Chance of Football in 2020

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I think teams/conferences that go only for conference games should automatically get forfeited for any post season games. If you are not willing to play in a non-conference during the season then why should you play one post season. If you do, then it clearly is a show that you are all about money and not football.
I think I predicted cases would fall 3 weeks ago. It’s going down because of herd immunity, not because of masks. Football games not going to measurably change the trend.

Herd immunity means cases are going down, not eliminated. It means R is less than 1.0, not zero. We will have cases until March next year. It’s just that the chances of getting infected approaches other maladies.
We are basically at the point (many of us predicted along with enlightened, non-mainstream medical types) where nothing we do or dont do will make a measured difference. We were always at that point....but powers that be weren't selling it. Football or no football, masks or no masks.....this virus is and always was going to make it's way naturally through the population.
I read articles every day in various publications.....same story....
Vilifying someone or raising red flags, suggesting something that indicates sports shouldn't go on.
There's only one problem....
Where are the deaths that resulted? Where are the serious illnesses and hospitalizations?
Stories say outbreaks within the Miami Marlins, Michigan State, others are indicative of our need to rethink having sports. I read articles demonizing Novak Djokavic (worlds#1 tennis player) for organizing and hosting his own tennis tournament that sparked a minor outbreak. We see multiple news accounts every day sharing the "horror" at outbreaks or potential for outbreaks as teams from various sports return for training, practice etc.
A question for the sports writers demonizing Djokovic, accusing irresponsibility of various sports influencers and leagues, railing against a return to CFB, MLB, NFL et al, and demanding a halt....
You left out the number of deaths and serious illnesses caused by the team's return from your articles. You left out the countless stories of teams who have returned and seen many positive tests and spikes but now have returned to "normal" and moved deaths, no hospitalizations, no serious illnesses. Kansas, Texas, Phoenix Suns, Dallas Cowboys, Texas Rangers, etc etc etc. The list is a mile long.
What I saw at Djokovics tournament were a bunch of people outside, smiling, laughing, having a nice time while raising money for charity. Havent heard anyone who was actually there complain a bit....just "journalists " who weren't. I see young college men enjoying getting back to what they love and working hard with, healthy. and ready to work. 5 cases becomes 10 then 14 then 15 then 8 then 2 then zero. Move on...nothing to see here. 11 positive tests turns into......what????? That's my question. What happened next? Did the team fill up a wing at the local hospital? Did the virus spread to onlookers or staff and they took it home and babies were infected? Did the older man photographing the workout get it and die?
What happened when teams resume practice and sport returns?? You left this out of your article.
We see what happens....we know what happens......
You know what happens?
People test positive, players are quarantined (waste of time), they play video games, eat pizza and workout at home, team and surrounding people reach herd immunity nonetheless, and they get back to what they do.....
...While the stories of the "horrors" of a return to sport continue to beat the drum around them.
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500 people die each day due to auto fatalities, murder, suicides, and drug overdoses. Most of these folks are young. No one cares.

US is currently at 900-1000 covid deaths per day (average) of older folks. Likely to be in the 500 range in the Fall. Murders, suicides and drug overdoses are apparently up significantly due to the shutdowns. Yet everyone seems to care about covid deaths and nothing else.
Florida is reporting 9,956 new cases and 251 new deaths this morning. United States Coronavirus: 4,581,528 Cases and 154,159 Deaths - Worldometer Also, Herman Cain, a high risk individual, has died of the disease.
Thanks for sharing on Cain, a great American "success" story - and strong Conservative voice. Did not know that he had passed. I know a young African American lady in my community trying to follow in his footsteps. Think I'll go grab a Godfathers pizza in tribute/memoriam if I get the chance.

I do hope, by your post, you arent suggesting the Florida Marlins return to the field is responsible for the death(s)...
"I do hope, by your post, you aren't suggesting the Florida Marlins return to the field is responsible for the death(s)..." I'm not "suggesting" anything, certainly not that. I was just reporting the numbers.
500 people die each day due to auto fatalities, murder, suicides, and drug overdoses. Most of these folks are young. No one cares.

US is currently at 900-1000 covid deaths per day (average) of older folks. Likely to be in the 500 range in the Fall. Murders, suicides and drug overdoses are apparently up significantly due to the shutdowns. Yet everyone seems to care about covid deaths and nothing else.
I view the virus much like an auto accident. Murders, suicides, drug overdoses...all preventable (murder arguably so)
Car accidents? Well...I suppose you could never ever drive a car, be a passenger in one, or be a pedestrian near a road and avoid it, but....are you really going to do that?
If you have health risks and want to stay home for can...but even then, what are you going to do? Never leave the house? Order food delivery every day? Stop your mail and other deliveries? Hire a personal shopper and chef and make them wear a bubble suit? Think about this people.
The virus will make its rounds one way or the other.
Even if you get it....the odds are extremely, extremely low you will die, arent even that high that you will even get very ill...and if you do get ill there most definitely are treatments IF YOU KNOW WHERE TO LOOK. Get them if you are worried about it and want to ...and get on with life....or don't. No one is forcing you. But at least let those who wish to do so do so in peace.
If you have health risks and want to stay home for can...but even then, what are you going to do? Never leave the house? Order food delivery every day? Stop your mail and other deliveries? Hire a personal shopper and chef and make them wear a bubble suit? Think about this people.
Interesting (?) side note. I live in an apartment in a very large, gated, retirement community with seven or eight large buildings (I've lost count because they keep building more). When the first surge occurred, we were told to stay in our apartments. Our mail was delivered outside our individual doors. Meals were also left outside our doors (to be reheated). When we ordered groceries, supplies, etc. to be delivered from the grocery store or Amazon, etc., their delivery people were only allowed to deliver to the main building, from which community employees would deliver them to individual rooms. The swimming pool, exercise rooms, restaurants, and hair salons were all shut down. All the employees had to wear masks and gloves and go through temperature checks and symptom questioning when they came to work each morning. Of course, residents were required to wear masks whenever we had to venture outside our apartments. Visitors (family and friends) were not allowed to visit the community. We have almost 2,000 residents here, and so far, the number of confirmed cases is still less than 10, with only 2 deaths. We are in a partial reopening now. The hair salons and gym are open again, with social distancing and mask requirements in each. The hair salon reopening was especially welcome news to me because my hair was starting to look like it did in my old hippie days at UT. I've started going to the grocery store again once a week at 6 am on Sunday morning when it is almost empty. Plus, I still jog around the campus very early in the mornings, again when there is hardly anyone else around. All in all, a pain in the butt, but a bearable pain. P.S., since pot is legal in Colorado, I've also resumed going to the pot shop once a month to restock on supplies that definitely help me pass the time without complaining. ;)
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Interesting (?) side note. I live in an apartment in a very large, gated, retirement community with seven or eight large buildings (I've lost count because they keep building more). When the first surge occurred, we were told to stay in our apartments. Our mail was delivered outside our individual doors. Meals were also left outside our doors (to be reheated). When we ordered groceries, supplies, etc. to be delivered from the grocery store or Amazon, etc., their delivery people were only allowed to deliver to the main building, from which community employees would deliver them to individual rooms. The swimming pool, exercise rooms, restaurants, and hair salons were all shut down. All the employees had to wear masks and gloves and go through temperature checks and symptom questioning when they came to work each morning. Of course, residents were required to wear masks whenever we had to venture outside our apartments. Visitors (family and friends) were not allowed to visit the community. We have almost 2,000 residents here, and so far, the number of confirmed cases is still less than 10, with only 2 deaths. We are in a partial reopening now. The hair salons and gym are open again, with social distancing and mask requirements in each. I've started going to the grocery store again once a week at 6 am on Sunday morning when it is almost empty. Plus, I still jog around the campus very early in the mornings, again when there is hardly anyone else around. All in all, a pain in the butt, but a bearable pain. P.S., since pot is legal in Colorado, I've also resumed going to the pot shop once a month to restock on supplies that definitely help me pass the time without complaining.
This personal account is very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I know I sound like a "hard-liner"....but I am open to influence-a little- and more than anything am interested in first-hand stories "from the field ". Your situation and circumstances sound very unique and interesting. Keep us posted, thanks, and all the best to you. Keep jogging!
If you look at my posts about 3 months ago, I proposed that each season ticket holder attends one game. As such, you have 1/6 the attendance in the season ticket holder sections. You wouldn’t have to move seats. It could be randomly generated as to who goes to which game. Maybe it ought to be 2 games out of 6. If this is the final plan, I will laugh my *** off and you will never hear the end of it from me.
500 people die each day due to auto fatalities, murder, suicides, and drug overdoses
This is the reason these things are regulated. We are required to wear seat belts because cars are dangerous. Think of a mask like a seat belt for your face.

We outlaw the transmission of drugs. Think of mask requirements like outlawing the transmission of COVID.

Murder is likewise illegal (as are thinks like recklessly and negligently causing the death of another). Refusing to wear a mask in public if you have COVID (and you may not know if you have it) has the potential to recklessly or negligently kill anyone you come into close contact with.

Not much we can do to regulate suicides. But please remember that refusing to wear a mask isn't risking your own health. It is risking the health of everyone else. My mask is for your protection. Your mask is for my protection.
This is the reason these things are regulated. We are required to wear seat belts because cars are dangerous. Think of a mask like a seat belt for your face.

We outlaw the transmission of drugs. Think of mask requirements like outlawing the transmission of COVID.

Murder is likewise illegal (as are thinks like recklessly and negligently causing the death of another). Refusing to wear a mask in public if you have COVID (and you may not know if you have it) has the potential to recklessly or negligently kill anyone you come into close contact with.

Not much we can do to regulate suicides. But please remember that refusing to wear a mask isn't risking your own health. It is risking the health of everyone else. My mask is for your protection. Your mask is for my protection.
Since attending a college football game is a privilege and not a right, i have no problems with whatever restrictions that are deemed prudent. Just don’t cancel the season due to hysteria.
500 people die each day due to auto fatalities, murder, suicides, and drug overdoses. Most of these folks are young. No one cares.

Not to belabor the point too much but who said no one care about these deaths. Outside of the current COVID climate, these are constant topics of news and politics. Gun regulation and its relationship to murder and suicides has been one of the biggest political battles for at least the last 30 years. The government started a "war on drugs." And driving restrictions increase every year. When I got a license you could drive like anyone else. Now there are tons of restrictions for at least the first year and probably longer. Seat belts and air bags and a thousand other safety devices are now mandatory for all cars based on government regulation - often controversial regulation.

Right now COVID is the #1 news topic. But these other things are still regulated, still the topic of the news, and still very political.
Speaking of seat belt requirements and betraying my age if I hadn't already done that, my Mom used to tell me that (in the days before seat belts) as soon as I was old enough to stand up, I would stand on the front bench seat in the car with my hand on her shoulder to steady myself as she drove. She told me we went everywhere, even on trips, like that.
Not to belabor the point too much but who said no one care about these deaths. Outside of the current COVID climate, these are constant topics of news and politics. Gun regulation and its relationship to murder and suicides has been one of the biggest political battles for at least the last 30 years. The government started a "war on drugs." And driving restrictions increase every year. When I got a license you could drive like anyone else. Now there are tons of restrictions for at least the first year and probably longer. Seat belts and air bags and a thousand other safety devices are now mandatory for all cars based on government regulation - often controversial regulation.

Right now COVID is the #1 news topic. But these other things are still regulated, still the topic of the news, and still very political.
None of those things work particularly well to reduce death so why would anyone expect otherwise for the virus other than maybe equating seatbelts with masks use?
I'm on the fence about cancelling the season. I am the last person that I ever thought would feel that way. No band; no students, being displaced in the stadium with HS attendance numbers.

I could agree with cancellation as long as Herman reduces his pay by 90%, and other coaches by 50-75%. Give the players a shot at the Dean's List for two semesters. Look forward to baseball season.
I'd much rather everyone move the football season to spring rather than cancel it as a whole but if they were to cancel the season do you think that athletes would be given another year of eligibility for fall sports like they did with spring? I personally believe it would be much more difficult to give fall athletes another year than it was spring.
I think the football players would get an extra year, but also think the NFL draft would take on a new format or even a form of free agency. If we had a coach with a pair, he would then encourage the puppets to seek NFL opportunities early, as in immediately.
Steve Adler says play football but NO fans....I wonder if UT contributed $100 for each fan attending to BLM, if Steve would agree to a full-capacity stadium....

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