mchammer, no one really knows. The numbers being reported by states and CDC are worthless. Listen to minutes 15-60 of this video detailing the COVID case definition and counting policy change.
May 18, 2020 Commissioners Court
This is the smoking gun folks. I knew policy changed and went into effect in early June, specifically June 9 but hadn't seen firsthand information.
This is it. Texas Epidemiology rep gives all the data. I credit the Collin County Court with understanding what was going to happen with reporting. This is from May 18.
We've all been lied to folks. We are still being lied to but the link is the antidote or the red pill or whatever other metaphor. This doesn't mean cases aren't going up. It means we HAVE been overcounting since June and we have NO clue what the actually epidemic trend has been.
One of the people comments about how in until the policy change the counties were reporting the data themselves. Hospitals were reporting to county offices. The trend was down and very low. But the state took all that away. The state now reports for everyone. County data is still available but the Texas DSHS controls everything. Find the leader of the TDSHS and you will find a villian most likely. Would love to see who that is and what his/her other affiliations are.