You are talking about the law as written. I don't think all laws are just or legitimate. I don't support Legal Positivis
I don't think all laws are just or legitimate either. However, I do believe in the rule of law and don't think one's subjective opinion of the law grants him the authority to assault a police officer who's just doing his job.
If the policeman pushed a protester into the water, he wouldn't be guilty of assault.
Depending on the facts and circumstances surrounding it, yes he could be guilty of assault.
You base your opinion on holding policemen and government officials to privileged or higher status. I don't. They are both human. They should be held equally under the law. If they aren't that is a failure of our legal system.
No, you actually don't think they are the same for the purpose of enforcing the laws,. That's BS. You're either a liar, or you haven't thought this through at all.
It isn't weird. Despite us agreeing on different subjects. Y'all all believe in Statism.
If you think LH is a statist, I wouldn't argue the point. However, Garmel and I are statists? That is laughable.
The person may have acted foolishly in light of current law. It could be pointless because he isn't going to get his way. But he is standing up for what should be his right. In that he is a patriot and a hero.
Otherwise, we have to believe that it is somehow unethical or immoral to stand less than 6 feet from a person. We have to believe a policemen has the right to tell people just how close or far away they are allowed to be to other people. We have to believe that people don't fundamentally own their own bodies and the ability to make their own decisions where it doesn't infringe on other peoples'. We have to believe that Government has the right to announce and enforce any edict they want, without vote, without constraint.
No, we don't have to believe any of that. How you interact with the police and what you think of the law he's charged with enforcing are separate issues.
For starters, I don't think telling people to socially distance in a public place in the middle of a pandemic is so terrible that it justifies a breakdown in the rule of law or acts of violence. Are the merits of that debatable? Sure. But is it an act of tyranny or an abuse of their rights? No. Why? For the same reason I don't have a problem with public schools requiring students to get vaccinated. The issue affects people beyond those involved. So no, I wouldn't endorse this dumbass's act of protest.
However, let's suppose he was acting against a law that truly was an abuse of his rights. It still wouldn't give him the right to assault the officer. For example, Rosa Parks resisted obeying a law that most would agree was unjust. She got arrested for it. Suppose she had kicked the arresting officer in the nuts. Would she have been justified in doing that? Under your standard, she would have been. To me, she wouldn't have been.