NRG is the "House the Rodeo Built". Without HLS&R, there wouldn't be a stadium or a team.
Examine closer and you will see the debt on Houston facilities, which include:
1) Toyota Center in downtown
2) The Hilton Hotel which has NEVER broke even. Such an ill-conceived project that Richard Rainwater had it laying on his desk for over a year and couldn't make the numbers work.
3) Enron Farm, aka, Minute Maid Park, which Drayton McLane proclaimed had parking for well over 10,000 cars. True, but typical of Mclane, only about 50 spots were within a couple of blocks. As I told him, just what I'm looking for, getting to walk my 8-year-old daughter 8-10 blocks through homeless and drunks in downtown Houston at 10 o'clock at night to get to my truck. The only times I have been there, I was grateful that Roger has a parking place about 20 feet from the entrance.
4) Reliant/NRG which the Rodeo turns into an economic boom for Harris County. (Also the only entity that publishes REAL numbers of the attendance, revenue, and economic impact.)
5) GRB & a couple of upgrades. County does get to host multiple conventions there, but the tourist would much rather be out by the Astrodome for easier access and for real restaurants.
Total up all that debt, boys & girls, and it comes up to well over a billion dollars in debt. GUESS WHAT? Downtown Houston is STILL a ghost town after 530. So, yes, the taxpayers of Harris County will be on the hook, and 99%+ have NO idea.