Coaching News and Rumors

Jimmy Johnson got most of the credit for the Cowboys last 3 Super Bowl wins. even though Switzer coached 1 of the winners. Jones is hungry for credit. They say victory has 1000 fathers. Alas, Maury Povich can look at the longest current drought in NFC Championship Game appearances and says: "Jerry Jones: You are the father."
Jimmy Johnson got most of the credit for the Cowboys last 3 Super Bowl wins. even though Switzer coached 1 of the winners. Jones is hungry for credit.
Exactly, Crockett. Jerry couldn't stand sharing the spotlight with Jimmy - so he fired him. Proves that the spotlight is more important to Jerry than winning.
The Brain Dead Leadership of the Cowboys Organization Continues

I wish the headline said that. Jerrah has to have dementia. He promoted a coordinator with zero head coach experience, 13 different jobs in the NFL and wasn't even calling plays for the Cowboys? Schottenheimer wasn't being interviewed by any other team this year which tells you his value.

I laugh because I grew up a Cowboys fan since 1976 and Jerrah lost me 20 years ago. I actively hope they lose every game until that man is 6 ft under the ground. Hopefully the children can figure out this isn't just a hobby and if they do I'll return.
The Brain Dead Leadership of the Cowboys Organization Continues

I wish the headline said that. Jerrah has to have dementia. He promoted a coordinator with zero head coach experience, 13 different jobs in the NFL and wasn't even calling plays for the Cowboys? Schottenheimer wasn't being interviewed by any other team this year which tells you his value.

I laugh because I grew up a Cowboys fan since 1976 and Jerrah lost me 20 years ago. I actively hope they lose every game until that man is 6 ft under the ground. Hopefully the children can figure out this isn't just a hobby and if they do I'll return.
As long as the $$$$ keeps rolling in, what does Jerry care?
As long as the $$$$ keeps rolling in, what does Jerry care?

I have never had faith in the vast majority of Cowboys fans to be in reality land, but I have a feeling this hire might wake some people up. IF it does with attendance and revenue declining, maybe he'll pay attention. Otherwise we have to wait for the obituary to have any semblance of hope.
As long as the $$$$ keeps rolling in, what does Jerry care?
Jerrah paid $140,000,000 for the Cowboys in 1989. Conned Arlington tax payers into footing the bill for a $1B+ 🏟. Now owns a franchise valued @ $5B that in football terms isn't worth a used roll of Craig James' toilet tissue.
2025 definition of Jerrah's Cowboys = All Hat, no Cattle.
Jerrah paid $140,000,000 for the Cowboys in 1989. Conned Arlington tax payers into footing the bill for a $1B+ 🏟. Now owns a franchise valued @ $5B that in football terms isn't worth a used roll of Craig James' toilet tissue.
2025 definition of Jerrah's Cowboys = All Hat, no Cattle.
Is that the Craig James autographed paper or the paper featuring his picture?
To be fair is there a single stadium that is not financed by taxpayer funds?
NRG is the "House the Rodeo Built". Without HLS&R, there wouldn't be a stadium or a team.

Examine closer and you will see the debt on Houston facilities, which include:

1) Toyota Center in downtown

2) The Hilton Hotel which has NEVER broke even. Such an ill-conceived project that Richard Rainwater had it laying on his desk for over a year and couldn't make the numbers work.

3) Enron Farm, aka, Minute Maid Park, which Drayton McLane proclaimed had parking for well over 10,000 cars. True, but typical of Mclane, only about 50 spots were within a couple of blocks. As I told him, just what I'm looking for, getting to walk my 8-year-old daughter 8-10 blocks through homeless and drunks in downtown Houston at 10 o'clock at night to get to my truck. The only times I have been there, I was grateful that Roger has a parking place about 20 feet from the entrance.

4) Reliant/NRG which the Rodeo turns into an economic boom for Harris County. (Also the only entity that publishes REAL numbers of the attendance, revenue, and economic impact.)

5) GRB & a couple of upgrades. County does get to host multiple conventions there, but the tourist would much rather be out by the Astrodome for easier access and for real restaurants.

Total up all that debt, boys & girls, and it comes up to well over a billion dollars in debt. GUESS WHAT? Downtown Houston is STILL a ghost town after 530. So, yes, the taxpayers of Harris County will be on the hook, and 99%+ have NO idea.
Jerrah is still a world classeless grifter/ There are so many areas around the Cowboys he is worthless
BUT the Death Star is not one. Arlington voters voted for it and I think it would have been paid off early ( as was the Baseball stadium) except they used the tax income to do renovations.
Buffalo Bills new digs are paid for by all of New York state taxes
NRG is the "House the Rodeo Built". Without HLS&R, there wouldn't be a stadium or a team.

Examine closer and you will see the debt on Houston facilities, which include:

1) Toyota Center in downtown

2) The Hilton Hotel which has NEVER broke even. Such an ill-conceived project that Richard Rainwater had it laying on his desk for over a year and couldn't make the numbers work.

3) Enron Farm, aka, Minute Maid Park, which Drayton McLane proclaimed had parking for well over 10,000 cars. True, but typical of Mclane, only about 50 spots were within a couple of blocks. As I told him, just what I'm looking for, getting to walk my 8-year-old daughter 8-10 blocks through homeless and drunks in downtown Houston at 10 o'clock at night to get to my truck. The only times I have been there, I was grateful that Roger has a parking place about 20 feet from the entrance.

4) Reliant/NRG which the Rodeo turns into an economic boom for Harris County. (Also the only entity that publishes REAL numbers of the attendance, revenue, and economic impact.)

5) GRB & a couple of upgrades. County does get to host multiple conventions there, but the tourist would much rather be out by the Astrodome for easier access and for real restaurants.

Total up all that debt, boys & girls, and it comes up to well over a billion dollars in debt. GUESS WHAT? Downtown Houston is STILL a ghost town after 530. So, yes, the taxpayers of Harris County will be on the hook, and 99%+ have NO idea.
Good news is that these stadiums should last 20-40 more years, meaning the debt will be inflated away.
Good news is that these stadiums should last 20-40 more years, meaning the debt will be inflated away.
The stadiums SHOULD last that long, but the trend is to keep demanding newer stuff to keep up with whatever the last shakedown artist got...

Had the County kept up with it, the Dome would STILL be a fine enough facility. It was indoors, it had plenty of parking, and it used to have a damned fine scoreboard before Bud Adams got greedy...

I wouldn't accuse Bud of "being greedy". He turned down a helluva lot more money from LA to move to Nashville. Houston hated him and loved the Astros owner. One was a lying sack of ****, and he wasn't in the energy business.

My experience was Bud's biggest problem was the people to whom he gave authority. Little things like gifting Earl a new Lincoln (Bud owned all the Lincoln dealerships in town), and then later sending Earl a bill for the car.
But HHD it did bring money spent into Arlington which in the long run benefits more people. I still want to be a fan. There have been some great players.
Don't you wonder why Jerrah doesn't realize IF he hired good football people he could win more games?
3) Enron Farm, aka, Minute Maid Park, which Drayton McLane proclaimed had parking for well over 10,000 cars. True, but typical of Mclane, only about 50 spots were within a couple of blocks. As I told him, just what I'm looking for, getting to walk my 8-year-old daughter 8-10 blocks through homeless and drunks in downtown Houston at 10 o'clock at night to get to my truck. The only times I have been there, I was grateful that Roger has a parking place about 20 feet from the entrance.
aka Daikin Park. If I go there, I much prefer to go to an afternoon game.
But HHD it did bring money spent into Arlington which in the long run benefits more people.
Yes, it did - and Arlington has benefitted financially. The stadium has hosted many events other than football games, all of which have brought attention (and money) to Arlington.
As for winning football - as long as Jerry is the GM, it won't happen. Cowboys fans are used to mediocrity - and they keep spending money to watch it. Keep Arlington green - bring money!
NRG is the "House the Rodeo Built". Without HLS&R, there wouldn't be a stadium or a team.
Pretty much same with AT&T Center in SA. Out of
towners hotel tax & SA Stock Show & Rodeo revenue paid for the Spurs home. They. are now trying to establish a down town Athletic / Entertainment Park-Zone to include a new home for the Spurs + ball park in hopes of attracting an expansion or relocating MLB franchise. Attempting to attract an expansion/transfer NFL franchise is how the Alamodome fiasco was born..