
So Tom and Rita Hanks have a cold. Oh my god, I’m going to watch Forrest Gump and Big tonight in memory of the 10-14 days we will be forced to not see them on TV.
It’s a bad cold. It’s very dangerous to the elderly and the health compromised. So is the flu. You liberals, who claim to believe in science, are special people. And by special, I do not mean smart or responsible.
It’s a bad cold. It’s very dangerous to the elderly and the health compromised. So is the flu. You liberals, who claim to believe in science, are special people. And by special, I do not mean smart or responsible.

I'm thinking it's the carrier problem. If an otherwise healthy person contracts it then yes, it's like the flu; probably gonna' be ok. But what if you pass it on to someone at risk? Should we take greater precautions due to this?
I'm thinking it's the carrier problem. If an otherwise healthy person contracts it then yes, it's like the flu; probably gonna' be ok. But what if you pass it on to someone at risk? Should we take greater precautions due to this?
If you are compromised or elderly, don’t go visit France, don’t attend the NCAA tournament and don’t go anywhere outside your home until it subsides. And if you are 80 plus, you are statistically going to die soon any way. Don’t destroy the world trying to extend your life a few months.
Any amateur (or professional) opinions on hyper-dosing on Vitamin C with lots of water to beat colds, flu, or this? This goes way back to Dr Linus Pauling, but I’m seeing some buzz about it again with this Coronavirus.
It’s new cold for people without natural or vaccinated immunity. The immunity (either type) is coming sooner or later, likely 12 months from now.
And it is a natural phenomena that has existed over time. We just didn’t have a biased media to stoke an ignorant population.
My son just called home and told us he (and UT) gets an extra week off for Spring break--doesn't go back until the 30th. Apparently bailor is doing the same...
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If you are compromised or elderly, don’t go visit France, don’t attend the NCAA tournament and don’t go anywhere outside your home until it subsides. And if you are 80 plus, you are statistically going to die soon any way. Don’t destroy the world trying to extend your life a few months.
The problem with your swashbuckling attitude? I’m 53 and healthy. My mom is 78. Me or my kids can have it for as long as 14 days and not show the symptoms and pass it to her easily. We have a premie in the extended family who’s still in the NICU. I had 2 pre 29 weekers. This is the equivalent of RSV for the elderly. Both of my premise spent time on the vent after re-admits. The second one at 14 months.
The problem with your swashbuckling attitude? I’m 53 and healthy. My mom is 78. Me or my kids can have it for as long as 14 days and not show the symptoms and pass it to her easily. We have a premie in the extended family who’s still in the NICU. I had 2 pre 29 weekers. This is the equivalent of RSV for the elderly. Both of my premise spent time on the vent after re-admits. The second one at 14 months.

The only real precaution is to just stay home and not interact with the public for a few weeks.

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