
Eerie train station scene of how China treats its Uyghurs
They are supposed to have 1M+ in camps (who are not counted as part of their "prison population" since none received trials)
What will they do with disagreeable Hong Kongers?
Good thread about what is going on in those videos
It's not HK but its an example of how China operates currently, and how the NYT/Thomas Friedman want the US to operate

“The Communist Party, Xi Jinping is not a dictator. They listen to the people, they are in power for the common people. The Communist Party is doing a lot of good things."
-- Michael Bloomberg
So did Hitler

Check out this guy (his Twitter says he's "For human rights, democracy, global justice & LGBTI freedom")
How many women did Mao cause the death of? 25 miilion? More?
This is what American 'progressives' would do to us if they could -- camps, starvation, death
Check out this guy (his Twitter says he's "For human rights, democracy, global justice & LGBTI freedom")
How many women did Mao cause the death of? 25 miilion? More?
This is what American 'progressives' would do to us if they could -- camps, starvation, death

To be fair, the twit (writer of the tweet) did say the CPC did commit many crimes. Maybe he should have added, “causing 75m deaths”.
...This is what American 'progressives' would do to us if they could -- camps, starvation, death ...

I think I may have started sooner

In any event, the NYT/Thomas Friedman think this system is better than ours and seek to bring it here
GM Daryl Morey got at odds with the team owner over this. In case you dont already know, the Rockets have had long-standing economic ties inside China ever since Yao Ming.

There are many who claim that while China can block free speech within its borders, it cannot do so outside. I disagree. The Communists in China are quite good at blocking speech outside of China using economic coercion or bribery.

Many 'progressives' in the US want to bring the Chinese system here. Dont let them do it. It's up to you.

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So the Rockets are now officially suffering real economic harm because Morey tweeted out a line in support of HK.

As if this were not odd enough, watching the left freak out over this is even weirder. Lefties censor and seek to censor people all the time, every day, over social speech. Yet now they suddenly despise the use by someone else of one of their primary tools. And the group they despise today, the Communist Chinese, are who they want the US to mimic. This is sort of sticky wicket you get when you have no principles to guide you.

Anyway, here is South Park's take -- "Band in China"

I feel for Morey. The new owner of the Rockets just paid $2.5B for the team. And then this one little comment in a Morey tweet may have cost Fertitta 100s of millions. Ouch. Did you know more people in China watch the NBA than people in the US?

Silver reacts as Chinese TV cancels NBA games

"This is about far more than growing our business. ... Values of equality, respect and freedom of expression have long defined the NBA -- and will continue to do so," Silver said. "As an American-based basketball league operating globally, among our greatest contributions are these values of the game."

Wow, Adam Silver. Just wow. It's good to know that part of the "values of the game" include cowing to a Chinese government overtly practicing violent and ruthless suppression of equality, respect and freedom.

This is every bit about growing your business. Just be truthful enough to admit it. It'll still be disgusting, but at least no one will say you're disgusting AND a liar.
"This is about far more than growing our business. ... Values of equality, respect and freedom of expression have long defined the NBA -- and will continue to do so," Silver said. "As an American-based basketball league operating globally, among our greatest contributions are these values of the game."

What a load of ******** this is. How can you say you are for equality, respect, and freedom of expression when you have just sided with Communist dictatorship, censorship, abuse, and injust for $$$. What a crook. I plan on watching less NBA this year. I don't much anyway until the finals. But all these "woke" coaches like Kerr and Popovich will only criticize the US but never the worst offender of all time. Maybe just maybe I will watch the playoffs if Porzingas stays healthy and Doncic gets the Mavs in.
I've never been much of a Kerr fan, so if nothing else good comes from this, at least he has been exposed for being a raging douchebag

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Hey Seattle Husker,

NBA finally banned players from kneeling during the anthem. About time, right? Wait, it’s the Chinese anthem.
Daryl Morey has single handed exposed the hypocrisy of the NBA, its players and its coaches, pretty much all of the smug progressive Left, and China as a whole.

Incredible. I dont want to see a single liberal criticize Donald Trump ever again unless they are willing to publicly condemn China and agree that Trump is doing the right thing with his trade war with China.

Where's LeBron James? Come on man. Youre a big shot "woke" talking head right? Give us the woke lowdown on China. Im waiting...
Brookings (of all peoples, esp considering they take China money) has caught China manipulating its numbers. It appears China has been lying about economic output for the past decade, by at least 16%. They lie.

Completely unsurprising. Communist governments always lie about economic output. Even the US lies about it and there is some level of transparency here.

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