
After reading the post above, you might be wondering where in the heck the mayor of LA is getting his advice -- so here she is

The person who is setting public policy there is not an Md
She has a PhD in Social Welfare
From Brandeis
And she makes more than $500k of taxpayer dollars a year to tell those taxpayers that they are safer at home on an indefinite basis and they must exercise while wearing a mask
The whole thing is crazy
Why do they keep re-electing these nitwits?

Woman Dictating LA County Shutdowns Isn't a Medical Doctor, Paid More than $500K
Anyone notice that these geniuses all look the same? This one is the sister or cousin of the one in Pennsylvania. That’s the genius who moved her 95 year old mother from a nursing type home to a hotel, then sat by and watched the ones that stayed get massacred.

> No makeup, or if they have any, they put it on like cake frosting.

> They never do anything with their hair. The natural look makes them look smarter. :rolleyes1:

> If they’re married, god help their other half. But then again, the other half is probably preoccupied hugging their day job.

> Most wear round glasses with tiny lenses. I guess it makes them look smart.

> Many drive Volvos, Subarus and old VWs.

> They bathe occasionally because, due to their higher calling, they just don’t have time for that.

> They wear clothing that went out of style in the 60s.

Am I objective and enlightened, or what?
@Monahorns will love this crap. What a f'ed up picture of what liberty is. Link.

Most of the article is your typical shrill horse crap of the "educated" political left to crap on people who have the audacity to prefer to go to work rather than be long term wards of the state. It's not worth giving up 2 minutes of your life to read. However, this paragraph sorta defines her philosophy.

"Liberty is a type of freedom defined and limited by civil society. It is not an unrestrained, unchecked license to do whatever one desires. Rather, liberty is a right constituted by the society — or, here, nation — one lives in."

The first two sentences are correct. Liberty has limitations - an issue she raises as a straw man. The problem is with the last sentence and says everything that's wrong. To this idiot, liberty is a creation of the government. The government says what liberties you have and can say what liberties you don't have. They are supreme.

She sets up another straw man about how the First Amendment doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, which everybody agrees with. However, she ignores the fact that the Constitution itself is a massive limitation on government power and therefore an enforcer of liberty (and would be even without the First Amendment) that comes not from government but from "our Creator," which she likely doesn't think exists.

A serious inquiry would look at whether or not government has the right to impose lockdowns. But she unquestioningly presumes that without evidence and instead attacks the liberty of those who call it into question. That is the mindset of someone asking for tyranny.
Little dictators have sprung up all over the country, self-empowered with unchecked authority in the name of keeping the public safe. The Justice Department needs to step in and start challenging the Constitutionality of some of these rulings. If they don’t, American cities may become the next Hong Kong.
Now tie it all back to the virus being a China weapon, like you have posted, Alex.:popcorn:

China ordered the samples destroyed
Why would they do that?

"In late December, several genomics companies tested samples from sick patients in Wuhan — the center of the coronavirus outbreak — and noticed alarming similarities between their illnesses and the 2002 SARS virus, the Sunday Times of London reported, citing Chinese business news site Caixin Global.

The researchers alerted Beijing of their findings — and on Jan. 3, received a gag order from China’s National Health Commission, with instructions to destroy the samples.

Rather than hunkering down to contain the virus, Wuhan officials went ahead with their annual potluck dinner for 40,000 families.

The alleged cover-up continued when representatives from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Jan. 8 visited Wuhan, where officials intentionally withheld information that hospital workers had been infected by patients — a telltale sign of contagion.

News of the virus’ highly contagious nature didn’t surface publicly until Jan. 20. Wuhan was locked down and a mass quarantine ordered three days later...."
Now tie it all back to the virus being a China weapon, like you have posted, Alex.:popcorn:

On the other thread, I posted articles about their quick and quiet construction of mass crematories in Xinjiang. Even posted some sat foto images of unusual sulfur flares around those places.

Here, the Washington Times' Bill Gertz (who has covered China longer than any reporter in DC) writes --

"Chinese government deception regarding the coronavirus outbreak is raising new fears about Beijing’s biological weapons activities, including population-specific research on germ weapons capable of attacking ethnic groups, according to current and former U.S. officials.

A senior Trump administration official told The Washington Times that China is known to be engaged in a covert program that includes development of biological weapons capable of attacking ethnic groups with pathogens.

“We are looking at potential biological experiments on ethnic minorities,” the official said on the condition of anonymity...."

Chinese deception fuels fears of ethnic biological weapons ‘experiments’

And this was last July thousands in Wuhan - the protest was about a giant incinerator being built in their city
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Now tie it all back to the virus being a China weapon, like you have posted, Alex.:popcorn:

US investigating a report that found evidence of a ‘shutdown’ and ‘hazardous event’ in Wuhan lab in October , around the time the 2019 Military Games were held in Wuhan

Participants of the games from France, Spain, Italy, Sweden reported telltale symptoms.

US investigating 'hazardous event' in... | Taiwan News
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Wow Deetz, according to Bianco (author of the article you posted) only Republicans care about ‘freedom’ and liberty, although she argues the difference between the two as a singular allowance provided by the government. Scary stuff.

And yet after everything you've posted, Longest and his ilk can only regurgitate "Orange man baaaaaaaaaa(d)."

I dont give one **** if Trump could have acted "sooner" or had 10 million ventilators ready in January.

China is solely responsible for a worldwide pandemic not even Hillary or Bernie could have done a damn thing to stop it.

I laugh thinking that there are people who believe that somehow we would be in better shape had Hillary been president. So coronavirus wouldn't have hit the US if she had been in charge?

Someone help me understand this. Having a billion ventilators and masks on January 1st wouldn't have stopped the virus. Only quarantining China would have.
Joe Biden: Trump has weakened our capacity to deal with coronavirus

This is interesting. I've looked at several of the sublinks in this Op-Ed. I will give Biden credit for at least having something in writing to fall back on to score political points.

However, he doesn't say back in January when he wrote this what his plan of action was. He doesn't say that the US is in dire danger from coronavirus and "this is what we need to do." All he indicates is that Trump has done X, Y, Z and that has left us unprepared, but offers no solutions other than "vote for me."

Concerning budget cuts for various programs such as the National Institute for Health etc, what are the necessary budgets for these programs and despite the protestations of those benefitting from that funding, do they need all of what they are getting or do they just want as much as possible? I haven't broken down all the numbers for all of these groups so I can't definitively answer that question.

I think comparing this coronavirus to ebola is comparing apples to oranges. Ebola is nowhere near as contagious as coronavirus and Africa isn't China. Travel banning Africa isn't the same as travel banning China. Containing a virus in Africa is not even in the same stratosphere as China.
However, she ignores the fact that the Constitution itself is a massive limitation on government power and therefore an enforcer of liberty (and would be even without the First Amendment) that comes not from government but from "our Creator," which she likely doesn't think exists.

No one really understands that the Constitution says what the Fed Gov CAN do. Anything outside of it they CAN'T do.

No where does it say the government has the authority to state what businesses are Essential and Non-essential, and shut down non-essential businesses.

This whole lockdown is a violation of the US Constitution. The sad thing is COVID-19 is evidence that the Constitution is powerless. We are ruled by men not law. And we Americans roll over whenever the government tells us to.
No one really understands that the Constitution says what the Fed Gov CAN do. Anything outside of it they CAN'T do.

No where does it say the government has the authority to state what businesses are Essential and Non-essential, and shut down non-essential businesses.

This whole lockdown is a violation of the US Constitution. The sad thing is COVID-19 is evidence that the Constitution is powerless. We are ruled by men not law. And we Americans roll over whenever the government tells us to.

Yep, and what's worrisome isn't that this lady thinks the way she does. We've always had idiots. What's worrisome is that her view is within the Overton window. NBC News takes her view seriously. On the merits, it should be viewed and shown about as much respect as someone advocating the legalization of slavery or Holocaust denial. It's garbage on its face.
No one really understands that the Constitution says what the Fed Gov CAN do. Anything outside of it they CAN'T do.

No where does it say the government has the authority to state what businesses are Essential and Non-essential, and shut down non-essential businesses.

This whole lockdown is a violation of the US Constitution. The sad thing is COVID-19 is evidence that the Constitution is powerless. We are ruled by men not law. And we Americans roll over whenever the government tells us to.

The caviot to this is that every authority not specifically given to the feds is given to the states, thus the states have the right to do this too us unless it violates our civil rights, which I believe it does.
We have lost the rights to assemble, freedom of religion, keep and own guns, speech, you name it. Hell we have lost the right to pursue our happiness.
On the hydroxychloroquine discussion, someone on another board posted this analogy:

“Imagine the United States was a cruise ship called the Titanic, and it hit an iceberg called Pandemic. Now imagine the lifeboats were a widely used successful treatment called hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).

Let's say the Captain had recently heard from a rival lifeboat manufacturer that his ship's lifeboats were inferior and could actually kill passengers instead of save them. This didn't make any sense because these lifeboats had been used for many years and were found to be versatile and effective.

Unfortunately, out of an abundance of caution, the Captain kept his lifeboats tied down to his doomed ship. It was reported that the Captain's last words were "better safe than sorryyyy.........glub....glub."

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