) with another issue and had no serious negative side effects. Kinda weird.
Hey Bubba, I got the steroids something like a week into the Covid and reaction was not good. Got seriously depressed and anxious on it. Have had to go thru them again later (well after Covid) with another issue and had no serious negative side effects. Kinda weird.
Mine was just prednasone with zpack. Sorry you had a poor reaction.
Most Americans, and I love America, are lazy and won't take the time to learn how to properly wear a mask and then actually do it.

I love the pro mask argument of "Surgeons wear them, so why can't you?" Um, I'm not in an extremely sterile room with other properly equipped people while standing over a person with an incision in him. That's why.
Mask mandate cities have significantly lower community spread.
It's just a fact. Wearing a mask is such a non issue.
Good, then wear one. It is subjective, not fact, that it is a non issue, okay? I'll be curious when the studies come out about the health concerns of wearing these kinds of masks and coverings for well beyond what would be considered the normal duration even in the medical community prior to Covid.

Any medical people on here want to tell us how long medical workers pre-covid would walk around with masks on? Aren't there detrimental health effects from doing so for extended periods?
Mask mandate cities have significantly lower community spread.

You have to be kidding me. New York?

I can compare Austin to Round Rock and see that is false. More masks in Austin and a higher rate of spread.
Kayleigh McEnany calls celebrations for Joe Biden 'superspreader events'

This is an example of the absolute sick lie that is the Left. They attacked Trump mercilessly about COVID yet looked the other way when super-spreader events benefitted LEFT WING CAUSES.

These people are absolute liars and it is on national TV. This is not claims of a conspiracy. We see it with our own eyes. We have the proof. This shows how far they will go to attack those who see reality for what it is. Those who pretend they are good and Trump is evil are the one's who need mental help. They are sick.

This is not hyperbole. It is my layman's opinion that there is a form of mass psychosis on the Left, very similar to the type of football fans who arrogantly ignore cheating in order to win a MNC.

They are so mentally weak.
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Yeah, notice how all the woke scolding goes by the wayside every time there's a mass gathering of leftists. It's how you know it's such a scam.
I recently heard a story about vaccines. When George W came to office he became aware that we did not have a plan for vaccines on this level. He was told that the only way to produce vaccines was with a live virus and that that could take weeks, months if not years to produce. He dumbed $15 billion into medical research to produce vaccines synthetically. Science advanced. Obama continued to pour money into the same programs. Then we come to today. We actually have a virus that needed this. While I give credit to W and Obama for getting the science to catch up we, as in ALL Americans, should thank Trump for putting together this "Operation Warp Speed". The logistics is there to get this distributed faster than anyone could have ever imagined. The problem is like everything it will be politicized. The majority of Americans will not start to receive it unit after the inauguration and Biden will be getting some credit for it. The credit should go to Trump and his team IMHO.
And then there’s Cuomo. What kind of person comes out and questions the validity of a vaccine because it was developed under a particular President? Brother!
Yet, he's the hero of the left and media, same thing.

His state had the second higher death rate in the country, and the largest number of dead.

His policy was to sent infected but recovered Wuhan patients back to their nursing homes, as a Typhoid Mary to kill other residents.

He then gets to be interviewed by his brother, who uses big Q-tips as prop gags during the interview.

Meanwhile, Gov DeSantis of FLA gets the media glare, though his state had a fraction of the deaths as NY, and had a good plan on how to avoid nursing home transmissions.

All this is why I tire of those who say "Trump screwed up the Wuhan!!!". If Clinton had been president, done the exact same things, the media would have claimed it was the best leadership in the history of the world. Plus all her advisors would have, first and foremost, had her political interests as their over-riding priority. Anyone who would have have said a word against her would have quickly been fired, to the media's delight.
I recently heard a story about vaccines. When George W came to office he became aware that we did not have a plan for vaccines on this level. He was told that the only way to produce vaccines was with a live virus and that that could take weeks, months if not years to produce. He dumbed $15 billion into medical research to produce vaccines synthetically. Science advanced. Obama continued to pour money into the same programs. Then we come to today. We actually have a virus that needed this. While I give credit to W and Obama for getting the science to catch up we, as in ALL Americans, should thank Trump for putting together this "Operation Warp Speed". The logistics is there to get this distributed faster than anyone could have ever imagined. The problem is like everything it will be politicized. The majority of Americans will not start to receive it unit after the inauguration and Biden will be getting some credit for it. The credit should go to Trump and his team IMHO.
The army logistics people are all over the distribution and that’s a good thing. Warp speed had nothing to do with developing this vaccine. Global partnerships among world health “groups” saw it get done. Warp speed can certainly help get it approved faster and distributed but had zero to do with development.
Warp speed had nothing to do with developing this vaccine. Global partnerships among world health “groups” saw it get done. Warp speed can certainly help get it approved faster and distributed but had zero to do with development.
A sad testament to your blind hatred of Trump that you actually believe this.

You guys are gonna love this....we do spend way too much money on the last year of life. We had significant discussion on this in grad school in health policy. Those last years are often miserable as well.

My roommate at the time smoked but hid it. I told him those cigs were going to take ten years off his life. He said he didn’t want those ten I could have them. So I’ve got that going for me, which is nice.

I don’t know the answers. Just because old Logan Run here discussed this as an idea it doesn’t mean his work in a work group is going to reflect that.
Being 73 I resent the comment but must say I do not want my Dad or Moms last years. They were 87 and 93 respectively and the last two years for both were hell on them, and everyone else.

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