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Thankfully the worse [sic?] is over

Screenshot from Worldometer of daily new COVID deaths in Texas (solid orange line is 3 day rolling average) (The big dips usually correspond to weekends--I think some of the people responsible for the reporting do not work seven day shifts)
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I’m sorry to pick on you, obviously you do not live in Houston or make your living in the healthcare industry since you allow the usage of the words “doctor” and “hospital” so loosely
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If you meant me (stanhin), then I'm lost. My prior post was just a link to a CNN article, the first two sentences of which read: "Dr. Joseph Varon hasn’t had a day off in months. Friday was his 134th consecutive day leading the coronavirus unit at Houston’s United Memorial Medical Center." You are correct that I don't live in Houston and do not make my living in the healthcare industry. However, don't worry about picking on me. As a member of an internet message board, I'm acutely aware of what's in store for me each time I muster up sufficient courage to make a post. ;)
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Screenshot from Worldometer of daily new COVID deaths in Texas (solid orange line is 3 day rolling average) (The big dips usually correspond to weekends--I think some of the people responsible for the reporting do not work seven day shifts)
In the last few weeks, large portion of deaths have been in border counties with folks crossing the border for healthcare. Hidalgo county to name one - they are about to pass Dallas and Harris counties for most deaths in the state.
CNN and ABC have both been there and reported from there. Both did about as much homework as a Pre K kid.

The political Exploitation of this is beyond comprehension.
Have you noticed the media happens to show up in a county or hospital at “peak surge” cases while ignoring the post-peak states or counties? It allows them to ignore the impact of herd immunity AND social distancing/masks (both work hand in hand to reduce cases). We have 50 states with some states like Ohio and Missouri still weeks away from peak. Media is going ride this all the way to Election Day. By Nov 1, media will be camped outside a podunk hospital in a isolated corner of Montana reporting on the pandemic.
Media is going ride this all the way to Election Day. By Nov 1, media will be camped outside a podunk hospital in a isolated corner of Montana reporting on the pandemic.

Whatever works is fine with me. ;)
Screenshot from Worldometer of daily new COVID deaths in Texas (solid orange line is 3 day rolling average) (The big dips usually correspond to weekends--I think some of the people responsible for the reporting do not work seven day shifts)
First, if you use the seven day average, it removes the variance caused by lack of reporting on the weekend.

Second, the surge in either cases or deaths follow the same formula: 4 weeks of surge, 1 week of plateau, and 1 week of slight decline. As you can see below, Texas is about to start the plateau week. After that, the media moves on to another state to spread their fear porn.

Once again for the know nothings. Since the author visited the hospital on July 17, ICU patients in the Houston area are down over 20%.

Plus....the fact that we know many people coming in have been scared to death, have greater panic when they begin "treatment" and see the environment in these facilities, and some are incorrectly intubated and their health damaged even to the point of death.
If this were being handled properly, the level of concern and fear would be diminished by the medical practitioners when they arrive and the entire environment created made less menacing....and I believe you would see better results at these facilities. The entire handling of this is enough to give some people a heart attack.....literally.
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There are many good to great hospitals in Houston. I detest Memorial Systems and shall not be treated in any of them with the possible exception of Herman, which is rapidly sliding downhill since the death of Jim Duke.

The horrific decision by the board at The University of Texas to turn over the management of MD Anderson and St Luke's to Catholic Healthcare Incompetence is beyond description, and I cannot in good conscience recommend anyone go to either. Those idiots couldn't run a small town McDonalds in nowhere Iowa and turn a profit if it was the only restaurant for 100 miles around.

Why do no city emergency vehicles transport there? Why did they change their name to make people (including Sheila Jackson-Lee) think it was part of Memorial Herman? Where else do their physicians have privileges? There should be political outrage over this, but instead the media makes them out to be Johns Hopkins.

You said you are from Mission. You may be familiar with the small hospital in Rio Grande City and its capabilities. I'd rather be treated there.

Someone needs to follow the money, but we don't do that where Democrats are concerned.
Ya know those weekend dips on the chart are interesting. So many explanations possible, many not favorable. I guess in the averages it does not matter but what really happens to the Sat/Sun data? Does it go onto Fri, or Monday? If people really do not expire on weekends then we better find out what the ‘reduced’ weekend staff is doing and copy it.
There should be political outrage over this,

Judging by your screed, it seems there is ample outrage. Perhaps you were just lamenting that the outrage is not sufficiently bipartisan? ;)
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The Political Exploitation is the only thing that people who cannot comprehend science can use as an excuse for not understanding what a pandemic is.

What do you call funneling all the testing to the politicians buddie$ rather than to world class facilities with massive research labs, which are better prepared and better located.What do you call the media refusal to do a minimum amount of research and call out the politicians or follow the money trail?

These are the primary reasons so few Texans got tested the first three months, then five times as many were tested in two months once OTHER, non political testing sites were finally opened.

Please define "political exploitation" if your liberal buddies don't define it.

While I do not follow the death charts as closely as some on this board, much of that is because the death reporting seems to running weeks (3-5) behind schedule, unless of course they are using motorcycle accident victims to pad their political stats.
That only makes me question it more. If that long I really have to ask what happens that makes week ends so healthy? Certainly weekend lab testing, etc. is down but that is not the same as declaring ones time (and hence day) of death. Don’t get me wrong I’m not making any statement here I’m just genuinely curious.
I have no idea why someone dies Memorial Day Weekend, but isn't a Covid announced statistic until July. My only guess is that the numbers suit the politician$ reporting purposes better at that time. OR

perhaps the "better" healthcare facilities are refusing to cooperate with or be associated with the politically "chosen" places.
That’s where I’m coming from, there are so many diverse excuses that there could be here I just wonder what the thinking, if there is any mind you, could be because it is obvious to me the data is erroneous.
CNN and ABC have both been there and reported from there. Both did about as much homework as a Pre K kid.

The political Exploitation of this is beyond comprehension.
No it's not. Not when you consider the IQ and critical thinking skills (or lack thereof) of the average American. They know they can say, present, glorify whatever they want, unchecked, and most will eat it up.
Ya know those weekend dips on the chart are interesting. So many explanations possible, many not favorable. I guess in the averages it does not matter but what really happens to the Sat/Sun data? Does it go onto Fri, or Monday? If people really do not expire on weekends then we better find out what the ‘reduced’ weekend staff is doing and copy it.
When the day crew arrives on Monday morning, one of the tasks I imagine is to get people out of the ICU one way or another. Lot of people here don’t seem to understand what happens in a hospital. Managed death is one of them, which is okay. We can’t afford people to be incubated forever in the ICU with very low quality of life. Decisions have to be made by family members. Generally this happens during the work week unless the patient makes the decision and dies over the weekend.
There's certainly merit to what you say mc,,, I get it but that, at least in my thinking rightly or wrongly, would not account for the huge disparity - would it? I know you're not saying it but all these patients are not on ventilators are they? And again, I do not know how many are in assisted livings or similar situation but I doubt many of those are intubated, at least I sure hope not.
Nevertheless it is just a curiosity thing. Not going to change anything one way or the other, just seems odd. You are absolutely correct on the 'managed death' but seems a lot of disparity as I said.
There's certainly merit to what you say mc,,, I get it but that, at least in my thinking rightly or wrongly, would not account for the huge disparity - would it? I know you're not saying it but all these patients are not on ventilators are they? And again, I do not know how many are in assisted livings or similar situation but I doubt many of those are intubated, at least I sure hope not.
Nevertheless it is just a curiosity thing. Not going to change anything one way or the other, just seems odd. You are absolutely correct on the 'managed death' but seems a lot of disparity as I said.
These folks who are in the ICU have multiple problems. It’s just not liver or kidney problems, or heart disease or respiratory disease. Typically, it’s all 3 of them at the same time. At some point, you throw your hands up in the air and say continued living just isn’t manageable. They are also in pain, so increasing the pain meds during the week will basically result in the same outcome.
Absolutely true and on weekends just like week days.
BTW, I thought the comment earlier on this or another thread challenging an ER doc on such things as processing a patient and their meds (hydroxy) was a bit absurd. If anyone treats and is necessarily responsible for every diagnosis and situational medical conditions it is the good ER doc. Oh and male or female, these folks are remarkable.
No it's not. Not when you consider the IQ and critical thinking skills (or lack thereof) of the average American. They know they can say, present, glorify whatever they want, unchecked, and most will eat it up.
And it is the minority, poorer, less educated, and many youth that readily eat it up at a faster rate than any other group (except their drones). That group, in number, has passed or is passing a tipping point and is the primary reason our future looks bleak politically speaking (at least through worldly/human eyes).
This is, of course, right out of the communist playbook and their mentors, forefathers, and patriarchs are somewhere (probably hell) smiling right now.
The only good news is, in reality, even when "they win" they are losing...though it makes me sad for some...and, ultimately, that which is good and right and true will prevail.
...But it won't look pretty in the meantime.

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