Comey and Mueller

Fusion GPS went to court to prevent the American people from finding out who paid them and who they were paying. Thankfully, a federal judge shut this attack down and so now the House has the docs to follow the money. This includes members of the media who took money from FGPS.

The House Intel Com said it “has intelligence suggesting that Fusion directed Steele to meet with at least five major media outlets to discuss his work on the Trump Dossier.” It also noted that it would be "reasonable to pursue whether “various media companies and journalists" were also involved."

Here is the opinion if you want to read it for yourself. The judge notes "Steele was paid an undisclosed sum of money for work he performed on behalf of FBI." This is not a good reflection on Comey.

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So, thanks to a federal judge, we should get to see which reporters and news outlets GPS Fusion paid to publish its baloney.....

It would not at all be surprising if the names of the reporters who took money from Steele/GPS are on this previously posted list

Note how CNN almost casually throws in that while the FBI was investigating the Clinton Foundation, it was told by the Obama DOJ they couldn't do any subpoenas or interviews until after the election.

Like it happens every day. No big deal.

Bruce Ohr has been demoted yet again at DOJ -- today removed as the head of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force. It also sounds like DOJ has finally conceded to House Intelligence Committee demands that Ohr be made available for interview (as of now, the date is Jan 17)

But he is not alone. The list of internal demotions includes --
FBI agent Peter Strzok now hiding in the HR Department
FBI/DOJ Attorney Lisa Page, at one time Andy McCabe’s legal aide as well as Strzok's workmate with benefits, now wondering the halls at Main Justice
FBI Chief Legal Counsel Jim Baker doing office supply inventory
FBI Asst. Director McCabe desperately trying trying to make it to March for pension purposes

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The House Committee Chair Devin Nunes finally has his hands on both the original Obama administration FISA Application and the full Steele Dossier. This was delivered to him today by Asst. AG Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray. This includes the critical FD-302’s and FD-1023’s that relate to interviews with Christopher Steele and his Russian Dossier (see above)

Among other things, this should show us the extent of the Obama Admin surveillance of the Trump campaign and transition teams. It should also shed light on the subsequent unmaskings of Trump personnel.

As a reminder, what it appears was happening here was that the Obama Admin was sharing unmasked intelligence obtained from this likely illegally obtained FISA warrant with a person who was, at the time, a private citizen -- Hillary Clinton. Hillary, who it appears was wrongly convinced at that time that she would handily win the election, was then foolish enough to use this information in her campaign.

From Oct 2016
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We should find out some time next week (I hope) how important Bruce Ohr's former position in DOJ-NSD was to him being able to conduct FISA-702 "About Queries"
And who he gave those results to

Things the FBI can't find....

-- Peter Strzok's texts

-- 33,000 Hillary's emails

-- Evidence of Trump/Russia collusion

I'm beginning to see a pattern
Besides this blatant corruption demonstrated by the back-and-forth Strzok & Page text show, there is the additional issue of the fact that the FBI's No.2 Counter-intelligence official was texting his f-buddy at work about work on an unsecure phone

This anti-Trump comedy show began with the dubious Fusion GPS/Steele dossier claiming Trump would be subject to blackmail by the Kremlin and Putin. Well -- what better blackmail opportunity is there to a hostile foreign government than to have the FBI's No. 2 counter-intel agent behaving this way?

This whole thing is nuts
Nixon only erased 18 minutes and look what happened to him.

This time, looks like the FBI got caught erasing 5 months of Texts/Emails needed in their scandal investigation.

One of the biggest differences this time is that Woodward and Bernstein will be participating in the coverup.

@Joe Fan, they didn't care about using unsecured phones and texting this information back and forth because they "knew" Hillary would be elected and this stuff would never come out.

@Joe Fan, they didn't care about using unsecured phones and texting this information back and forth because they "knew" Hillary would be elected and this stuff would never come out.


And it changed at some point
And I think everyone with a functioning brain realizes when that was
Which resulted in 5 months of "missing" texts
Are these texts really "missing"?
Or, where they purposely deleted?(if so, not legal)
Or, were they hidden/removed from the outset? (using technology)

The FBI is required under law to preserve records.
There are jobs that exist solely to ensure this is accomplished
Anyone might have an issue with their phone at any given time, but its something the FBI would remedy within a day or two.
No phone records for 5 months is an intentional act.
Here is Ben Shapiro on the latest FBI move --

The coincidences just keep piling up.

Back in December, we learned that the Robert Mueller special investigation into supposed Russian election collusion with the Trump campaign had relied on the tender ministrations of FBI agent Peter Strzok. Then we learned that Strzok was involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation, had been involved in launching the Trump investigation, and was staffed on it. Then he was fired after text messages emerged between himself and mistress and co-worker Lisa Page, who was also part of the Trump-Russia probe.

Next, we learned that Strozk texted Page on August 15, 2016 regarding Trump: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in [deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe’s] office that there's no way he gets elected -- but I'm afraid we can't take that risk. It's like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you're 40…”

That message clearly made it sound like the Trump collusion investigation could be a way of stopping Trump’s candidacy.

Now, we’ve learned that Strzok and Page sent each other messages suggesting they knew before the FBI had even reported to then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch about Clinton that Clinton would be exonerated. On July 1, 2016, Lynch announced that she would do whatever then-FBI Director James Comey wanted her to do; that announcement followed a tarmac meeting in Arizona between Lynch and Bill Clinton. Strzok texted Page, “Timing looks like hell.”

Page responded, “It’s a real profile in couragw [sic], since she knows no charges will be brought.”

That sounds an awful lot like the DOJ and the FBI working hand-in-glove to protect Clinton.

And the coincidences don’t stop there. In the most insane coincidence of all, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) announced on Monday that the FBI had somehow failed to deliver months of texts between Strzok and Page — texts beginning December 14, 2016 and ending May 17, 2017, the exact date Mueller was appointed to head the investigation. The DOJ says the texts were lost due to a “technical glitch.” How odd.

This led Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to call again for a second special counsel to investigate the first special counsel investigation.

(tweet omitted)
The coincidences here are too significant to be ignored. Jordan’s call for a second special counsel is looking better and better.
Some of Peter Strzok texts are still coming out
In this one, he admits he has "a sense of unfinished business" that was "unleashed" by the Clinton email case. "Now I need to fix it"


In this one, he flat out calls the Russia probe "an investigation leading to impeachment"
He wrote this before Mueller put him on the team


Upon being asked to join the Mueller team, he admits to his F-B that the FBI wont find anything related to collusion. "I hesitate" to take the spot on Mueller's team "in part because of my gut sense and concern there's no big there there."

Peter Strzok has lawyered up
Hiring the firm Boies, Schiller which, of course, is also connected to Fusion GPS
Boies was/is also Harvey Weinstein's lawyer and might be the highest paid trial lawyer in a city of high-billing attorneys
Boies is from same firm as Karen Dunn who was slated to become Hillary’s White House Counsel had she won the election

If it seems like a Swamp, there is a reason for that

Here is a WAPO piece on GPS Fusion from December - called ‘Journalism for rent’
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James Rybicki, the chief of staff to both former and current FBI Directors, James Comey and Christopher Wray -- has quit

He is the person who circulated the draft Hillary exoneration letter for Comey

I think what this move is about is that by no longer being an employee, Rybicki can take the 5th under oath, and not be fired for it. In addition, if there were plans to have him testify, it will cause a delay since will no longer get government counsel at congressional hearings. And so it might take weeks/months before private counsel is read into all the relevant documents and able to adequately represent him.

Lastly, he has long been suspected to be one of the leakers of classified material tot he media. He is thought to be a source to Axios, perhaps others as well

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Oh for crissakes

This is so f'g cheesy, especially for someone the stature of Comey

What is doing here is that Comey wants to set up a claim of attorney-client privilege over his leaks to this professor, who Comey told Congress (effectively under oath) was only as "a friend." This is the same "fiend" who then knowingly leaked what were stolen FBI documents to the NYT

What a swamp monster

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Peter Strzok has lawyered up
Hiring the firm Boies, Schiller which, of course, is also connected to Fusion GPS
Boies was/is also Harvey Weinstein's lawyer and might be the highest paid trial lawyer in a city of high-billing attorneys
Boies is from same firm as Karen Dunn who was slated to become Hillary’s White House Counsel had she won the election

If it seems like a Swamp, there is a reason for that

Here is a WAPO piece on GPS Fusion from December - called ‘Journalism for rent’

It may not be correct that Strzok employed Boises. The info came from NRO. Not sure if they are sticking with it or not. Maybe Strzok went there to talk to them about it but then found out what they charge?

Here, Sen Ron Johnson says there really was a "secret society" that met "offsite." And he claims they have an informant/whistleblower

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Andrew McCarty does a great job here of tying together these Strzok-Page texts with the Podesta emails and explaining why Hillary was not prosecuted over her obvious mishandling of classified info and her use of private email/server for Govt business.

The whole article is a great read if you care about knowing what happened here.

The fix was in from the beginning to conceal the involvement of Barack Obama.

From the first, these columns have argued that the whitewash of the Hillary Clinton–emails caper was President Barack Obama’s call — not the FBI’s, and not the Justice Department’s. (See, e.g., here, here, and here.) The decision was inevitable. Obama, using a pseudonymous email account, had repeatedly communicated with Secretary Clinton over her private, non-secure email account.

These emails must have involved some classified information, given the nature of consultations between presidents and secretaries of state, the broad outlines of Obama’s own executive order defining classified intelligence (see EO 13526, section 1.4), and the fact that the Obama administration adamantly refused to disclose the Clinton–Obama emails. If classified information was mishandled, it was necessarily mishandled on both ends of these email exchanges.

If Clinton had been charged, Obama’s culpable involvement would have been patent. In any prosecution of Clinton, the Clinton–Obama emails would have been in the spotlight. For the prosecution, they would be more proof of willful (or, if you prefer, grossly negligent) mishandling of intelligence. More significantly, for Clinton’s defense, they would show that Obama was complicit in Clinton’s conduct yet faced no criminal charges.

That is why such an indictment of Hillary Clinton was never going to happen. The latest jaw-dropping disclosures of text messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and his paramour, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, illustrate this point.....

* * *

The decision to purge any reference to Obama is consistent with the panic that seized his administration from the moment Clinton’s use of a private, non-secure server system was revealed in early March 2015. I detailed this reaction in a series of 2016 columns (see, e.g., here and here). What most alarmed Obama and Clinton advisers (those groups overlap) was not only that there were several Clinton–Obama email exchanges, but also that Obama dissembled about his knowledge of Clinton’s private email use in a nationally televised interview.

On March 4, just after the New York Times broke the news about Clinton’s email practices at the State Department, John Podesta (a top Obama adviser and Clinton’s campaign chairman) emailed Cheryl Mills (Clinton’s confidant and top aide in the Obama State Department) to suggest that Clinton’s “emails to and from potus” should be “held” — i.e., not disclosed — because “that’s the heart of his exec privilege.” At the time, the House committee investigating the Benghazi jihadist attack was pressing for production of Clinton’s emails.

As his counselors grappled with how to address his own involvement in Clinton’s misconduct, Obama deceptively told CBS News in a March 7 interview that he had found out about Clinton’s use of personal email to conduct State Department business “the same time everybody else learned it through news reports.” Perhaps he was confident that, because he had used an alias in communicating with Clinton, his emails to and from her — estimated to number around 20 — would remain undiscovered.

His and Clinton’s advisers were not so confident. ....."
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