Chance of Football in 2020

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Play it and I will come. If you honestly believe masks filter viral particles, well I feel for you. If you believe masks make you feel better I can buy that.
Washing hands? Now that is practical, as is hand sanitizers, but just put you fingers on the side of your mask and tell me you cannot feel your breath, not even considering the filtration factor of a piece of cloth. Ha
Play it and I will come. If you honestly believe masks filter viral particles, well I feel for you. If you believe masks make you feel better I can buy that.
Washing hands? Now that is practical, as is hand sanitizers, but just put you fingers on the side of your mask and tell me you cannot feel your breath, not even considering the filtration factor of a piece of cloth. Ha
I'm not a big handwasher, been to H-E-B and Costco multiple times over the last few months, have allergies but no sign of covid. Not really sure you can get it by touching something. I've taken things off the shelf put it back touched grocery carts etc etc etc. Don't stop at the hand sanitizer at the door once went through Costco without a mask and didn't get talked to until receipt check while going out the door with my stuff.....Not going to bars or anything but geez at some point it's sort of obvious....
Good on ya Zucker. I do think the ‘washing’ aspect is a positive measure but mainly because I have itchy eyes and a frequent nose drip, soooo I try to wash often since I’m prone to touch those areas without thinking. Like you I have read that solid surfaces are not likely to transmit the virus.
The SEC did go to a 10-game, conference-only schedule
Their first games are Sept 26
SEC title game Dec 19
Seems like a lot of trouble to go to just so LSU can avoid us
I'm with someone else here who said if teams play no out of conference opponents or at least do not replace them with comparably ranked opponents, they should be excluded from playoffs and tier 1 bowls.
Good on ya Zucker. I do think the ‘washing’ aspect is a positive measure but mainly because I have itchy eyes and a frequent nose drip, soooo I try to wash often since I’m prone to touch those areas without thinking. Like you I have read that solid surfaces are not likely to transmit the virus.
Ok, here's my story. While school was doing distance learning I was home with my two daughters, 7 1/2 and 6. At lunch we'd go get drive thru and head back home (just to get out of the house). We were coming back and on KLBJ they were talking about Steve Adler's response to Governor Abbott's no mask/no jail/no fine edict. About two week's before, Abbott had sent out his order and both Adler and Sarah Eckhardt the judge said well we'll see about THAT. So it's a couple weeks later and Steve Adler admitted that he couldn't have people arrested or fined for not wearing a mask. And he said something like "well maybe we can't arrest you or fine you but knowing you may have killed someone just might be punishment enough!" I laughed/guffawed loudly and my older child said "Daddy why'd you laugh" and I said never mind and she said no I want to know. So I parked in the driveway and told her what I stated in this post. I just said "you know, everyone's got their own opinion, but I just thought it was a little bit dramatic". The older child said "that IS a little dramatic" and I chuckled and we started getting out of the truck. In the meantime one of our neighbors had walked to the mailbox and was on his way back on our side of the street. We were getting out of the truck right when he walked past our house with NO MASK and my oldest smiled, elbowed me and said "Look, Daddy, that guy's trying to KILL US"! 7 years old. If you don't get the impression from some of my posts, I am sort of a smartass, my wife is a smartass, so it is logical it could be genetic. When I tell my smartass friends about it, I say "Yes, The Force/Smartass is strong in this one"....
Thanks for sharing zuck. If I had gone into lockdown, and there are those who would argue I should at my age, I would have missed spending some great times with my grandkids in Nashville this summer. Thankful my daughter cherished those times enough to allow them to visit. One short life is all we have.
Why are games being cancelled when cases are going down? By Sept 1, cases will be under 5000 daily and football games won’t change the trend.

Anyone who is for continued lockdown and a ban on football is a misogynist in my mind for supporting policies that increase domestic violence.

Unintended Consequences of Lockdowns: COVID-19 and the Shadow Pandemic
Linky no worky but "Unintended??". I don't even care to go back and look but I know I posted comments back when lockdowns were first being discussed that suicides and domestic violence would skyrocket. A few other posters here said the same thing. I still say all the domestic and economic issues will turn out to be far worse than the coronavirus.
Conspiracist here and I’m telling you the whole thing is political. A political football if you will.
I know it is, though I don't know to what degree...
But I do know there are much more disconcerting, scary, dangerous, and even deadly (in some regards) things going on right now than covid. Covid itself is not in my top 5 and probably not top 10.
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Conspiracist here and I’m telling you the whole thing is political. A political football if you will.
"Political football" he he he
The football has turned political.
.. and the basketball, and the baseball, and the hockey puck, and the tennis ball, and the...
I'm with someone else here who said if teams play no out of conference opponents or at least do not replace them with comparably ranked opponents, they should be excluded from playoffs and tier 1 bowls.

The ACC (I think) is going to a conf only + one
This would allow geographical rivalries to continue
Such as Clemson/USC and Georgia/GTU - if the SEC will cooperate
(USC may have voted against it)
The SEC did go to a 10-game, conference-only schedule
Their first games are Sept 26
SEC title game Dec 19
Seems like a lot of trouble to go to just so LSU can avoid us

"They" are saying the first date we could possibly reschedule the LSU Scaredycats would be 2027.
That year, LSU already has ou
While we already have Big Blue
We currently have zero coronavirus positives on the team.
No one in isolation
We begin testing players twice a week when mandatory team activities begin in August

Also, all students returning to campus will be required to wear a face covering, keep six feet apart and participate in daily symptom screening through the Protect Texas Together App.
Parties, on or off campus, are not allowed
Sounds like the Pac-12 is also going to a 10-game schedule starting Sept 26
When cases are way down by Sept 1, it wouldn’t surprise me that scrimmages will be held with lesser teams like SHSU, UTSA, Rice, etc.

With LSU cancelling both Texas & Rice, there is a definite possibility of a Texas/Rice matchup if CDC is looking for a game, but only if the MOB shows up.

With LSU cancelling both Texas & Rice, there is a definite possibility of a Texas/Rice matchup if CDC is looking for a game, but only if the MOB shows up.
Alternatively why not play a 3 game non-conference schedule in the Spring after Spring camp?
When cases are way down by Sept 1, it wouldn’t surprise me that scrimmages will be held with lesser teams like SHSU, UTSA, Rice, etc.

I think one reason for the later starts is the conferences want to see how it goes with the NFL first
But ou did the opposite, moving a game up a week (perhaps they wanted to get that game out of the way before the Supreme Court took it away from them?)

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