Things are slowing down, with a relative few HC and Coordinator positions remaining unfilled at this point (I can think of a big coordinator position that remains unfilled...

). Position coaches are being lured away and staffs filled in at all levels.
Colorado St -- New HC Steve Addazio (BC) held a press conference, in which he made a special note of his experience recruiting Texas, along with California and Florida... I would expect that, in Texas, CSU will mostly be pitching the sort of guys that normally end up at Tech, SMU, North Texas, Houston, and maybe TCU.
New Mexico -- Still no head coach. In the running are Danny Gonzales (Ariz. St. DC), Curtis Luper (TCU co-OC and RB), and Jay Hill (Weber St. HC)--the apparent new leader.
Ole Miss -- nice Gideon official link here:
Blake Gideon - Football Coach - Ole Miss Athletics
These guys may soon turn into an annual thorn in the aggies' side.
USC -- signs Harrell to multi-year contract extension. An interesting possibility to ponder is: what if the Trojans fare poorly next year? Do they fire Helton, but keep Harrell as OC, as a new HC (depending on the offense's performance, of course)? Pay a big fat buy-out?
UTSA -- hires Jeff Traylor's (new HC) brother Kurt Traylor from Tyler Lee HS as a TE coach, and Will Stein (Lake Travis HS OC) as WR coach. Not a bad idea for this program to turn to the HS coaching ranks. The (nepotism?) hire of brother Kurt Traylor doesn't convey the best optics though. If you want a HS OC, Lake Travis is the place to go.