Cedric Benson Arrested

since 73, no there aren't several there. And, I'd bet taht was one of the few ones that were predominantly African American. Easy to spot I'm sure.
So tell me 73, why does the cop arrest Benson only and no one else for PI? Why does he let someone else drive the boat? Is there a sober person to drive the boat? 30 feet is a big momma boat. I taught water skiing to rich kids in the summer and was a competitive skier so I've been around boats my whole life and I wouldn't turn over a 30 foot boat to just anyone to drive up and trailor.

As I said I bet Benson was drunk or at least had had a few. I bet the cop was a jerk and maced him for just asking questions. I bet the truth is right in between the 2 stories. But we'll have to wait for this to clear. But this whole thing looks fishy from both sides at this point. To think this is all one sided is naive,.
Yeah, I live in Austin, do you? Believe me, given the demographics on the boat, they would have stuck out like a sore thumb. It's just the way it is.

And, i'm not defending him just because he's a Horn. Read this board regarding our feelings for Joseph, Henry, Hardeman and the like. Mack does the best he can, but sometimes you'll get the kid that's more suited for the sooners, especially the switzer days.

Cedric is no choir boy, but that doens't mean he was the instigator here.

You're an ou fan, right?
No rich guys in Austin who are black like big boats & go to Lake Travis? Interesting....
Were all the occupants on that boat black? I haven't read that.
Where are you coming up w/ you demographic information? Guessing?
Rodman owns a huge cigar boat that he keeps on lake Texoma. It's white w/ big pink letters that read, "White Chicks Only."
He's a pretty big black man as well if memory serves & I've never heard of him getting a BWB.
Is that exclusive to Lake Travis?
btw: I've been on this board longer than anyone on this thread & if you think the excuses much like they are for Ced (and even more so) for the above mention when they were busted were not pro player than you either have a selective memory or are an apologist for Longhorn behavior.
I can recite every excuse for those guys that you guys made & even though they were found guilty for the most part you guys all started out w/ the same-ole-same-ole of it's the cops fault.
Also, Mack in the past 5 years has had more players busted than Switzer & Sherrill combined in their entire career.
Think about that...
I'll be honest I don't believe Ced's version of events. They seem over the top and just scream "I'm trying to save my ***". Having said that spending 7 years of my adult (well post 18) life in Austin give me the experience to know that anything is possible with them.

While a student at UT, I remember leaving a party on 6th street with a bunch of friends and as always the APD tended to congregate at 2AM around parties thrown by fraternities and sororities of the negro persuasion. Well this one particular evening as a buddy of mine was leaving the party he tripped over the curb as he was walking backwards as he was facing us to talk. Unbeknownst to him he apparently committed the major felony of nearly tripping into a horse of one of these APD cops. Well the cop took offense to him nearly touching his beloved beast and commenced to putting my buddy into a chokehold while atop of the horse. We all watched in astonishment and eventually his fellow officers got him to let go and made a woeful attempt at apologizing by telling us and everyone watching to move along.
Rodman had that boat on Lake Travis as well. He's been pulled over before. I don't know about BWB.

And yes, there aren't alot of African American's out there boating. There just isn't.

Not suprised about Mack having more players busted than Switzer and Sherrill combined. I'm sure you can get away with everything and anything in those towns. ou and atm is the lifeblood of norman and college station. In Austin, UT is a part of the city, big part, but there are other things here as well.

I'm sure Switzer's boys got away with alot. Thanks for pointing that out. I'd bet they would almost get away with murder.
I've never run afoul of the law...well maybe once-but they couldn't link the corpse to me.
Anyway, CB was more than likely buzzed, at the least- but trust me, many cops have a different mentality than you and I. Some love the power, that's why we see many cops wearing army boots and camo pants...on their days off.
I wonder if they ever gave Ced a breathalyzer after they arrested him to determine how drunk he was. Isn't that standard procedure? I believe you can refuse it before being arrested but don't they force you to take it once they take you to the jail?
I know Cedric and I have very little faith it played out exactly how he said it did. That being said, given my own personal and my friends experience with Police, I trust them less.

F the Police!
Benson is going to be given a hard time by his team mates on this crying thing. With that said, this whole thing is starting to look like a joke to the LCRA. And to 73 and others that said they didn't know this was Benson's boat, PLEASE..... LCRA knew exactly who they were boarding. And they had 6 officers to boot. I've been boarded before and I've never had more then 2 in a boat. They knew who they were looking for and they came prepared. Now that everyone has camera phones, at least this kind of thing can get documented and it's not just your word against the cops.
Benson had a real good opportunity to show up the ALP & pass a breathalyzer when he went back to the station.
He refused to take one.
Que the "those things are rigged when a current or former UT player blows in one of those things"
Refusal to take a breathalyzer is not evidence of guilt. It is your right under the constitution to refuse. ******** Texas law lets them imply your were drunk tho.
Refusal to take a breathalyzer is, in fact, potentially evidence of guilt under Texas law (as you admit). This is also just common sense beyond the question of whether it is legally correct. Besides, what other evidence is conclusive? You would prefer that anyone who refused a breath (or blood) test walks or that they could be convicted solely on the word of a cop that they were "acting drunk"? If he wasn't drunk, he should have taken the test.