
Some numbers where you can see US figures begin to normalize--

US Coronavirus Death Rate by date:
4.06% March 8 (22 deaths of 541 cases)
3.69% March 9 (26 of 704)
3.01% March 10 (30 of 994)
2.95% March 11 (38 of 1,295)
2.52% March 12 (42 of 1,695)
2.27% March 13 (49 of 2,247)
1.93% March 14 (57 of 2,954)
1.84% March 15 (68 of 3,680)

As a comparison to Italy -- Feb 23, Italy had only 153 known cases. March 5th the US had only 159 cases. This puts the US 12 days behind Italy. At day 15th (Sunday March 8th), Italy closed down a quarter its country because hospitals had snapped a few days earlier. The US is now early in day 11
This is actually a good question. I always wonder how good question make it through the vetting process of Dems debates. Normally they dont allow them.

What makes this one good is that China covered up the coronavirus outbreak, punished whistleblowers trying to get the truth out, refused to allow in outside experts to figure out what was happening and is now spreading poisonous disinformation blaming it all on the US.

Early US Coronavirus Patients Have Fully Recovered: Health Officials

Patients across the United States who earlier tested positive for the new coronavirus have fully recovered.

Maryland’s first three patients have fully recovered after becoming infected while on a cruise on the Nile River.

“I’m happy to report that the first three cases reported last Thursday have all been cleared to return back to their normal daily schedules,” Montgomery County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles said in a video update.

The trio included a couple in their 70s and another unrelated person in their 50s.

Health officials across the country have reported patients fully recovering. About four out of five patients don’t require hospitalization, according to data gleaned from cases around the world that’s been widely cited by U.S. health officials.
China hints at denying Americans life-saving coronavirus drugs.
Maybe it was not such a good idea to let them take over the supply chain for our pharmaceutical and surgical mask production?
Just sayin
China hints at denying Americans life-saving coronavirus drugs
China only exports what they produce in excess. Believe it or not, they actually prefer to sell to domestic customers. The trouble is that too many company built facilities over there specifically for exports. In my area, chemicals are generally a pain to ship overseas because it requires dedicated tanks on dedicated ships. Thus, China only exports chemicals when it has to, not because they prefer to.
Some interesting numbers out of South Korea
A slow down of new cases without locking up half the population

So South Korea gave the Govt extraordinary powers after the last virus outbreak there 5 years ago (which they did not handle well)
Among their new tools is the power to look at everyones credit card receipts, plus phone and car GPS info (without a warrant or other application to a court)
They have the stats and data of everywhere everyone has been
They then run algorithms to determine who is most at risk based on this data
Then they aggressively targeted those people
This is supposed to have been one of their best tools for success against the Wuhan coronavirus

From reading, it looks like the average SK citizen is fine with this setup and use of their private information. I am not sure US citizens would feel the same, not to mention that pesky Constitution thing that would be in the way
Some numbers where you can see US figures begin to normalize--

US Coronavirus Death Rate by date:
4.06% March 8 (22 deaths of 541 cases)
3.69% March 9 (26 of 704)
3.01% March 10 (30 of 994)
2.95% March 11 (38 of 1,295)
2.52% March 12 (42 of 1,695)
2.27% March 13 (49 of 2,247)
1.93% March 14 (57 of 2,954)
1.84% March 15 (68 of 3,680)

As a comparison to Italy -- Feb 23, Italy had only 153 known cases. March 5th the US had only 159 cases. This puts the US 12 days behind Italy. At day 15th (Sunday March 8th), Italy closed down a quarter its country because hospitals had snapped a few days earlier. The US is now early in day 11
If you take out the initial 40 that were all at a nursing facility in Kirkland, WA the actual death rate isn't much higher than the regular flu. It may be slightly higher, but it's not black death yet the world wants to act as if it is.
So South Korea gave the Govt extraordinary powers after the last virus outbreak there 5 years ago (which they did not handle well)
Among their new tools is the power to look at everyones credit card receipts, plus phone and car GPS info (without a warrant or other application to a court)
They have the stats and data of everywhere everyone has been
They then run algorithms to determine who is most at risk based on this data
Then they aggressively targeted those people
This is supposed to have been one of their best tools for success against the Wuhan coronavirus

From reading, it looks like the average SK citizen is fine with this setup and use of their private information. I am not sure US citizens would feel the same, not to mention that pesky Constitution thing that would be in the way

Socialism/Communism thrives when people are willing to trade freedom for security, food, jobs, and welfare.

This is also how slaves are made.

I'd give up my cell phone and my bank card before I gave them that much power over me, as I'm saying that, I realize, they probably already have it.
Socialism/Communism thrives when people are willing to trade freedom for security, food, jobs, and welfare. ...

I think its more cultural than system of govt.
Technically, SK is a Republic with a president and 3 branches of government (Executive, Legislative, Judicial)
If you take out the initial 40 that were all at a nursing facility in Kirkland, WA the actual death rate isn't much higher than the regular flu. It may be slightly higher, but it's not black death yet the world wants to act as if it is.

Agree but it is highly contagious with exponential growth
Just my 2 cents but, given that contagious nature, ignoring the social separation warnings is incredibly selfish - you might not be in any danger yourself, but you can certainly put other humans in danger.

Here is Mel Brooks' son on that issue
If you take out the initial 40 that were all at a nursing facility in Kirkland, WA the actual death rate isn't much higher than the regular flu. It may be slightly higher, but it's not black death yet the world wants to act as if it is.

The real issue is the information that doctors are getting and the source of that information. I think they are being fed this and they in turn are passing out the doom and gloom news to patients. Statistically speaking if 66% of our population is under 50 they have a chance of dying .0002 so for every 10,000 cases, 2 people will die. More will die in traffic accidents today.

The people to worry are the over 60 and those with compromised immune systems. They are the people that should be worried and should be quarantining themselves. My biggest fear isn't that my kids get it, no my biggest fear is my parents get it. They are both relatively healthy but are both over 75. They are also very well off and tend towards eating out just about every day. For this, their lives are being disrupted.
I thought that Brooks public service video was excellent.

It's the best one Ive seen.
But it raises the next question of whether millennials generally have this much of a conscience? Are they willing to put up with a few weeks of individual sacrifice to save the Boomers? Twenty years ago, I would have said "of course!" Its not even a real question. But now? I dont know
It's the best one Ive seen.
But it raises the next question of whether millennials generally have this much of a conscience? Are they willing to put up with a few weeks of individual sacrifice to save the Boomers? Twenty years ago, I would have said "of course!" Its not even a real question. But now? I dont know

The WSJ even has an article up about the generational gap with regard to the coronavirus --
“They’re preventing us from living,” said Timothée Thierry, a 30-year-old statistician at France’s health ministry. He spoke on Sunday, after the government shut down bars but before it locked down the entire country.
A Generational War Is Brewing Over Coronavirus
My uncle believes that the issue with American Youth is that there is no longer a draft. Back in his day you finish high school and go to college or go in the draft serve your country for a few years get out and do your thing.

I of course immediately say BS, but this virus has made me rethink my stance. We have a whole generation of kids that have no concept of duty or responsibility. They are a generation of consumers that don't want to produce. Just like my parents generation wept for my generation, I weep for this generation, only I am justified in doing so.
My uncle believes that the issue with American Youth is that there is no longer a draft. Back in his day you finish high school and go to college or go in the draft serve your country for a few years get out and do your thing. ....

They do seem willing to fight ... for their right ... to party

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