
DC Mayor--
Children over 3 years of age who aren’t masked (and not eating or drinking) are subject to $1,000 city fine per violation. This with no actual law passed.
Most city workers are, however, exempt

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MLB = 10,548 samples with just SIX (0.05%) positive tests.
anyone surprised?
well, maybe a couple of you
These pro team testing results seem more reliable than what counties are reporting
The counties are doing the official reporting. The Texas DSHS is reporting, but breaking out the data into county. The State took that work away from counties in early June.

Go back and watch the 15-60 minute span of the Collin Co. Court meeting. The "2nd wave" in Texas is explained within it. It is not a natural event. It was man made wherever the new policy was implemented.
MLB = 10,548 samples with just SIX (0.05%) positive tests.
anyone surprised?
well, maybe a couple of you
These pro team testing results seem more reliable than what counties are reporting

Joe, Any idea of what the testing frequency was for the MLB players?
Amazing the results when everyone is tested every few days and when someone is positive they are isolated. Too bad the rest of the country isn’t important enough to get the same treatment.

MLB/PA announced latest COVID-19 test results thru 7/16: 6 of 10,548 samples (0.05%) positive. The past week included a 5-day period in which no new positives were reported.

Also what period of time were the 10K tests taken and for how many people?
The issue isn't importance. The issue is $. They have the money to invest in the tests for their employees. It doesn't make sense for every company or person to do that.
MLB statement on COVID-19 testing

-Intake testing of 100% players and staff
- Testing for asymptomatic cases every 48 hours for all players and staff
- 24 hour test and trace results by private lab
- Repeat screening of all positive but not all negative test results
- Positive test player resultes in isolation and until negative tests
Those players would have been isolated until they tested negative; if they did, they could have returned to play but would be subject to daily testing for seven consecutive days.

This is a very involved process and will certainly identify positive cases within 48-72 hour cycle.

Wonder what is planned for contact football?
Joe, Any idea of what the testing frequency was for the MLB players?

"The MLB protocol emphasizes contact tracing and rapid testing..."

"Under the MLB protocol, players are tested every other day...."

If a players tests positive, first ask were all the other players were scheduled for testing anyway?
If not, the only those players that had been in “close contact” with the + player would be tested immediately. Those players would have been isolated until they tested negative; if they did, they could have returned to play but would be subject to daily testing for seven consecutive days.
“Close contact” does not mean playing on the same field with an infected player. “Just because you’re in the vicinity doesn’t necessarily mark you as a guy." The league advises teams to consider criteria for each teammate, in accordance with CDC recommendations: Did the infected player cough, spit, or otherwise propel secretions toward the teammate? Did the infected player touch the teammate, or share personal items? And did the infected player spend at least 15 minutes within six feet of the teammate?
A doc I work with said Trump really missed an opportunity to not only embrace masks but to steer into the curve and politicize them to his advantage by having MAGA/Trump2020 masks. How did Stephen Miller not think of this. He's a sharp but weasly bastard.
A doc I work with said Trump really missed an opportunity to not only embrace masks but to steer into the curve and politicize them to his advantage by having MAGA/Trump2020 masks. How did Stephen Miller not think of this. He's a sharp but weasly bastard.

He has begun to embrace masks
It will help on election day, i.e., the need for foto id
so your side cant cheat as much
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I have been tracking Travis and Williamson county cases since March. I couldn't get the graphs into the comment box, but they both show a clear peak. This is now after the case counting manipulation that gave us the "2nd wave." I think the event was created in health organization offices. But you can only fudge the numbers so much.
The latest, sorted by deaths per 1M pop
The media is still giving Texas and Florida grief
Yet they have a blind spot for NY and New Joisey, which followed NY's lead
I suggest there is only one possible explanation for this

Mass getting more real, somehow

The same thing is happening in New Jersey now that happened in Mass
Since HHS took over the accounting, they are demanding real numbers
So the real number for New Jersey is less than half what it was reporting before HHS took over for CDC

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